From Foes to Flames-part 14

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Chapter 14


I lay in my bed facing the wall so she can't see how flustered I am, she hugged me. Me the person she hated four days ago, ME. I want to lay on my bed and kick my feet like a little girl right now, no don't do that she is right there. I eventually roll over once my face is less red and I see her passed out at my desk. I get up and lift her head of her keyboard. Her eyes flutter awakes slowly, and I giggle when I see the keyboard imprints on her forehead. "You got a little something there" I say and point at her forehead. She gets up and walks to the bathroom, when she comes back, she's laughing her head off. She flops onto my bed face first to try to calm down a bit.

She points at her forehead when she finally sits up "I got- "laughs "keyboard pr- "laughs "my forehead" she cuts herself off for the third time by laughing. I laugh at her childishness while she falls back onto the bed again.

"Ok rule number two don't let Adeline drink coffee" I chuckle.

She sits straight up "wait, whats rule number one?" She asks curiously.

"Don't let Adeline get hurt" I reply confidently like its in-scripted into my head.

She scoffs "failed that one so far" she laughs again. The light in my eyes disappears slowly after hearing her comment. She looks over at me when she doesn't hear me reply, she sits on my lap and straddles me. I'm immediately shocked and freaked out, I don't know what to do so I just look at her "I'm so sorry that was really mean" she says while hugging me. I just sit there with her on me and don't say anything. When I stay quiet again, she looks up at me "I really am sorry, and I'm sorry that I snuck out and scared you and- "without thinking I just kiss her, I hesitate for a moment thinking she will pull away, but she doesn't, instead she kisses me back. I'm in heaven. I'm literally flying through the clouds with white birds following me while I'm flying towards, he sunset. She starts giggling and pulls away to catch her breath, I should take this to offence, but I know how childish she is, and I know it's nothing offensive she just can't be serious in any situation.

"I've never had anyone laugh at me when I kiss them before" I chuckle While looking at her.

'Sorry coffee"she laughs. I pull her in to hug her again and lay down behind her still hugging her.

"How long can this caffeine filled girl stay still?" I laugh at her like I'm commentating a tv show. She wriggles around to get comfy before moving closer to me.

"Soak in my coffee I want to stay here" she laughs. I pull her closer to me and squeeze her tightly. She's like a big teddy bear. We stay still for a while until I hear her say "I better get up now, I have to do my schoolwork. You do as well actually" she tries to move but I just hold her tighter. "Hey cmon" I shake my head and keep holding her while she tries to wriggle away. I laugh at her, and she eventually admits defeat and lays with me for another half hour. I finally get up when I hear her stomach grumble and I go downstairs.

"Hey, we have no food wanna go to the store?" I yell out "i'll cook I promise'.

"I'm coming, you better cook, your food is amazing" she calls out as she comes down the stairs. We get in the car and go to the store; we get food to make lasagne and head home. Once I roll the car into the driveway the house looks different. My brother's bedroom light is on.

"Did you go River's into bedroom?" I ask Adeline. She looks at me confused and shakes her head as she gets the groceries out of the car.

I walk to the house and open the door cautiously and see my mum... "Matao!"she calls out as she comes over and hugs me.

"You're home early" I say, she nods "I thought you weren't going to be back for another three weeks".

"The weather was horrible, and we got worried that we wouldn't be able to get our flight home, so we left before the bad weather hit." Mum tells me brightly.

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