From Foes to Flames-part 5

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Chapter 5


I turn as I hear her scream and the dog runs straight towards me with its mouth open ready to attack. Just before it can reach me, I have my pocketknife pulled out at its aimed straight at its head. I ground myself ready for the impact as the dog jumps up at my head. I stab the dog in its chest and drag it down towards its stomach. The dog falls to the ground wincing as it bleeds out. I'm frozen in shock for a moment before I remember Adeline. I turn and run towards her scared that she is hurt because of me. By the time I have reached her I have seen blood in her hairline and I'm panicking, I feel like I ant breathe but if I have a moment now who knows how long it would be until someone finds her. I throw myself down onto my knees by her side, I pull her into my lap and cradle her head.

"Adeline open your eyes" I prayed "please".

I can feel tears forming in my eyes and I can't get her help right now, I'm glued to the floor in a panic. I rock her gently praying she wakes up; I only saw her head hitting the floor and it looked bad. "Adeline come on, don't do this to me please" I whimpered. My eyes widen when I hear her let out a soft groan. "Wake up Adeline come on. I'm right here you're safe, please just open those pretty eyes."she groaned again before I let out a loud sigh of relief.

"I heard that idiot" she muttered as she brought her hand to her head. She placed her hand over the cut on her head "aaahhh" she hissed.

"You're okay it's just a cut I promise" I asked "whats your name? Your birthday? Where do you live? Do your ember who I am?" Please remember me, remember it all but please remember me if it's bad.

"Matao don't be a creep I don't need a stalker" she hissed as she opened her eyes "and thanks for the compliment about my eyes." She chuckled to herself before attempting to push herself up on her elbows. She didn't get far before I pulled her back down onto my lap. She glared at me with those pretty brown eyes again, gosh she makes me weak. "Just rest for a minute I need you to be ok" I reassured her quietly.

The sudden panic hit her when her eyes drifted away from mine and down to my blood drenched shirt. She screeched as she rolled off my lap back onto the gravel. She pushed up into a sitting position and shuffled away.

"Matao what..." her words trailed off as she stared at the blood and how it made my muscles look toned through the shirt.

"I'm fine it's not mine" I reassured her as I moved my hand to pull the sticky shirt over my head. I stared at my had that I stabbed the dog with and noticed a large lice trough the crevices of my hand. The blade must have slipped down into my fist when I killed the dog. "That however..." I trailed off as I opened my fist to show her.

"We need to get you helped please" she insisted as she got to her feet using the wall to regain her balance. She stood for a moment, one hand against the wall and the other to her head. Her eyes squinted shut as I stood up. She seemed to be in pain and a wave of guilt washed over me.

"No" she opened her eyes finally confused on my remark "we are going to my house, cleaning you up, and getting you rested".

She nodded slowly knowing I dragged her out here so how was she going to fight this, I was going to get, my way.

We took a short, less populated route to my house hoping to avoid being questioned about my bloody clothes. By the time we finally reached my house she was exhausted and weak. I took her upstairs and took her into the bathroom. I turned on the water as she leaned against the wall barely able to hold herself up. A confused look consumed her face when I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her into the shower fully clothed. Her body dragged down the wall and she sat herself again the wall while the water soaked her clothes. I took the opportunity to take of my bloody shirt and put it into a tub of water in the sink. I opened the shower door and stepped into the hot water; I looked down at Adeline before crouching down next to her. I lifted her chin with my finger and moved her hair around to look at her cut. I grabbed a cloth and carefully wiped away the blood around the cut, I took a moment to inspect it and it was fairly deep. She could probably go to the hospital to have it glued. I let the water wash away the leftover blood on my stomach before cleaning my own cut. I grabbed my towel and left the room. I walked down the hallway and grabbed a t-shirt which would be way to big on her and a pair of boxers, before heading back to the bathroom. She was still on the floor when I opened the door, there was way too much steam coming out of the shower when I opened the door, she must be cooking herself alive. I turned down the heat and sat her clothes on the counter.

"There's some clothes for you and a towel in the cupboard, you can stay in the shower for as long as you want" I turned and walked to the door, but something was telling me to stop and talk to her "I'll be in the second door down the hall" I turned and closed the door. I blew it, of all the things I could have said. I stood for a minute inspecting the cut on my hand as I heard the shower turn off. What have I done? Falling for her of all people, the person who hates me the most. I pulled down my trousers to change into some fresh clothes then I heard the door open.

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