From Foes to Flames-part 4

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Chapter 4


He is completely lost for words; he is just standing there with his mouth dropped open. If anyone should be shocked right now it's me, which i am. I'm furious but there's something about the look on his face that makes all those horrible emotions go away. I'm part way through scolding him when I feel a wave of relief wash over me and the rage just disappears.

I'm suddenly aware of my surroundings and I'm scared. So very scared. My eyes go wide, and my feet freeze to the rocky ground as I stare at lanky grey dog stares back me. Foaming drool hangs out of its mouth and there are clearly bites and scratches all over its body. Once Matao has finally realised that something is wrong he turns to look where I am staring, and he freezes.

"Adeline run" he whispers just loud enough for me to hear. I stumble backwards and turn to run towards the street as the dog snarls at us. My heart is beating loudly in my chest and the walls cave in as I'm running towards the light up sunny street. Suddenly I'm screaming and I'm the floor is coming towards my head.

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