Chapter 34 - Ian

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"Dude, what's up with you?" Derek demands as he enters my room. No knocking, no alerting me that he would be entering. Nope, he just charges into my room.

"Man, can you just leave me alone right now?" I don't want to talk to anyone, especially Derek of all people.

"No." And he doesn't. "Do you know how bad you have to be acting for BJ to ask me about you?"

Pretty bad, I have to agree. My best friend isn't exactly known to be the most observant—except when it comes to Sophia.

"You didn't even go to practice today!" He exclaims. "What happened, man?"

"I wasn't feeling well," I lie.

I try my best to tune him out by focusing my attention back on my phone. Instead of my brother taking the hint, he just snatches it up. "I'm not leaving until you answer me."

"Frickin nuisance," I mutter.

"You call me that for a reason." And he's fully owning up to that nickname. On any other day, I wouldn't have given a shit but the cosmic being that is currently watching over this house must despise me right now.

I narrow my eyes at Derek, who places my phone away in the back pocket of his jeans. "I'm not even scared right now," he says. "You couldn't look angry even if you tried."

"I am," I say.

"Then talk about it."

"I am not subjecting myself to a therapy session."

"Suit yourself." Derek's phone starts ringing, startling the both of us. "Okay, I wasn't expecting a phone call." He reaches into his front pocket and brings his phone up to his ear. "What's up, Jason?"

Oh, shit.

"Dude, can you calm down? I don't want permanent hearing damage." Derek's brown eyes widen and turn to me. "Oh shit. You're kidding." A beat of silence follows. "Uh-huh. Yeah, I'll make sure to tell him. No, Jason. He is seventeen—why would he have a will written?"

What the hell?

"I'm trying, man! He's acting like a stubborn ass right now and won't say shit. No, you're not driving over here. Because I don't want to clean up all his blood before Dad gets home, that's why!"

"He can hear you," I murmur.

Derek holds up a hand, telling me to be patient. "Calm down, man. You talk to her, I'll try to talk to him, and we'll convene later. BYE." He hangs up the phone and punches my left shoulder. Hard.

"Ow!" I rub my shoulder. That hurt more than I thought it would. "What the f—"

"You broke up with Attie?!" He shouts, interrupting me.

"You don't have to remind me. I was there." It's on the tip of my tongue to correct Derek—she was the one who ended it all when she stormed out of that classroom without a second glance—but I hold back.

Derek pinches the bridge of his nose to conceal how annoyed he is with me. "You are—and these are Jason's words, mind you—the 'biggest dumbass I've ever met.'"

He got one thing right. I am a dumbass for not seeing that Attie had feelings for my brother the whole time instead of me. I wouldn't have agreed to the whole thing if I knew. There's a whole lot that I wouldn't have done if I knew.

Would you, though?

My head is pounding because of that one question that has been on my mind for the past six hours. Because...I don't know. Looking back at it now, it would have seemed reasonable.

Side Note: I Think I Love You (Side Notes Book 1) - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now