Epilogue - Attie (Five Months Later)

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"So, you're getting on a surfboard willingly?" Amy asks as she observes the surfboard half-buried in the sand next to Ian.

It's spring break and today, Amy, Ian, and I are at Hendry's Beach yet again. Amy needed a break from something and decided to join us. I wasn't exactly sure about her joining because I didn't think she'd want to be a fifth wheel—BJ and Sophia are joining us later today—but she was insistent about not staying at home for the entire day.

"He's going to attempt to teach me," I correct her, flipping off my sandals and placing them near her tote bag. I take a seat next to her and untie my hair from the elastic. "Again."

"To have a mediocre surfer as a boyfriend," she sighs dramatically. "How ever can I relate to that?"

I wrap an arm around her shoulder. Since what happened with Carter a few months ago, Amy has sworn off dating. My best friend claims that she's doing alright but I can't always be sure. She's usually a closed book about these things. "Don't worry, Ames. You don't need to date a surfer. Besides, Ian can teach you."

"I don't have a death wish, At-Bat. You won't ever catch me near a surfboard." She perches her sunglasses on top of her head and lays back down on the beach towel. "Land is a whole lot safer."

"Hey, it's not that bad," Ian chimes in, wrapping one arm around my waist. "Just get through the first couple of wipeouts and you'll be just fine."

We burst into fits of laughter. It's crazy to me that after these past few months, Ian still decides to stick by my side. To love someone who can manage all the good and the bad is someone worth keeping.

I just wish I'd seen it a whole lot sooner than this.

"Last I remember, I hardly had any wipeouts," I tease, perching my chin on top of his shoulder.

He responds by kissing my forehead. "Well, that's just beginner's luck, princess. You're not a beginner anymore."

"Okay, you two lovebirds." Amy begins to shoo us away. "Go be lovey-dovey somewhere else."

I ruffle her blonde curls before taking Ian's right hand in mine. He holds his surfboard under his left arm and squeezes onto my hand tight.

"You ready?" He asks, handing me the surfboard.

"Let's do this." I take the surfboard in both hands and move along towards the shore. Really, I'm waddling because of how big the board is. I don't surf enough to get my own board so Ian and I agreed that it would be better if we shared his.

"You got this, princess!" He shouts, grabbing the attention of a few tourists and locals. My cheeks heat up to epic proportions but the water spraying on me as I move deeper cools me off slightly.

As someone who gets embarrassed easily, I can't help but feel giddy when someone shows confidence in me because I'm not used to it. An odd concept it is but I digress.

Luckily for the both of us, I remember most of the basics from back when he first taught me in October. That doesn't mean that I'm a master because my first attempt in five months is not something you'd find in Surf's Up or something.

Once I start wobbling, I know for certain that I'm about to fall off. Trying not to resist, I let my body take its course and fall back-first into the water and come back up laughing. Though it was only the first wave, those five seconds of standing were invigorating.

I don't have a choice but to swim towards the shore, since that's where the board drifted off to. Back to its rightful owner, who stands there with a shit-eating grin on his face.

I grab both hands on my hips. "Okay, you can just let it all out now. I can handle the laughter."

"I'm not laughing," he counters.

Side Note: I Think I Love You (Side Notes Book 1) - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now