Chapter one

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I was sitting on my bed while scrolling instagram. All my friends are on a party and I just had to move to this fucking nightmare. Why me? I keep asking myself in my head because why this shit always happen to me. New York was my jam. It was a place I finally felt free. But we had to move to outer banks. Want to know why? Well.. let me get you through it.

So basically me and my family were living in outer banks for 11 years. It was amazing but my dad got a job offer in New York which was a lot of money (like we weren't already rich) so we had to move. Me and Jacob didn't handle it really well. He was partying a lot, drinking, sneaking out and I.... well I was quite the same to be honest. But we adjusted to loud New Yorker life so it wasn't that bad. Then my mom found out she is pregnant which totally wasn't planned but we still handled it peacefully. And then my brother came to this world. Little Timmy was and angel.... at first. When he went to preschool that's when all the drama started. He wasn't enjoying the loud life, my parent screaming at us getting drunk on parties, all the danger so he started acting out. He was struggling with anger issues, problems with kids and all that. So my mom took him to a kids therapy. The therapist said that his problems might come from being too stimulated by a "loud life" (whatever that is) so her suggestion was to take a month vacation and go to a quiet place in nature. Like a village or something to see if New York was the problem. And we of course did that. The vacation was a great idea because Timmy was healing (if you can even call it that) and he was the same angel kid as he was before. But I really thought that there's another way. I somewhere in my mind knew what this might mean but never took it seriously. Well.. here comes my nightmare. I overheard my parent talking 3 days before coming home to New York saying something really strange.

- maybe we have to do this Will. - said my mom with a quiet voice

- I don't know Mel. They might not take it well

-It's our only choice. Timmy is finally good and we all are less stressed. We loved Outer Banks, why not move there?

I couldn't believe what I heard, so I came out from the kitchen to clarify that

- what? - I said with panic in my voice - you want to move?

- yes honey, we were thinking about that - said my mom

-No! You can't do that to me again! Please mom!

-Sophie it's not your choice I'm afraid. Calm down

- mom New York is my home, I have friends there, my boyfriend! You can't do that! - I bursted into tears because of all emotions I was holding in my body

Dan was my second ever boyfriend. My first true love. My knight in shining armour. We were together for 2 years but we had to break up because of the move. I even thought he might be the one. But my parents didn't really care about that. Ever heard of treating the youngest the best? Well I was living it right now. They did not care how It would affect me. All that mattered was If Timmy was good. So that's how it went. We moved to Outer Banks a week ago and I didn't really come out of the house.

My brother is the lucky one. He graduated high school before we have had moved so he stayed for college in New York. That lucky bastard.

Moving here was pretty bad. I lost all my friends and of course my loved one, so I handled it pretty badly. But I didn't really have time to cry myself to sleep because my mom made me go to school. Yes unfortunately It's may, so as soon as we got here she just had to sign me up.


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