Chapter twelve

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-Where the hell have you been? - my mom was completely furious

-with my friends - i respondend

-no you weren't! We called! Now cut the lies and tell us

-I was in Charleston - I said with an annoyed tone - happy now?

-Not with that attitude! Why were you in Charleston and didn't bother to inform us?

-because! I needed to clear my head, I wanted some time alone, without the questions or saying I can't go. So I didn't tell you, it's not a big deal

-oh it's a huge deal young lady! You are seventeen! You are still under my responsibility so no, you can't just disappear whenever you want to!

-okay geez! Don't have to yell at me

-I think I do actually! Cuz you want listen when I'm calm.


-you are grounded! End of the conversation!


-excuse me?! - she was starting to get more and more pissed off

We basically started screaming at each other. Quick enough my dad joined

-Hey! Woah woah! Enough of this crap! - he said - you know you did wrong - he looked at me - right?

-yes - I said humbly

-so there's no need to scream like this. And you were her age, you know what it feels like to be overwhelmed. You just wanna go away and shit down. So try to understand her - he turned to my mom

-exactly - I said

-but you still made a mistake of not telling anyone where you were. We were genuinely worried that something happened!

-okay, I know. But am I grounded or..

-you damn right you are! - my mother interrupted me

-god! - I stormed out to my room super annoyed

She gets so on my nerves sometimes. My mom is the intense one. My dad is more calm, but he can be strict. When we fight she always yells at me and I yell back and my dad is the one trying to calm us. We are both super intense and easy to throw off balance.

I was sitting in my room thinking how to solve my major problem. Getting access to the archives without interacting with Rafe. I thought that stealing it would be best. Actually it was my only option. He would never hand it to me if I told him. And if I told him why I'd need it for he'd want in. Or he wouldn't give me it and just use it himself. So that was my only plan. I decided to call the pogues on our group chat.

*wassup?* - JJ joined

*hiiii!* - Sarah and John B joined from one phone, Sarah's

Soon enough everyone was on

*okay guys so I think I have a plan*  I started * in two hours there is a party at some kook's house and Rafe will definitely be there. All I need is to go to his house and grab the card and his phone. But he will definitely know that it's not there so we need to go to the archives now. Like right after I steal the keycard. But we can't go all together because the place has cameras so it'd be sketchy. I'm saying me and like max 2 people. So it'll look like a normal visit. *

*but it can look normal if we all go? Why you think not?* JJ said

*because it's 10 pm dumbass. No one normal go there in this many people at that time * I responded

*thats true. So maybe I can go and uhhh.. * kie proposed and struggled to pick another person

*uhh me obviously! * JJ said

SECRET LOVE  {Rafe Cameron}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα