Chapter two

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School morning. The worst morning of all mornings. Good thing it's already friday. All the paper signing, the documents and all shit. It took a whole week to tie up.

I woke up at 6 am, took a shower, did my makeup and got dressed. I put on some jeans, white shirt with buttons and high heels. I curled my hair and took my front hair to the back and clipped it with a hair clip with a white bow on it. I got down the stairs and saw my mom cooking something.

- good morning honey - said my mom from behind the kitchen isle

- morning

- im making eggs. You want some?

- Im good. Im just gonna have some coffee with a toast - I said while pressing on a coffee maker

- you need to have a decent breakfast so it will give you energy - she pointed out

- Im good mom really.

The toast jumped out from the toaster. I took it, put some butter in it and put it on a plate. While I was pouring my coffee to a pink cup my mom put the eggs on my plate.

- mom I don't want it I told u

- You will eat it - she stated

- geez fine..

I was pretty annoyed but it was not worth ruining my day.

I took my bag, my car keys and my phone. I sat in my car and kept saying some affirmations like "it will be good" "you'll be fine". I tried to believe it, I really did but the stress was eating me like crazy. I arrived at school and kept looking for a free car spot. Everything was occupied. I kept driving around because the paring lot was really big.

- oh finally - I said with relief while I spotted a free parking spot

I took my bag and my phone, and walked to the front doors. I took three deep breaths and opened the door.

- fuck - I whispered to myself

All the kids were dressed casually. The stress was getting bigger and bigger from minute to minute. Some kids were looking at me with mockery and I knew they started to talk shit about me. Well It isn't New York... I started walking while I saw few teens talking near a wall. Everyone kept their distance from them so I figured they may not be popular so maybe they will not judge. I started walking up to them while one of them noticed and looked at me. He had long blond hair, a red hat and were dressed... well... a little like he didn't care. I saw him telling the others I'm coming so not only one person but all of them started looking at me.

-Hi - I said nicely - I'm new here and..

-yeah we can tell - the blond guy interrupted me with laugh

-right. - I said annoyed - I'm Sophie and..


It was said by really familiar looking blond girl..

wait.. there's no way this is happening right now

- SARAH CAMERON?! - I screamed and rushed at her with a hug - Oh my god I cannot believe this right now

-you two know each other? - said another dirty blond guy

-Yes we do. This is Sophie Anderson. My best friend from when we were kids. - said Sarah

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