Chapter nine

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I woke up. Pretty well rested. It was sunny outside and about 77 degrees. I love mornings like this. They make you feel so peaceful.

I god dressed and went down to the kitchen. It was 11 am so a pretty late morning. I was home alone cause my parents were at work and my little brother went to the kindergarden. It was a Saturday and they mostly look like that. Whole day to myself. I tried to not worry about tonight because I was supposed to go with my dad to the Tannyhill. I wasn't really happy about that to be fair but I don't really have a choice do I? I mean If I just stomped my feet and have a fight with my dad about this then I probably wouldn't but a part of me wants to go. I know that Rafe will probably be there and I just want to make this right. At least I think I do. I want to hear what he have to tell me. I know he would rather apologise by text and that's why I ghosted him yesterday. I want to talk face to face. Like humans.

I didn't check my phone for the whole morning. It was like 12:30 now. I ate my breakfast, drank my morning coffee and watched my favourite show. The Office obviously. It was supposed to be a quick morning but It got pretty delayed. I opened my balcony door and let my dog out. Wait did I mention him already? His a big black doberman dog and his name is Bingo. I just love that dog. My parents bought him back in New York. When I was about 14 years old because I loved to run in the night and New York was pretty dangerous so they got him to protect me. The best kind of dog for protection they say. And one of the most difficult ones to train. This was my dream dog, I always wanted to get a dog and train him by myself so he would know how to behave and all that. And so I did. It wasn't easy obviously but I spent hours after school and teached him everything. I searched up all the info I needed on YouTube and made my dog the best he could be. Now in OBX I don't run with him that often like I used to. I feel pretty safe here. But he's still my baby and I love him more than anything.

So as I said, I opened the door to let him out and to let the fresh air in. As soon as I felt the warm weather i knew I need to chill outside for a bit and use a little bit of sunbathing. I quickly rushed upstairs and changed into shorts and swimsuit bra, took my sunglasses and my phone and went down. I poured myself water and put a slice of lemon inside so it would give me a little fresh taste and went outside.

As I laid on the sun bed I put on my glasses and just enjoyed my alone time. Not for long of course because something must have interrupted me. My phone. I completely forgot about it and didn't check it for the whole morning. I took it and after unlocking it with my face a saw a bunch of mortifications from one specific person. I guess he didn't like that I ghosted him. I clicked the convo and started reading what he texted me.

Rafe Cameron



You ghosting me? The fuck?

Are you being fr rn?? Sophie hello??

You dead?

I love seeing men obsessed in me. I mean who don't. Was he tho? I mean I don't know how to feel about this. I don't wanna obsess over this and overthink it. He sent me a few messages yesterday and I was sleeping so I wasn't able to answer or even read it. Maybe that made things even worse between us.

When It got a little too hor for me I decided to jump in the pool. Took off my shorts and glasses and jumped right in the pool. Cool water started touching my whole body. The best feeling.

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