T. F. B. W-W. Pt2. (Jenna+Emma Multiverse).

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Emma's P. O. V:

Many weeks have passed by since I turned into a Were-Wolf and also changed back into my Original Form. The days I spent with Jenna as a different creature made quite a good Memory in my heart. I loved how she always shared the same energy with me. I was also shocked of how she took care of me, like she always does, even in my Were-Wolf form.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, I pressed the stop button and sat up on bed, realizing Jenna was not there. Suddenly I felt a bit of Pain in my head, thinking that it was possibly a Bad headache I quickly grabbed some pills and swallowed them. Jenna saw me taking Pills, she made her way towards me and softly caressed my arm, "Are you okay, Em ?" her concern was noticeable. Then again I felt that same Pain, gripping Jenna's small hand tightly. She quickly made me sit down on a chair and bent down to look straight in my eyes. "Honey, are you okay ? Do we need to call Ambulance or something ?" She kept asking me questions, but I failed to understand a single word, instead my thoughts ran to one of the Memories when David said, "Emma be careful, this might be a cure Portion but I'm not sure how much powerful it is, you might turn into your Were-Wolf Form again, but this time more aggressive and possessive, but the good side off this affect is that it will last for some hours before you change back again, and trust me after you change back You will never, ever see your Were-Wolf  form again, Keep a safe distance from Jenna if you don't want her to get Hurt".

Emma was about to do something, but it was too late she already started to change into her Beast Mode. When she finished, a big smile appeared on the Latina's face, thinking that her soft fluffy Brown Were-Wolf is back, but she was wrong. Emma stood up on her two Were-Wolf legs, which made Jenna get a bit nervous and scared..."Baby, H-How did you stand up on Two legs ?"

Emma slowly approached Jenna, which only made the Latina step back, then Emma opened her rather fearful and horrific looking scary eyes, unlike last time. Her saliva flowing from her Were-Wolf mouth, her fangs as sharp as a Needle, Her ears thin and pointy. Jenna tried all her best to calm the Were-Wolf down, but rather it made the beast go even more Mad and Crazy. 

She forcefully jumped over Jenna, causing the small one's body to land on the floor harshly, the Were-Wolf placed her Claw-full hands over the Latina's both arms, locking them above her head. Tears were rolling down Jenna's eyes as she begged the Monster to calm down and her go, because it was hurting her to death. 

Emma was about to scratch her, when suddenly Something stopped her, something that can't be described but only by the words 'Pity and Love'. The Were-Wolf came to her senses and realized what she was doing, Seeing her Human-Lover tackled on the floor like that, her beautiful Brown eyes filled with the droplets of water. 

Before the Latina could open her eyes, She felt the Massive and muscular Were-Wolf hugging her like a Human. Jenna then understood that her Lover was finally back and that she will not hurt her again.

David came running to see a beautifully wholesome moment between the small human and the  giant Were-Wolf. The Latina was caressing the Emma's back, while The brunette was deep asleep. Turns out Jenna did stab the Were-Wolf when it was extremely close to her, because of that the beast went nuts and attacked her down. Both of them felt miserable for hurting each other, especially Emma did. David came near and gently patted his hand over Emma's head. Jenna then smiled and looked up, "I'm sorry that you both had to through this tough moment and how I wasn't fucking present when I'm seriously fucking needed". A chuckle escaped the Latina's mouth and then she spoke, "Don't worry it's not your fault, and whatever let's forget what happened between the two of us...True that I got scared and I literally thought that I would fucking die, but luckily I survived". "Yeah maybe, because Emma from inside didn't want you to get Hurt". The Latina kissed the sleeping Brunette and answered, "Yeah You're right, no wonder I love this Were-Wolf (Emma) so much".

   Author (Jay): What do you think about this Chapter ? Let me know in the Comments below, If you have any opinions, ideas or requests, feel free to share them. Sorry this Chapter is short, maybe below expectations, but still...ENJOY !!!

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