Cavell meets Fitz (Jenna+Emma Multiverse)

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Pippa Fitz-Amobi x Vada Cavell (AGGGTM x Fallout).

Part 2 may NOT be Possible...

Pippa's Point Of View:

Walking down the road. Standing in the middle of the path at a Corner to cross the busy street.


The signal colors that also highlighted my life, but in Reverse. Green for investigating Andie Bell's Case, Freeing Sal from Rumors. Yellow for witnessing Stanley's death, saving Corner's Brother. Red for having a Stalker aka Jason Bell, framing Max Hastings like he deserves...

The signal was now Red, and I stared at the street blankly. Busy souls roaming around, going to work, arguing with their partners in phone calls. Despite, getting a job at a Cafe today, I still didn't feel useful in this planet, not after what I did to Max..

Suddenly my blank Grey yet green eyes fell on someone, clumsily crossing the street, listening to music. A Lambo having it's bloody speed, moving like a racing car towards the hoodie-human.

Is it worth saving that person...?
Should I go for it...

My eyes widened, and before I could think of anything. A woman screamed from behind, and the person was now standing paralyzed in the middle of the street, her eyes filled with Fear...Like Me.

I ran towards her and immediately grabbed her in my embrace, knowing the fact that Lambo reduced it's speed, but wasn't so successful of stopping it.

We fall on the other side of the street. I turned her around, colliding my back on the ground. Having the small body over mine, I felt relieved after a such a long time...

She sat up, her body still over mine. I was now lying on the ground, too exhausted to move my soul. We stared at each other for a while, her eyes were covered by the shade of the Cap she was wearing.

Applause and whistles was heard, from every corners. Everyone clapping for...Me

The moment was pretty awkward. She stood up embarrassed from the situation and offered me a hand. I accepted it, with a weak tenderly smile, a smile that was Fake...

The moment I stood up, she hugged my body as a gesture of thanking me in the best possible way she could. Everyone started to cheer even more and I felt like the spotlight of that area, marginally feeling my trauma awaken in me.

All Eyes Were On Me...Good Deed, Good Deed Pippa...

-"Thank you so much for saving my life! Oh...I can I ever make it up to you", The smaller one spoke, looking up. the loose cap falling for the strong breeze.

Black wavy hair, freckles, brown eyes, and a warm skin tone...

-"It was my pleasure. But please from the next time, make sure to put the headphones away while crossing the road, I Might Not Always Be There, To Save You..."

She hummed in agreement, and smiled.

Her smile radiated more than the sunlight...

-"Absolutely! Thank you, again" She winked and looked at her phone, -"Holy shit! I'm late. Got to go...Thank You!"

𝐄𝐦𝐦𝐚 & 𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 (ALL SHIPS)Where stories live. Discover now