The Unbelievable Love (Jenna+Emma's Multiverse)

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Idea: @Random 19XX (Random 19XX)

Jenna Marie Ortega x Emma Myers

Some information about the characters might not be Cannon..

Part 2 may NOT be Possible...

Jenna's P. O. V:

Before any kind Passion, that I ever had laid my eyes on, Writing had me in Control.
I have been writing for a long time now, writing meaning short stories, thriller aspects, Murder mystery and even my own opinions on a Journal. Successfully I have four books that has changed my life. They got so famous, that unexpectedly my fan base became huge. I was extremely grateful to have this people, as my own readers, but because of some of them being creeps I couldn't go out alone, I Needed Someone To Protect me from those, so-called Fans...

-"Jenna!! Come down. There's someone who came to meet you" I stopped at planning for my roles in my next book. I put my pen down and went downstairs. Normally Business Men or Women, would come for hiring my books in their Company but this time...It Was Different.

-"Who is it, Mama?" I came behind her. She turned around and spoke enthusiastically after a long time -"Jenna, meet your New Bodyguard. Emma Myers" She moved away to show me the woman and holy shit did I forget how to breathe normally...

Brunette short hair, Green yet Blue eyes, wearing a very presentable Suit. Her hands behind her back, standing. My Mom stood between us, while I was having a moment of what I had to witness in front of me. Aliyah came behind me and hit my shoulder hard, clearing her throat she spoke -"Welcome Hot bodyguard. Remember there are some ground rules in this house...Number 1, Always Make Sure That My Sister Is Not Out Of Her Mind And Starts Flirting With Other Women".

I widened my eyes and stared at the girl in disbelief, she really thought that about me?
But to my surprise, Emma didn't react to it instead she kept her posture straight and listened to everything what Aliyah had to say. My mom on the other hand, seemed proud of her.

Thankfully, that bitch was done humiliating my name like shit...
...Today, I had some real business to mind with. Today I had to go to an interview, talk about my upcoming Book..

I came downstairs, getting dressed seeing Emma standing in the same posture as before. She didn't move a single bit...Damn.
I locked my watch and went to the woman. She was now wearing Sun glasses. -"...Uh, okay now we can leave. Emma, you can go and start the car" She nodded without a word and opened the door for me, What a Gentlewomen...

During the journey, I felt like vomiting the words out. That girl didn't speak a single time, and magically she even knew where I had to go. While driving I kept fidgeting with my rings and wanted to utter a word out, at least a single groan will work..

-"Pardon me Ms. Jenna, We have arrived"
I got distracted and saw That she already parked The car and I were sitting there useless, burning my brains of. I chuckled awkwardly and spoke sturring -"Um, right. What are we waiting for? Let's hit the show!"

Emma again gave a boring nod and opened the door for me. I sighed and got a little frustrated. But before I could say anything to Emma, I already had someone to face. Isaak, he's annoying...

-"Jen!! What's up?" He was gonna go for a hug but I tried to restrain him. Yet doing it, he was still visiblely forcing. -"Oh, come on Jenny won't you give your guy a-"

He was pushed away and Emma stood in front of me. I stared at the situation and got confused, but then it clicked..
She Was Protecting Me...

Isaak gazed at us for a couple of minutes and then sometime later, he just went away?
Was he scared of Emma?
I mean, I would definitely be, witnessing her veins underneath her skin. It was obvious that, that Woman was a fighter.

She turned around and looked down -"Are you okay Ma'am?"
I raised my eyebrow -"Ma'am? Since when did I become your Ma'am, you were calling me Ms. Jenna and well cut the Ms. Of. Call me Jenna" She kept silent for a second or two -"..Uh I can't.."

-"You can't what? You followed my Sister's orders and not mine, yet being my bodyguard?"
She cleared her throat and fixed her posture -"..Right Ma'am- ...J-Jenna..."

Watching her struggle for calling me by my name was fun, I smiled and went forward leading the way.


As a result, having Emma wasn't so bad after all. Instead it was the opposite. Witnessing Myers you can probably think she's all professional and stuff but she was nothing like it, yet she was when it came to protecting me and fighting people.

She was the Clumsy Smol Baby everyone adored in my Familia. Sadly she didn't have a home, but my Mother gave her one. Welcoming her in our atmosphere changed her a lot, which was good. Emma literally became a Part of the Ortega's...

-"We are going out!! Keep an eye at the Gem, Em Darling!!" Mia shouted. -"Also, don't Makeout while we are out!!" Aliyah added, making me choke on my water. Emma smiled weakly while Mia smacked Aliyah's back like she deserved. She gave Emma and me flying kisses and left.

Myers flew back, while I just rolled my eyes. The whole family leaving, the atmosphere got silent. Emma sat down with me, while I offered her the bucket of popcorn and turned a Movie on. While the movie was going, Emma and I spoke about my story and what kind of mystery this one was going to be.

-"You know, having you beside me feels nice..feels Protective" I spoke, lower. Not caring at all, I tucked my hands with hers and interlaced our fingers. The taller one slightly turned red but never moved, Cute...

-"Yes and having you as my Manager to Protect seems like a deal, way fair than my own life is right now" I laughed at Emma's statement while, She turned confused. -"Why are you laughing? What's so funny about it?"

For some reason I laughed out loud, which Emma chuckle with me and join the laughter. Suddenly she tackled me down and started to tickle me. I could never expect Emma having such confidence, but I didn't mind...

I was now on the edge of Happy tears. Whilst that, Emma still kept the pace and tickled me like no one.
Minutes later we both stopped. Emma was now lying on my side, which we both didn't realize before.

-"I never heard you laugh so much, Jenna....It sounded Beautiful" I gave her a -Are You Serious- look.
-"Are you serious? I laughed like a Donkey" I replied.

She smiled with me, while I was rubbing my forehead. -"...Jenna"

I looked at my side, and now Our Faces Were Inches Apart...
Emma stopped on what she was going to say, and I didn't hesitate. Because the truth is, I loved watching her, her dreamy Eyes, her delicate Hair over her forehead and her daring Lips...

Our gap closed slightly, leaving the tension grow more -"...Is this okay?"
I hummed and with that, I for the first time felt her lips over mine and yes this time I actually forgot how to breathe, You can't blame me. You would have been the same, if you were in my shoes right now...

5 senses activated in me automatically, leaving my heart with abnormal beats and guts filled with Butterflies.
Her lips were warm and fitted perfectly with mine...
Her hands balanced her, while my hands caressing and feeling the soothing charm of That delicate Hair.

-"...I Love You Jenna..." Emma spoke in between kisses. Those words sounded so powerful and meaning filled, as if I was waiting my whole life for her to say it. I smiled in the kisses and pulled her more closer. Pressing one last kiss on her cheek, I eye contacted with her -"...I Love You Too, Myers" I replied. She smiled like the baby we all know and put her head over my chest, while I played with her hair and caressed her back.

Author (Jay): If you have any suggestions, opinions, and ideas, feel free to share them in the comments. Don't forget to leave a Vote, truly helps me a lot and I appreciate the gesture of kindness. I might not be able to write so many chapters in the future because of Lack of Time, either way... ENJOY!!! 🤗

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