Em's R. L. Pt2. (Jenna+Emma Multiverse).

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Emma's P. O. V:

"Why hello there, Darling ? It has been very long, since I saw your beauty in person".

I saw the terrified Small Latina standing there, paralyzed, her eyes wide. I slowly started to approach the little one, with a rather Sinister smile and my eyes all pale and Green. "Oh my love, you don't know how long I have waited for this moment, and finally, at last it has arrived".

"W-What...do you want from me, Emma...?" I saw a small tear appearing inside Jenna's Eyes.

"Oh, Please don't cry your mascara might get ruined and make your beautiful face turn Ugly, What do I want ? You know what I want, Jen", I kept talking while slowly taking further steps in front of her, which only made her step back. "I came to make you MINE, ALL mine...You're such a Good Girl, Now come to me like a Good Girl you are and embrace me in a hug, welcome me in your warmth and whisper slowly in my ears, that I love you, too. And I know you do". 

"W-Who told you whether I love you or not...?" She asked nervously, her back facing the wall now. A evil laugh escaped my lips, as a Grin appeared, I slowly whispered in her ears, "Please baby, I know you more than you do yourself". I filled her ears with my sinister voice, carrying out my Strong words. 

Suddenly somehow, she pushed me on the ground and ran for her life, A smirk grew on my face, as I fixed my hair and clothes and shouted out, "THERE'S NO WAY OUT, JENNA. NO ONE WILL COME FOR HELP, IT'S JUST YOU AND ME, SWEETHEART. YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME NOW, YOU ARE MINE AND ALWAYS WILL BE !!!" 

She kept running around the hotel like a kid, screaming weakly for help but that only made me fall in love with her even more, I walked around while she ran. Slowly my patience were running low and  I thought of ending this show right now. So I changed my path and took the Short-Cut, which Jenna doesn't know about.

Jenna's P. O. V:

I came running in front to the reception, thinking of seeing someone there to help me out of this situation. God, why isn't there anybody when I need them the MOST !?!?!?! I almost came in front of the doorstep, only to find out someone standing in front of me. Without thinking twice, I ran into the person's arms, begging for her to help me, but the moment I opened my eyes, I met the sinister smile and the wide crazy Green pale eyes of Emma's. I can't believe what she has turn into, and I clearly blame myself for everything, an especially her transformation in two months. Fear took over my face, and I became terrified, truly I was never scared like this before. I tried to ran away, but this time Emma's grip over me was hard and wild. She stared straight into my eyes, scaring the shit out of me even more. 

Suddenly there was a change in her voice, it became more...Calm and soothing.
"Please Jenna, don't be scared of me...All I want is you to love me back..."

Seeing Emma in front of me, her grip becoming a little loose, her eyes relaxed and her voice more calm now, but the words she used became bold in my soul, and it broke my heart to see her like this. All of a sudden, Glimpse of that day kept repeating in front of me, till Emma broke it by snapping her fingers.

I didn't know what to do, I DID want Emma in my life, but this is not I imagined the scenario to be like. I never thought that Emma might become crazy for me. It was too late for me, but this is also my last and final chance to actually get Emma in my arms and finally have her, for the rest of my life. An opportunity that I might never get after all this Chaos.

Not even a second went by, I was already hugging Emma, my arms over her shoulder. At first she was shocked, but then she grabbed me by my waist. We stayed there in each other's embrace for a long time. I truly missed her warmth, even though I know how wrong it was, but this was my only chance. We looked at each other, while hugging "J-Jenna...?" She looked so cute, I did miss her features present on her face. I grabbed her cheeks, gently caressing it, "I'm sorry that I rejected you that day, and to make it up, I will be doing it" I slowly approached her face, inches between us, then I pressed my lips on her and god did I not feel my whole world stopping there for a minute. It felt like heavens on Earth. her soft pink yet cold lips over mine, it seemed like our lips were made for each other. It fitted perfectly. We shared the passionate kiss for a while and then pulled away. I turned my eyes over her, looking into those Green pale beautiful eyes. 

By her looks, I can admit that she was happy, like REALLY happy, Tears were filling both our eyes, as we went for another kiss.

"I Love You, Jenna", She whispered in her hoarse voice, in middle of the kiss.

It took me some moments to answer back, but I did with confidence.

"I love You Too, Emma", I felt her tears on her cheeks, while a smile spreading on both of our faces. Shade of red filling, Butterflies freely flying inside my belly. To be honest, I really wanted to do this, for how long no one knows. The feeling that I shared with Emma, clearly I wanted that feeling to continue forever. Definitely, I love this woman from the bottom of my heart, she holds a strong place inside of me, and lives rent free in my mind.    

Author (Jay): What do you think about this Chapter ? Let me know in the Comments below, If you have any opinions, ideas or requests, feel free to share them.

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