D. T. A. A. A. C. Pt. 3 (Jenna+Emma MULTIVERSE).

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Emma's P. O. V:

Many weeks has gone by after that incident, and well... To be honest Jenna doesn't seem to much happy. I always hold her hand whenever we go out, stay with her every minute and make sure to give her all the protection she needs. But because of being so much protective, maybe I might have cross the limit.

"Baby, I'm going out", I heard Jenna shout out and she was about to leave but that's when I stopped her, "Where do you think you're going without me Beautiful ?" I mocked her a little.

Silence fell over us, "Je-", I could finish but that's when I felt Jenna's hand smashing across my face. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU EMMA!?!? ALL I WANT IS FREAKING FREEDOM, CAN'T  I JUST GO OUT FOR, WITHOUT YOU AND LIVE MY LIFE FOR ONCE !?!?"

I caressed the place, feeling rage flame in me. I can't believe after being so protective, all I get is her COMPLAINING. I kept quite, till finally my blood had enough, "SHUT UP!!!! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT EVERYTHING I DOING, IS FOR YOU!!!"

Then before I knew it, we were fighting. Though the inside of me hurt the most and unexpectedly, I told the most Hurtful things ever, something that I couldn't even believe myself.

Jenna stared at me, tears falling from her eyes, and without a word left the apartment, while I stood there feeling all the guilt burn in my soul.

I relaxed for a bit and thought of making it up to Jenna by making Dinner and even take her out for a fly.  Though I wasn't a devil anymore, I still had the strength of controlling the wings.

I texted her, thinking that she might not answer.

Emma: "...Baby, please I'm sorry I didn't mean to say anything harsh about you...please come back, I promise to make it up to you and trust me, I will never ever in my entire life will ever mean those disgusting words to you... I love you".

Thankfully, she replied back saying that she will take time and will come at night. I agreed and told her to take as much time as she wants and in seconds I realized of how much I was in her personal space and of how I never let her have her freedom. Truly I can never forgive myself for this.

Jenna's P. O. V:

I couldn't believe Emma, she was invading my personal space and just because I told her about it, she will tell me harsh shits !?!? My hatred was growing minute by minute when suddenly I got a text, from... Emma.

Seeing the text, I finally calmed down and replied back, a sudden smile appearing on my face, I mean even after being such tough and strong protector, at the end of the day she was still my little puppy that I adore the most.

I made sure to keep my firm expression and went inside our apartment to see a romantic, playing and table set in the middle, candles lighted up and the dinner placed nicely on the table, this scenario eased my pain and anger even more and I couldn't help but smile and face Emma, welcoming her in a warm, loving kiss.

The giant baby was surprised at first, but then she smiled with happy tears and lifted me up roaming me around, like an actual child.

We sat down for dinner and Emma gave me her apology speech, while I also apologized for such a sudden rude act. We ate the dinner with passion and care, Emma kept caressing my hands and whispered sweet and beautiful things and memories of us, which made me forget the pain, stuck in my heart.

Finally we were done and then Emma offered me for a ride in the sky, and I without any hesitation, agreed.

She took out her long, black wings and lifted me in her back, pressing her legs a bit down, and flew to the air.

Sincerely speaking, the Night sky was utterly Beautiful and Gorgeous, reminded me of Emma. We stayed in the night sky, with Emma balancing me on herself. I was on her formal stomach, and enjoyed the best I could. We flew more rounds and at last stopped at one spot, a spot where the moon's light was reflecting and it was eventually the most romantic scene ever. We shared a loving and passionate kiss, with each other deepening it, making sure to give each other the best we could.

"I love You So Much, Darling", I whispered, listening to her heart beat.

"I Love You Too, Dear", Emma whispered in her hoarse voice.

And without even realizing, I fall asleep over her, feeling her warmth and embrace.

Also she promised me that she won't invade my personal space and will let me live my life with freedom, BUT she will keep on protecting me, till we die.

Author (Jay): If you have any suggestions, opinions and ideas, feel free to share them in the comments. Short but wholesome, 🤧. Don't forget to leave a Vote, truly helps me alot and I appreciate the gesture of kindness. I might not be able to write so many chapters in the future because of Lack of Time, but I will definitely try my best, either way... ENJOY!!! 😙

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