CHAPTER -8- Dispute

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*Few days later

Yuvraaj was standing in the canteen after having food, when a boy comes to him.

Boy:- Hi, are you Yuvraaj?


Boy:-actually the professor had given this paper and said to give it to yuvraaj and asked him to submit this paper in the office.

Yuvraaj takes the paper in hand and says

Yuvraaj:-But sir could have given it to me also

the boy says hesitantly

Boy:-yes but sir saw me so, sir gave it to me so that I can give it to you

Yuvraaj:-But where is the office where this is to be given?

Boy:-Walk straight from the auditorium, then from there go to the second room on the left hand side.

Yuvraaj:-thank you by the way what is your name?

Boy:-my name is siddharth

Saying this he leaves.

When Yuvraaj goes to the told room, he sees many swords which he has never seen before.

Due to his hobby, he picks up one sword which he likes the most among all.

Due to his hobby, he picks up one sword which he likes the most among all

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When he holds that sword, a voice comes from behind;

Who are you to dare to come here?

When Yuvraaj looks back he sees a young man of his age.

Before yuvraaj can say anything to him, the young man snatches the sword and says angrily,

"Who are you and what have you come here to do?"

Yuvraaj:-Sir had asked me to submit a paper here so I came here.

Man:-तुम झूठ बोल रहे हो कोई भी teachers यहां किसी भी ऐरे गेरे को नही आने देते

(Man:-You are lying, no teacher lets any random person come here.)

Yuvraaj:-मैं तो सच कह रहा हु आप विश्वास ना करो तो आपकी मर्ज़ी

(Yuv:-I am telling you the truth, you don't believe it, it's your choice.)

Hearing the loud noise of both, the teacher comes there.

Teacher:-What happened Prince? What are you two arguing about?

Rajveer:-This young man is saying that you have sent him here to submit some paper there.

Teacher:-no i didn't send anyone here

Before Yuvraaj can say anything to the teacher, he sees Siddarth and his friends.

Siya smirks  looking at Yuvraaj and mouthed " revenge"

The teacher sees all this and says,

Teacher:-yuvraaj you are a good boy has someone played a joke on you in my name

siddarth is afraid that his name might come up

Yuvraaj looks at Siddarth for the last time and says to the teacher

Yuvraaj:-no sir i came by mistake sorry

Rajveer:-Sir, don't you think that this mistake should be punished because no one else comes here except royal and prestigious people?

Teacher:-Yuvraaj, you have to take 150 rounds of the ground, this is your punishment.

Yuvraaj:-ok sir

The teacher leaves and Yuvraaj is about to leave after him, then the Prince says,

Rajveer:-नाम युवराज होने में और एक असली युवराज होने में बहुत फर्क है

(Rajveer:-There is a lot of difference between being a prince in name and being a real prince.)

Saying this, Rajveer hits his shoulder lightly and goes away.

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