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Bardock had just gotten back from training, sweat trailing down his bare back as he caroused the hallways towards his room, in which he knew Kakarot lay in. But he walked into the room slightly surprised to see his son curled up on the purring prince's chest.
"W- what are you doing?"
Vegeta's glare darkened back to how it usually was when he looked away from Kakarot and up towards Bardock.
"I was... calming him down from a panic attack he started having, and he fell asleep. Nothing more." 
"Oh...?"  Bardock inquired, gazing at his son.
"What was he panicking about?"
"I believe it was about not being allowed to talk and that he was breaking the rules, I don't know. He didn't do much talking, just crying"
Vegeta stated, obviously worried.
"The medicine he had definitely worked though, for the better or worse."
Bardock stood there for a while, thinking on what to do next with his rediscovery of his traumatised son.
"Should we give him a bath?"
"We!?" The prince scoffed
"Ah you know what I mean, he  stinks, three weeks without a shower I suppose."

Vegeta brought Kakarot back to the prince's own room, his bathroom was much bigger than Bardocks and he had some clothes that would actually fit Kakarot. The beta whimpered, grabbing onto Vegeta as the prince set him on the edge of the large bathtub.
"Kaka, can I take your clothes off?"
Kakarot whined in obvious fear at this question but hesitantly nodded, gazing up at Vegeta. Who slowly lifted the large shirt Kakarot had on over his head,  throwing it to the side before gently lifting up Kakarot's leg to pull off the pants the beta had on. The now nude beta shivered and trembled in fear of what was going to happen next. The prince saw this and wrapped his arms around Kakarot, purring to calm the beta down. He gently placed the small saiyan in the tub then turning on the faucet and testing the water, before letting it run and watching Kakarot slowly relax and sink deeper into the water.  The prince poured some soap into the water before putting some on his hand and gesturing for Kakarot to come closer. The beta inched towards Vegeta, still not sure what to expect. But when he got close enough  to the prince, he was surprised when Vegeta started rubbing his hands over his body, leaving soapy trails behind. The small saiyan purred as he felt the prince's skilled hand rub the soap into his skin like a massage. The beta nuzzled Vegeta's other hand that had came up to rest in Kakarots hair. Mewing, the beta pouted when Vegeta pulled away, letting the water wash the soap suds away. Vegeta placed some shampoo on his hand and then started rubbing and scratching at Kakarot's scalp and hair, making the betas hair shine with soapy bubbles. The small saiyan mewled loudly at the very soothing sensation, and Vegeta felt he didn't want to make that calm look on the betas face go away, so he continued these hand movements while he washed out the soap, and placed conditioner into Kakarot's hair. The prince sat on the side of the bath tub for more stability to wash the conditioner out and continued rubbing at the betas head.
"Geta?... what... 's this?"
Kakarot paused his purring and mewled up at the prince, nuzzling Vegeta's hand.
"You don't remember what a bath is?" Vegeta inquired, a bit more shocked than worried now. Kakarot shrank in on himself.
"Hard... hard to remember... before... hurts. Want it to - go..-"
Vegeta cut Kakarot off, before the beta could have another panic attack. The small saiyan had began crying and shaking as Vegeta scooped him out of the water, swiftly wrapping a towel around Kakarot. Vegeta purred in an attempt to soothe the small beta in his arms, watching as Kakarot dozed off.

A bit shorter than the others, but I wasn't motivated to do the rest today, so until next time baiii <3

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