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The small beta shivered under Vegeta's touch, the prince's fingers inside of him were a new feeling. A gentle feeling instead of pure force. The prince prodded everywhere inside of Kakarot, feeling around until he hit a spot that made the beta cry out in pleasure. Vegeta began repeatedly abusing that spot, before pulling out of the moaning mess of a beta.
"G- Geta~~"
Kakarot whined.

"I'm going to do it now, Kaka."

The beta yelped and moaned as the prince entered him, inch by inch.
One Vegeta was completely in, he sat there for a second, resisting the urge to move. Gazing at the crying beta below him.
"Geets it hurts~~"
"Shh, Kaka, relax, it'll only hurt more if you don't."
The beta let out desperate breaths as the prince ran a hand through his hair, which relaxed him enough to start purring before pushing down on the member inside him. Signalling for Vegeta to continue. The prince began making small hip rotations, letting out small groans. Kakarot started letting out small moans of pleasure, whining a bit when Vegeta pulled out. Only for the prince to slam into him, pulling a loud moan from the beta. Vegeta began making a rhythm with his thrusts, steadily going faster and deeper. The prince was trying to find the right angle, smirking when he found a spot that made Kakarot let out even louder moans and cry tears of pure pleasure. Vegeta grinned, abusing this spot, pressing firm against the betas prostate every time.
"Ah! Geta- GETA!!"
Kakarots breathing became uneasy, clutching on to the sheets.
"What- what is it Kaka?"
Vegeta grunted through his thrusts.
"Some- ah something feels weird... tight."
"Ohh, Kaka, your having an orgasm. Specicificaly a female orgasm."
The betas face scrunched up, as Vegeta lifted Kakarots leg over his shoulder, hitting deeper now.
"Kaka... I'm about to- cum too."
The beta wasn't paying attention to this, apparently his senses were overwhelmed by his occurring orgasm and he came all over the prince's dick.
"Ahhh~~ Getaaa~"
The sudden tightness of the walls around him caused Vegeta to moan loudly, finishing inside of Kakarot. Riding through their orgasms, the prince leant forward and bit down hard on the right junction between Kakarots neck and shoulder, causing the beta to do the same. The small saiyan passed out not five seconds later, leaving Vegeta to cradle his small body, licking up any fluids left on Kakarot.

The next morning, unsurprised to Vegeta, Kakarot was curled up under his arm. The beta had his legs wrapped around Vegeta's, and an arm over the prince's chest. Purring loudly. Vegeta had the day set up for Kakarot, to try and make his heat more bearable. They were going to see Kakarots family, and get that mess sorted out. Which would probably lead to Kakarot and Vegeta staying the night there. But before that the prince needed to wake the dozing saiyan beside him.
"Kaka? You need to wake up~"
Vegeta said in a somewhat gentle voice as he got up and began getting dressed, the getting up part seemed to wake Kakarot up, and also cause him to start whining.
"C'mon Kaka, we need to get dressed. Then we are going to see your family."
At that last mention the betas once drooping tail began wagging.
"We gonna see Dachi! And Maha?! And Ditz!"
(A/N these are names for dad and mum)

"Knock knock~~ hello~"
The prince was standing at a door, with Kakarot clutching onto his shoulders, breathing in Vegeta's nice scent. His tail swayed behind him, brushing Vegeta's tail which was wrapped around his waist every now and then. Gine answered the door, smiling brightly when she saw Kakarot.
"Hi! Come in, Bardocks inside."
Kakarot practically launched himself at his Mother, causing Vegeta to let out a slight grunt as Kakarot still had a death grip on him.
"Karo... you smell, really sweet. Are you in heat!?"
The beta looked back at Vegeta slightly worried. But Gine got on quickly.
"Ohh~ I just thought Bardock was...-"
"Hah! I knew it! You can't fool me Geets!"
Bardock cut over Gine, who still looked kinda worried.
"I suppose I have your blessing to court your son then? Anyways, Gine, I suppose Bardock told you..."
Gine quickly nodded, looking away when she noticed Raditz. When Kakarot saw his brother he went to run towards him but looked back at Vegeta. The beta whined in thought of leaving his mate for even a second, still holding onto Vegeta's hand, or any limb he could find. Distracted by these thoughts he didn't realise his brother come up behind him and hold him in a hug; placing a firm hand in Kakarots hair. The beta began purring.
Kakarot mumbled, in a state of too much relaxation to say much else, nuzzling Raditz' chest. Raditz got a wiff of his younger brothers scent and looked up shocked at Vegeta.
"What! How did you know it's me!?"
"Well your scents all over him and it's obvious he's in heat."
The prince grunted in response, rolling his eyes.
"Princey's in love with my brother~"
"Shut up-"
Was all they got out before Bardock punched both of them in the back of the head. As Raditz let go of Kakarot, the beta scampered back to Vegeta, gripping onto the prince's arm. Nuzzling Vegeta's chest, he purred happily.

A/N bit long of a chapter buttt~~~ Smut and cute scenes 🔛🔝🗣️🗣️  so byeeeeee
Also sorry this one took so long to come out I was busy 😔

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