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The door was harshly knocked on before being kicked down, leaving the small beta in the bed scared and confused. Kakarot had been waiting for Vegeta to finish his shower. The king stood in the door, practically throbbing with anger before he saw the beta that resided to safety on the edge of the beta. King Vegeta went to step towards the small Saiyan, stopping abruptly when a deep growl came from Kakarot. The king wasn't scared, this growl was merely a warning sign, a show of fear, no harm was threatened. Hearing the shower running, King Vegeta could take from that his son was showering.
"Is Vegeta in the bathroom?"
The betas eyes drooped as he nodded yes and whimpered loudly.
"Oi! You better hurry up in there! This is urgent!"
Not two seconds later, Vegeta walked out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.
"What the fuck do you want?"
"I need you to come with me! Now."
"I can't leave my mate alone!? Kaka's in heat!"

Kakarot stood outside a large mahogany door, shaking and crying. The betas head was rest against the wall, letting his tears fall past his ears . He didn't realise when a guard came up to his and shoved his back into the wall. Kakarot yelped and whimpered loudly.
"What's a pretty boy like you doing out here all alone? Why don't you come back to my place?"
The beta snarled and struggled under the knights arms, trying to bite him. Kakarot's tail lashed behind him, trying to find a way to free himself.
"Your scent is unbearable..."
The small saiyan shivered having these words uttered in his ear. When Kakarot cried out louder, the knight suddenly shoved the betas head against the wall.
"Maybe you will be more leanient..."
The man seemed to shove several pills down the betas throat, forcing him to dry swallow them. Kakarot cried out even louder when he was thrown over the man's shoulder. Trying to struggle became hard as the betas eyes began heavy, but hitting the floor with a thud seemed to wake him up.
"What do you think you're doing!?"
A loud explosion rang in Kakarot's ears as he whimpered and curled away from the loud noise. Relief washed over the small saiyan when he saw his father kneeling beside him.
"Are you okay? Karo? What did he do to you?"
"Gah. Pillsss~"
Bardock looked worriedly over his shoulder at Raditz, flicking his head towards the large door.
"Go get Vegeta."
Bardock scooped Kakarot up into his arms, earning a mewl and nuzzle from the beta.
"How'd he drug you?"
"Mmm he - down in mouth."
"He force fed them to you?"
Kakarot nodded slightly, pushing his face into his father's chest, purring loudly when he smelled his father's calming scent. The beta pulled his tail up and wrapped it around his Bardocks arm, curling into his father.
"What happened?"
"What happened Bardock! Raditz just pulled me out of a super important meeting, so what happened!?"
"Someone drugged Karo and tried to take him!"
"What do you mean drug!?"
"They practically forced them down his throat."
"Where is that son of a bitch! Imma kill 'em!"
"Uhhh I think an eyeball is over... there!"
Bardock pointed in a direction, allowing Vegeta to see the mess he'd somehow not noticed
"What the fuck Bardock?!"
Kakarot suddenly tried rolling out of his father's arms, nearly succeeding. When the beta realised he had failed he groaned and curled up tighter, until he was pushed into Vegeta's arms.
"Hay Geta~"
"Uhh, should we get him checked out?"
Vegeta looked up at a nodding Bardock.

Kakarot was asleep by the time they had made it to the medical wing, curled against his worried mate. Thankfully they found that the drugs weren't harmful, and would ware off within 48 hours. Somehow, even in his sleep the beta whined and worried when he wasn't near his mate.

A/N sorry was was busy AGAIN today so not that long. I'm trying to do steady posts 😔

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