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Kakarot sat beside Vegeta, he had scooted his chair all the way over until he was practically on top of the prince. They were sitting at a large dining table, with the king sitting right at the end. Tarble was also sitting at the table, Vegeta's younger brother. Kakarot was nervous, all attention seemed to be on him. The beta whined up at Vegeta worriedly and somehow got closer. The prince placed a gentle hand on Kakarot's head and scratched lightly at the small Saiyans scalp, smiling a bit when the beta purred.
"Vegeta. Your mate seems to be clingy right now, why's that?"
"Well one, you know the first reason. Two, he entered his heat cycle today."
"Are you going to act upon it?"
Vegeta looked down at the still on edge beta that was practically on his lap.
"I'll let Kaka' decide later"
Vegeta let off a bit of his scent into Kakarot's face as he noticed a few servants come out with trays of food. The beta sat there with his eyes shut breathing deeply in the prince's scent. When Kakarot noticed the many other people in the room his breathing grew unsteady and he whined loudly, pushing himself into Vegeta's arms. The prince held Kakarot's face into his chest, hoping to keep the beta calm. Once all the servants had placed down all the food, Vegeta nudged Kakarot slightly into his own seat, though the beta still leaned into the prince's shoulder. Vegeta noticed that his brother and father were looking at him strangely.
"Your being strange Geets..."
"What do you mean by that?"
"I mean I've literally never seen you hug someone, and I'm sitting at a table with our dad!!" Tarble exclaimed, before taking a bite of his food.
Vegeta mumbled to himself, setting a plate for himself and Kakarot. Which the beta happily began eating. Kakarot's tail wagged behind him, though weighed down some by his camp. The beta got frustrated from the restraining piece of fabric and swooped it out of the way before going back to eating.

Time skip after eating

"Vegeta, come."
"We better make this quick. Tarble, can you stay with Kaka while I speak to father."
"Uh okay! Yeah."
Vegeta gave Kakarot a quick kiss on the forehead before instructing him to go stand with Tarble and walking over to his father. The beta whined at Vegeta leaving him and walked quickly over to Tarble. The prince looked down at Kakarot, taking in the distressed expression on the betas face.
"Are you okay? You look pretty stressed."
Kakarot whined in response, pouting a bit.
"Geta. I- don't like- like when he- is gone..."
The beta said quietly, tears brimming in his eyes
"Oh wait, don't cry, Vegeta will only be gone a minute I'm sure of it"
Kakarot's tail lashed violently before it drooped, that lash made Tarble get a scent of the beta, remembering that Kakarot was in heat. The beta felt hot tears run steadily down his cheeks, before he bit his lip, piercing his lower lip with his fangs, bleeding out. Tarble went to say something but Vegeta had returned, swiftly scooping the beta into a hug, taking off towards his room.
"Father... what were you guys talking about?"
"It was about how he met Kakarot, the beta was being raped."

Vegeta sat Kakarot on his bed, before sitting next to him, gently placing a hand on Kakarot's cheek.
"Kaka, I know you're in heat right now but try and think rationally, do you want to have cubs with me?"
The beta nodded enthusiastically, before mumbling.
"I don't wanna loose it... li-" the beta began choking up, tears rolling down his face.
"So you want cubs? Right now?"
Kakarot looked sternly at Vegeta, ignoring the tears.

(Smut —///—( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)—///- ahead)

Vegeta pulled Kakarot's face into his, pressing their lips together in a kiss. The beta gasped at the feeling, giving Vegeta the perfect chance to slip his tongue into Kakarot's mouth. His tongue explored around the betas mouth, brushing against his sharp fangs and prodding at the other's tongue, egging it on. Kakarot finally got some courage and pressed his tongue against Vegeta's, moaning quietly at this sensation. The beta whined when Vegeta pulled back, only to realise Vegeta
was removing their clothing. The cold air against his skin was comforting to his sweating body. Vegeta began licking at one of Kakarot's nipples, causing the beta to gasp, and look up at Vegeta in confusion when he was pinned down . The prince's bare legs pressed against his skin, and it felt on fire. Vegeta leant his head down and began licking Kakarot's inner thighs.
"Ah~ Geta~~~~ I don't..."
The prince just grinned, before shoving his tongue into the betas throbbing hole.
Vegeta was surprised by how tight it was, seeing as how Kakarot had been raped for three weeks straight. Vegeta grinned, pulling out and holding three fingers to Kakarot's mouth, pushing them against his lips.  The beta reluctantly took them in his mouth, covering them in saliva. Vegeta pulled them out when satisfied with the amount and began caressing Kakarot's aching hole, before sliding one finger in.
"Ah! Ah~ Geta ..."
The prince shushed the saiyan as he began thrusting his finger inside of Kakarot, pushing another finger in.

"I'm going to fuck the life out of you Kakarot."

Come back for more smut next time whores

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