Chapter 07

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Getting slap from  her is big thing for him . He can't believe ,she can raise hand on him like one ever dared to  slap him in his whole life . Not even his mother. but this girl, from no where got the guts and  hit him on his face without thinking for once. how could she ?? These thoughts run my head like a marathon  making my  anger reach on peak. At this time , whoever gonna would try to  come infront of me. He gonna be killed by my hand .  But as soon as my eyes fell on her , my eyes soften and heart pained seeing tears rolling down from her eyes like a river. I forgot my own  pain. And landed in hers , who is crying  non stop giving me disgusting look.  I raise my hand to touch her  ,but she jerk it away  and crawl back looking at me with pure hate. 

Don't touch me. Just don't.  What you think of your self ha. Since we got married , I don't think so a day , leave a day.  A minute ,I've spent in peace.   I've been crying all the time.    I never cried that much my whole life the way I did since I've met you.   I agreed,  we got married in bad circumstances. We shouldn't had. But I didn't have any choice But you had chance  to say no.  You could had denied it. But no 'you itself said , you wanna marry me.  And then behaved like ,I've been pushed in your life without your will. All the time.... All the time , you are blaming me for everything. If you hate me so much. You didn't want me in your life Then why the hell did you marry me. Why the hell you just  didn't left our house. At least I would had been in peace. and you would had been as well with your so called friend.  Today do  you know how big trauma I , faced because of you .  I never been felt that much fear the way i did today.  I was literally walking scared on the road.  Literally I was few feet away to get in men clutches , who would had ripped me off and would had feast over me.   But why do you care.  Why the hell would you careeee.  I'm nothing to you right. You don't give shit about my existence. All you care about yourself and your girlfriend. You don't care,  if I die or stay Alive . That's why in the  mid night ,you left me alone in the hotel without caring  about anything. If you didn't want to stay in the party with me. Then why the hell you took me there. You could had told me that you wanna be your girlfriend. Atleast I didn't have to face all this. But no you just wanted to humiliate me  that's why you took me there. And guess what you succeeded. Whatever I've faced today. I don't think so I'll forget in my whole life. It will stay in the corner of my head all the time. And all thanks to mr arnav Singh raizada .. who's caused all this. You know what , I don't have any hope from you or from this baseless marriage. As per as you had decided  on the first marriage that we will get divorce after the deal. Fine let's do it. Let's do it before the deal itself.  I don't wanna be in that relationship ,which suffocate me and  hurt me beyond repair.  Let's end this shit and move on on our ways without colliding. I don't wanna live with you.  I justtttt don'tttttt she screams and  shoved  me away,   when I try to comfort her.  Seeing her behaving like this and crying nonstop broke my heart.  I didn't want to see her like that.  On top that whatever she  told about incident it sent shiver down to my spin. I felt like to kill those men  ,who tried to lay their hands on my wife.  How could they do it. How dare theyyy. But on the same time,  I'm feeling hate for myself as well , as I know,  it's all because of me. I shouldn't  had left her alone like that. I should had take care of her. If  I'd taken her .. then it was my responsibility to keep her safe. But in mid night my action Pursued her to go on the road.  which caused her to face all this...

Tell me their name.  I will make sure that they don't even think to touch any other woman .  I want those people to learn their life time lesson. Tell me khushi please. I scoot towards her  again trying to touch her , but she didn't let me and pushed me back.

Why do you care! Who were they who not.  Things have been done. Damage have been hit my soul already. Now finding them and hurting is not necessary. Moreover  why would you punish other people. When you itself  is on the fault. You are the one who left me Alone not anyone else.  So for trying to get clear yourself don't,  put blame on others.    She sobs... but anyways why I'm blaming you. When you itself had told le to not trust you. You are not trust worthy  raizada. You are not even one %. For you I've been nothing to you ,since we got married. So expecting anything from you is baseless.   Better I don't do it.  Just leave me alone. Just  go away. I don't wanna see your face. She hiccups letting her face get wet with tears.

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