Ch-11:Taruk's another Sin

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Days are passing quickly with usual events. Is everything sort? Nope, Inaya and Rudrakash aren't the one who will give up so soon. After that day , everything seem to be going as smoothly but it wasn't the reality. It was the silence before storm. Inaya and Rudrakash meet daily but ignore each other presence, they even didn't glance at each other but talk with other the same way they used to do. As 2 months passed, Lavanya and Abhigyan forced them to not change their group , atleast they both weren't ready to change. Thus, this lead to Rudrakash and Inaya meet up though as said they ignore each other completely. No matters how much other three tried that day, they gave up and left it to go with the flow, to see where and how their destiny is written by the almighty power, The God.

With this 2 months and 10 days passed. Taruk chapter wasn't close. After refreshers party, as he was locked the next day he was burning with anger. He was driving crazily due to which he met with an accident and was hospitalized for 1 month. It is the result of sin he committed and many more to come. Inaya completely forgot about Taruk. After Taruk's injuries healed, he was Sent in a camp in village for his internship. In camp, 3-5 interns were required and principal sent Taruk there when Karan asked him to do. Principal was aware about their rivalry, he was even aware about Taruk's nature but couldn't do anything as he was suppressed by trusties, he can't do anything alone and except Karan Noone stood against Taruk. Finally Taruk came today back to college after 2 months which made Rudrakash and  Karan alert.

10 days already passed, it's November and festive month.  From past 10 days, Taruk was making efforts. One of the girl from his group told that little efforts makes girl happy, completely unaware about the fact that Inaya wasn't among those girls. He use to greet Inaya and due to presence of Karan he didn't talk much. He used to keep small bouquet on her table in classroom, with a chit in which 'Good morning Inaya, with lots of love from Taruk' was written. From 10 days he was doing this and after that greet her during lunch time thinking she will respond but never ever she responded. How can even she? Rudrakash noticed this at the very beginning and before Inaya could come, he threw that in dustbin without other knowing about the same. He told Karan about it who kept an eye on Taruk during their internship.

It was 11th day of third month, Taruk now couldn't control his anger. He was angry because Inaya didn't talk him about his efforts-bouquets , seems like she wasn't aware but as per Taruk this can't be true so he decided to do as usual and if still she don't respond today, he will directly ask her , taking her to another corner.

Taruk from starting was handsome, good in studies but Ill-mannered person. He is full of ego, never even respected his own family. This all happened as his family pampered him a lot , that much ki now he wasn't in anyone's control. He is thr young child of the family. His elder brother is currently in Canada for studying , taking a drop from specialist exams. He is on his way to become a doctor. Infact Taruk's mother and father are doctors though they stopped practicing while his father is even Trusty of their plus 2-3 other private medical colleges. Rich spoiled brat, or in hindi Ameer baap ki bigadi aulaad- describes him well. The generation boomed after covid lockdown that some kids were mentally destroyed while some become spoiled kid, having a gf-bf is being cool for kids like them. Smoking and drinking was a ritual. There were hardly 15-20 students in a class of 50 which didn't believe this mentality. Taruk believed and thus made 2 gf after lockdown over in 11th and 12th. While in college times, his demands grew more. By time, he started using girls. Any girl he liked he made her gf and after breakup he shatter her in such pieces that girl even went through depression, blackmailing was the least he did, threatening to viral images is what he do whenever someone tried to argue or complain. Thus, girl took a step back but Inaya wasn't the one who do this, she is something other and he failed to understand this.

Currently, it was lunch time ,as usual Taruk greeted but didn't get respond about the bouquet and doom! He mentally made a note to talk to her today itself.

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