Chapter 2: Flirt

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"Hey girlfriend, thank you for agreeing to meet hey" Grace Khoza says as she stands up to hug and welcome her friend, Lumka Xholwa in this cool restaurant by the beach on a beautiful Friday afternoon. Since it's summer 18:30 isn't dark at all, you can still see a little bit of sun. Grace had already ordered drinks for both of them, so she had an early start on her friend as she was reading a magazine she brought with her.

"Oh my friend I couldn't miss this for the world" Lumka says as she hugs back. "Oh is this for me?" she says as she takes the drink in front of her, she didn't even wait for Grace to confirm. "Oh yes

that's for you" Grace confirms. "Oh and guess what I'm reading..." she says as she lifts the magazine.

"This is you, right there my friend. I'm so proud of you and I actually think I saw you the day before yesterday in one of the magazine shows on TV. Modelling career must be really good for you right now friend, hey?" she says to a blushing Lumka, who sips on her drink before she says, "Oh yeah it is fantastic. You could be there with me hey but you said to me, I'll pass" she says looking at Grace

who shrugs her shoulders, "Nah modelling is not for me my friend" she says.

But Lumka cuts her friend off, "What are you talking about friend? You are gorgeous and super sexy, modelling was definitely going to take you places hey" she makes her friend blush again. Grace

doesn't look like she wants to entertain this subject. "But anyways it's a tiring job this one. I'm often on the road or flying somewhere so maybe you saved yourself from the world of trouble" Lumka says as she takes another sip.

"anyways, you sounded a little down when you called me earlier, are you okay darling?" Lumka says with a curious face. Grace takes a moment to think, "Yeah I'm okay. I'm just... I just needed to

distress a little bit you know, get my mind off things" she says with a low voice. "distress? Get your mind off things? Yet you say you're okay?" Lumka asks curiously. "That means something is

bothering you. What's wrong my friend?" as she looks into Grace's eyes. "Well, it's not really a matter of life and death situation if that's what you are worried about" Grace says. "I just needed to do something normal for a change you know. The past few weeks I've been traveling a lot with work and being a PA to a boss who runs an international company can be exhausting. Plus, you know how these people are, without their PAs they feel like the world is ending" she says she takes a sip.

"Oh yeah, you're Sbu's PA, right" Lumka says as she sips on her drink and seemingly getting ready for a juicy story. "So have you guys slept together yet?" she asks and that questions almost chocks Grace who was clearly caught off guard with that. "Oh God, no. How can you ask me something like that Lumka? Sbu is a married man, have you forgotten that?" she says as she looks away avoiding eye contact, but her friend can see that.

"look my friend, it's okay I am not judging okay? I'm your friend I won't tell if..." Lumka doesn't finish as Grace cuts her off, "No friend Sbu and I haven't slept together" as she rolls her eyes up. "Oh okay, but you want to, right?" Lumka relentlessly asks. Grace thinks for a second as she looks around the place, "Look can I be honest with you?" as she comes closer to her friend to speak softly. "I like Sbu and yes I wished we'd slept together already but you know" as she shrugs her shoulders. "Look I'm not just lusting after him, I have genuine feelings for the guy. Having been his PA for a long time, I seem to know all his needs or at least things he should need you know" she looks down as if she is feeling bad by just saying something like this. Lumka looks into her friend's eyes and thinks for a second as she takes another sip of the good stuff that is starting to get into the system.

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