Chapter 9: Confessions

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Lerato and Katlego have come to visit Buhle at her home on Saturday morning just to see how she’s doing because they just never see her lately. And by the look of things she’s losing weight as well from what appears to be work stress. So they are sitting outside under the shade on a very hot morning, drinking cocktails.
“So girlfriend, we just came to check up on you hey, since we hardly ever see you these days unless we are at the hospital” says Lerato, as she takes off her sun glasses. “Speaking of which, how is
Lindiwe doing?” she takes a sip. That question brings a moment of silence a bit as the everyone suddenly looks sad, thinking about their friend who’s in the hospital. “Uhmm, she regained
consciousness but you know, she’s still weak. So we are still monitoring her and we are doing
everything in our power to get her better” Buhle says as she leans back on her camp chair, she looks really tired. That seems to give the ladies some much needed relief as they all simultaneously take their sips.
“And you?” Katlego asks looking at Buhle. “Friend, we are worried about you. You look so drained physically and emotionally. You have been working your socks off at work lately, it doesn’t look like you get sleep at all. What’s going on?” with a worried face she looks right into her eyes. Buhle first looks at both her friends and pause a bit. Then, out of nowhere, she takes a huge sip of whatever was in her glass and finishes it, much to her friends’ shock.
“Look guys, uhmm…” she’s looking for the right words. “When Grace left, because of me might I add…she left a huge gap. Not on Sbu’s side but on Naledi’s side. She used to help out whenever me and Sbu weren’t available. Initially I didn’t see that, well not until she left. I treated her so badly and called her names. And now that she isn’t here to cover for me, I have to make time for my daughter and do things like homework, pick her up from school and all that, well unless of course if Sbu is available. Lately he too gets busy so we are now both sharing that responsibility” as she looks down to avoid eye contact with her friends who are looking right at her. She takes a huge sigh after saying all that, which only makes her friends wonder even more.
“Alright I hear you my friend” Lerato says taking another sip. “But how are things between you and Sbu though? Are you guys, you know…okay?” she asks curiously, which seems to make Buhle a little uncomfortable as she looks down. She thinks for a second. She then decides to pour herself a double of vodka from a bottle that was sealed from the table. She downs it in one go.
“Uhmm, you guys. Uhmm…” she looks for words. “I cheated on Sbu with some guy” she says to which her friends almost fall off their chairs with shock. “You what?” Lerato asks wide-eyed but
Buhle quickly jumps in, “Oh no friend, please don’t judge me right now okay?” she says. “I’m telling you this because you are friends” she’s ashamed and embarrassed. “I’m sorry my friend, I wasn’t judging okay? Just that, I didn’t expect that” Lerato says, looking embarrassed herself. “How did this happen? When did this happen?” Katlego jumps in. Buhle tales a second to think before saying,
“Uhmm, some days after Sbu and I fought on my birthday regarding Grace. I mean, we started arguing lot after that incident, like every day. So this guy who was really nice and charming made me feel better during that time. So one thing led to another and you know…” she looks down in shame.
“And did your husband find out?” Katlego asks curiously. 'Yes she did” Buhle says, much to her friends' shock as they look at each other. “Oh my god, what did he say!” Lerato asks wide-eyed.

“Uhmm, well he was angry, he still is” Buhle responds as she sighs, “He is avoiding talking about this at all cost. We hardly sit together at the table now, for supper or breakfast. Not that I blame him, I would probably feel the same if I found out he was cheating on me” as she looks at her friends but Katlego looks away to avoid eye contact, probably out of guilt. “This must be hard for little Naledi huh?” Lerato asks but this question seems to make Buhle very sad as she says, “Oh yeah, very much.
She’s a child but she’s not blind. She can sense it. That’s why I went to Grace and begged her to come assist” as she looks away but this catches her friends by surprise.
“oh really?” Katlego says looking at Lerato, “I mean, is that what you really want? How does Sbu feel about that?” she asks curiously, but Buhle decides to jump in right there, “No Sbu doesn’t know about this and I wasn’t asking her to become Sbu’s PA again but to help out with Naledi when she
can. I mean, like she used to do. I just don’t want a stranger around my child. Naledi is fond of Grace and she was good with her” she says taking a sip of her drink. “Anyways, she turned me down but said she will help whenever she can but wants nothing to do with my husband and she doesn’t want to work for us either. So she will help on her own terms” she sighs a bit.
“Well, you may have misjudged Grace, don’t you think?” asks Lerato as she takes a sip as well. “Yeah I know my friend, I know. I did apologize to her” Buhle says with a low voice, looking like she’s lost all hope. “Listen, we are here as your friends okay? Anything you need from us, we are here for you okay, darling?” asks Lerato with a smile, to which Buhle nods with a smile herself. They continue to drink the day away.

Somewhere else, in a restaurant by the beach Lumka and Grace are having lunch. They both look so fresh in their summer dresses on this very hot Saturday day. This is the first time they meet since Lumka came back from Milan, so they just wanted to catch up a little bit.
“So were you behaving yourself while I was away?” Lumka asks jokingly as she sips on her cocktail. “Come on, you know me. I’m always behaved” Grace says with a smile, “But there has been little drama here and there hey” as she shrugs her shoulders. “What are you talking about? Finally got
naked with your boss, Sbu? Hahaha” Lumka says with a naughty tongue out but Grace isn’t amused, “Arg, friend. Don’t mention that one” she says taking a huge sip of her drink. “okay get this, I quit my job as Sbu”s PA” she says, much to her friends’ shock who almost chocks from her drink, “What?
When did that happen?” Lumka asks wide-eyed. “A few weeks ago my friend. Just need a change of
scenery and…” Grace says but she doesn’t finish as Lumka cuts her off,
“My friend please tell me this isn’t because of Sbu” she says. “What? Did he reject you and you
wanted to get back at him? You know very well that Sbu couldn’t do a single thing without you. How is he coping now with you? I mean…” Lumka herself doesn’t finish as Grace cuts her off, “Friend, this isn’t about Sbu, okay?” she says angrily.
“Look, I was tired of always being in the middle of their marriage problems and the fact that his wife hates my guts. I was tired of her blaming me for all the problems in their marriage even when I tried to help out with their daughter as if I’m their maid. That job was becoming toxic so I needed to leave so that I can focus on myself a little bit. I want to be happy” she says looking away as if this topic makes her edgy.
“Okay, I hear you my friend” Lumka says, trying to calm her friend down a bit. “So what are you doing now? Want to join me in modelling?” as she winks at her but Grace cuts her off very fast, “Oh no my friend” she says. “There’s no way I’m joining you there, hahaha. That job isn’t for me okay? As glamourous as it may seem” she blushes. “But if you must know, I’m taking up Tsepo on his offer.

To work for him a divisional manager” she says looking her friend in the eyes to see how she’d react to this. As perfected Lumka is a little surprised over this, “You mean the handsome, sexy and rich Tsepo? Sbu’s friend, my crush?” she asks curiously and this brings a little moment of discomfort to Grace.
“Look, my friend. Uhmm…” she’s trying to find words. “Uhmm, I’d rather you hear this from me” she says nervously. “Uhmmm, Tsepo and I just started dating, so…” as she looks away. Lumka can’t really hide a little bit of disappointment in her face as she takes a huge sip of her drink and Grace can see that as she feels a little ashamed herself.
“Look my friend, I didn’t mean to go behind your back okay” she says looking down in shame, “It’s just that when we started…” but she doesn’t finish as Lumka interrupts her, “Oh come on my friend. You don’t have to do that okay?” she says. “It’s not like Tsepo and I were dating so you didn’t steal him from me. Besides, it’s you that he likes okay. I’m happy for you guys, really I am” as she smiles at her friend, who breathes a huge sigh of relief. “Oh my god, friend. Whew!” Grace says as she takes a huge sip of her drink. But that just makes Links to laugh loud, seeing how her friend was freaking out. “You should see the look on your face, my friend” she says. “But honestly I’m happy for you and I hope Tsepo treats you right because you are a wonderful person” as she takes Grace’s hands.
“Well, enough about me. How was Milan? Met anyone interesting there?” Grace asks as she lifts her hand to call a waiter who comes quickly. “Okay, can we please have refills here and some hot
wings? Thank you very much” she says to the waiter who takes the order and leaves.
“Well Milan was dope my friend” Lumka says as she finishes whatever was left from the glass. “Uhmm, did I meet someone interesting?” uhmm let’s see…” as she looks up to think. “Oh yeah, now that you mention it met some government guy on the plane. His name is Bheki Khuzwayo and…” but she doesn’t finish what she’s saying as Grace cuts her off, “uhmm, you said Bheki
Khuzwayo, a government official?” she asks curiously. “Yeah, why?” Lumka asks back but before Grace could respond they are interrupted by the waiter who brings them their order. “oh thank you very much” Grace says and the waiter smiles and walks away. “Uhmm, Bheki is married to Buhle's friend Lindiwe, who owns Lindy Hotels around the country” she says looking at Lumka, who shrugs
her shoulders as if to say, So what?
“Okay then, so I met him on the plane to Milan” she says as she takes a sip at her drink. “He was very charming hey. He is funny too. So I actually ended up becoming his plus one in some business gala dinner he was attending there. Well it will be pointless to hide to you that yes, I ended up spending most of my nights there in his hotel room” she says with a naughty tongue out, much to her friend’s shock.
“But when he found out that his wife was shot back here he cut his trip short and came back to the country” she says with an annoyed look on her face to which Grace just shakes her head and smiles as she sips on her drink. “What?” Lumka asks curiously. “Well, his wife was shot but rushed into the hospital. Details are sketchy over all this but I hear she’s going to be okay” Grace says to which Lumka just shrugs her shoulders. “What? You like this guy now?” Grace asks, wide-eyed. “Oh no man, please” Lumka says, looking away. “I had lots of fun with the guy. Yes, I enjoyed his company
and he’s so good in bed, but no man, we were just having fun. I knew he was married. He didn’t hide that from me so I knew it was just a temporary arrangement. But I got to be honest with you my friend, if he asked me to go on a trip with again, I’d say yes in a heartbeat” she says to which Grace just bursts out laughing as if to say, I give up! They then continue to enjoy their meal.

Later on at the IdealTech offices Sbu is packing up, getting ready to go home to be with his daughter Naledi since it’s a Saturday. He hardly spends time with her these days since there’s some serious tension in that house. When he left for the office in the morning he had promised his little girl that he will come home early so that they’d have time together but it’s going for 16:00 already. He left
his wife Buhle chilling with her friends in the morning and he is hoping he won’t find them all drunk and leaving the child unattended. He suddenly remembers how he used be so happy to go home to his wife and child every afternoon but lately, all he wants is to just be away from the house and if it weren’t for his daughter, he’d probably be booking trips away.
His trip down memory lane is interrupted by someone coming through his office door without even knocking. His eyes can’t believe it when he sees that it’s Katlego who comes through. “Uhmm hey Katli, what are you doing here?” he asks looking at this super sexy woman coming straight towards him. Katlego is wearing a short lime summer dress that just flows do beautifully on her body and Sbu thinks to himself, damn this woman is so fine.
Katlego ignores the question and comes straight to Sbu and kisses him which he really wasn’t
expecting. “Katli what’s going on?” Sbu asks as he pulls away from her a little bit. “Didn’t we agree that we will never do this again?” as he goes to the other side of his desk but Katlego follows him as she ignores the question, trying to kiss him again but Sbu keeps backing up until his back is against
the wall. There’s nowhere else to run to now. “Look, Katli stop for minute okay?” he says trying to avoid eye contact. “Look, this isn’t a good idea okay? We talked about this remember?” he says as he comes to sit on his swinging desk chair but Katlego is persistent as she comes to sit on the desk facing Sbu. Her thighs are showing and Sbu can’t ignore that.
“Look, I know what we agreed on okay?” Katlego says. “But just for this moment I just want to make you forget okay?” as she moves to sit on Sbu’s and he doesn’t protest that. “just forget about your wife for a second, let me make you feel good” as she kisses him on the neck, which seems to do the trick as it disarms Sbu who, in a blink of an eye has removed Katlego's dress. They found themselves making love on top of Sbu’s desk.
After about 30 minutes or so later, as they are getting dressed, Sbu’s face suddenly changes to become serious, “Katli we can’t keep doing this okay. It really has to stop. This was the last time you and I sleep together. I can’t keep doing this to my wife” he says as he fixes his tie looking at Katlego who is busy giving her hair. “Look, I know about your wife's affair” Katlego says, looking at herself in
the purse mirror, checking if her make up is okay. This seems to catch Sbu by surprise but as he’s about to respond, Katlego jumps in, “Yeah Buhle told us this morning when we came to your house” as she looks at Sbu in the eyes to observe his reaction. “She told us how this has turned things so bad for you guys. Why didn’t you tell me your wife was having an affair with another guying?” she says as she throws her hands in the air.
“But why should I have told you that Katli? My marriage is none of your business” Sbu responds, a little annoyed by this but Katlego jumps in, “That’s why I came here Sbu, to see if you are okay, because this must hurt a lot. I care about you, you know that” she says as she fixes his tie but Sbu
moves away from her and goes by the window.
“So you thought this was going to be an opportunity for us to continue with this affair?” as he looks outside. “No Katli, that’s not going to happen. Yes, I hate what my wife did but that doesn’t mean
this will open a door for you and me Katli, this little affair will never happen again” as he comes back to stand in front of her. “But why not? I mean she’s also cheating right? So why won’t you?” Katlego asks with a begging voice. “Look there are a million reasons okay? Besides the fact that you are my wife’s friend, which is so twisted. We just can’t do this anymore okay?” as he looks at her with a

serious face and suddenly Katlego’s face turns sad and disappointed. She then suddenly takes her purse and storms out of Sbu’s office without a warning, leaving Sbu standing there by himself.

Somewhere else Buhle had gone to see Tendai at his house and it was probably inevitable that the two would end up naked in bed. The trail of clothes stats from the door all the way up to Tendai’s bedroom where they made love. In the bedside table there’s bottle of wine that is not opened,
probably because they just didn’t have time for a chitchat.
“I’m so sorry that I came to you unannounced, I know you don’t like something like that” Buhle says as she lay on Tendai’s chest, brushing it softly. “Oh come on, since when do you need invitation to
come over here?” Tendai says kissing her on the forehead. “Well, you’ll never know, Mr MEC, I could have walked into you and your baby mama” Buhle says jokingly. “Speaking of which, the last I checked we had agreed that you will fix things with her, you know for your daughter’s sake” as she
lifts her head to give Tendai a kiss. Tendai thinks for a second as if he’s trying to find best words possible. “Uhmm, yeah she and I spoke and we are fixing things. In fact, she will be here next week for our daughter’s birthday so…” he says nervously not knowing how that will sound.
“Oh okay, you see? Now that’s very good Mr” Buhle says with a smile, she’s still laying on his chest. “Yeah it is good but, there’s a problem because now there’s also you in the picture so…” Tendai says with a low voice but at hearing that, Buhle sits and leans against the head board, “Hey no, look I don’t mind that you’re fixing things with your baby mama okay?” she says calmly.
“Look, I’m still a married woman okay? So you can’t not fix things with her just because of a married woman. I also have to fix things with my husband because all that’s happening in the house is affecting my daughter, so I can’t always be here with you. You will see me less and less now because I have to make an effort to work on my marriage. You and I have something good Tendai, please don’t get me wrong on that. But realistically, I’m married and I shouldn’t even be here with you. So please babe make an effort to fix your relationship as well okay? Please?” she says with a begging voice to which Tendai also gets up and sits straight. He thinks for a second, “Alright I hear you” he says. “It’s just that I am really enjoying time with you, babe” he says with a somewhat sad voice.
“I know; I know okay?” Buhle says as she brushes Tendai’s face softly. “I enjoy being with you too babe, but it’s just not as easy as that you know. Please understand. We both need to fix things with our partners for our daughters' sake, okay” as she kisses him. He doesn’t refuse as he kisses her back as they make love once again.

Somewhere else at Jabu's place, he is relaxing alone enjoying some whiskey while listening to some soothing jazz music. Jabu lives in a penthouse in Lalucia, a very fancy area of upper class people. Well it makes sense that he can afford such a place since his law firm services high profile clients. He says he will only buy a house once he’s married, whenever that will be.
As he sits on his big couch going over a client’s file, a bell rings on his door. Who could that be because security didn’t buzz my intercom about any visitor? he thinks to himself as he goes to open the door. But nothing could have prepared him for this: it’s Katlego, who comes in immediately as soon as Jabu opens the door. She doesn’t even wait for the invite. “Uhmm, Katlego, what are you doing here? Uhmm, I mean how did you get up here?” Jabu asks as he nervously stutters. “whoa,

won’t you even welcome me in your house?” Katlego says as she goes to sit down on the couch. “Oh I’m sorry, make yourself at home Katlego” Jabu says as he closes the door, still confused about all
this. Yes, he knows Katlego as a friend of his best friends’ wife, but he wouldn’t call her as his friend. “So what can I do for you Katlego?” Jabu asks nervously as he comes over to sit opposition her. “Look Jabu, I’m here to confess something to you” Katlego says looking at him in the eyes but then Jabu immediately jumps in, “Whoa, uhmm, you know that I’m a lawyer right?” he says, still puzzled. “So you can’t come and confess crime to me or…Uhm, I mean, uhmm do you need a representative or something?” he asks.
But then Katlego just laughs as she moves over to where Jabu is and sits next to him, “Hahaha, don’t be silly. I’m not talking about any crime. What makes you think I want to confess a crime?” she says laughing but Jabu isn’t finding this funny. He’s still very much confused. “Oh, uhmm, I’m sorry,
please forgive me. It’s a force of habit. I just…when you said confession I assumed that, uhmm…oh okay so what can I do for you?” he says. The man is a nervous wreck and Katlego can see that and she smiles. “Look no, I didn’t overdose someone at work or operated on a patient illegally or
anything like that, so you can relax” she says, coming a little closer to Jabu, may too close for his
comfort as he slides back a little. “Oh okay. That’s a relief” he says with a nervous laugh.
“This is what I actually want Jabu…” Katlego says as she jumps in to kiss him passionately which catches Jabu by surprise as he quickly pulls out of it, “whoa, what are you doing Katlego?” he asks in shock. “I’m doing what I’ve wanted to do for a very long time” Katlego responds as she goes for another kiss but this time Jabu doesn’t pull away as she accepts the invitation. One thing leads to another as they make love on the beautiful couch.
Lerato on the other hand is having dinner with Ndoda in a public restaurant. It’s the same place as the one she first saw him with Tendai. This is actually the first time they see each other since the last time Lerato was at Ndoda's house where she discovered what her boyfriend actually does for a
leaving. Though they talk over the phone and text most of the time, she’s really been struggling to face him, knowing what she knows now. But today she agreed to have dinner with him just so that he may not suspect that something is going on her.
“So, my love, I just never see you these days, why? What’s going on with you, babe?” Ndoda asks curiously as he keeps looking around. “This restaurant is nice, isn’t it?” Lerato says, ignoring the question from Ndoda. “Yeah the restaurant is nice babe, but you are ignoring my question. What’s
going on with you? Why are you avoiding to see me lately? I mean I haven’t seen you since the last time you are at my place. Yes, I know we speak over the phone and text from time to time but you seem to be always busy when I want you to come over. What’s up with that?” he asks looking at her in the eyes but she avoids the contact. From there, Ndoda knows that something is definitely up
with his girlfriend but he can’t put a linger on it.
“Babe, I’m going to ask you a question and I really beg with you to answer me truthfully okay? I promise I can take it. Just please don’t lie to me okay?” Lerato says nervously as she restores eye
contact with Ndoda who isn’t flinching about it. “Oh okay. I will do my best babe, I promise” Ndoda says looking around to see if anyone is listening.
“okay, okay. Tell me, what do you do for a living?” Lerato asks a question that catches Ndoda off guard as he looks around again and then looks at Lerato with a surprise on his face. “Uhmm what do you mean what do I do for a living?” as he nervously clears his throat. “you know what I do babe. As a matter of fact, I’m still waiting for you to come and run one of my companies as you said you are still thinking about it” he says with a nervous smile but that seems to upset his girlfriend who cuts in, “Damnit babe, please stop treating me like a child okay?” she says as she whispers to him. “I kno you

are a hitman, Ndoda and please stop denying it okay” she’s upset. At that, Ndoda is lost for words as he looks around to double check if anyone is eavesdropping.
“Listen, last time I was at your house, I saw the file that you had dropped to the floor that had a
target’s name and details. Ndoda you killed that journalist in the hotel, didn’t you?” Lerato shouts in a whisper to avoid attracting attention. At that Ndoda throws his hands in the air as if to say, Damnit I’m blown. He can’t believe he’s been made.
With that look on his face it becomes clear for Lerato that it is true, “Oh my god, what did I get myself into?” she says as she puts a hand to her mouth in shock. “Okay, please calm down babe” Ndoda says looking around. “Yes it’s true okay? There you have it. You said you wanted the truth now you have it. You said you could take it, but you see how you’re reacting now?” he whispers too but at this point, Lerato is just in shock over all this. Even though she had discovered this on her
own, she still wanted to it from her boyfriend but now that she does, she’s absolutely in shock. “But why did you lie to me about what you did for a living, really?” she asks as she looks around. “Oh and what would you have done, huh? Would we be in a relationship now?” Ndoda asks with a low voice but it doesn’t look like it’s really helping as Lerato shakes her head in shock.
“Okay then why did you try to kill my friend, huh? What did Lindiwe do? She’s the sweetest person ever? Why were you hired to kill her too? How am I supposed to look at her in the eyes now when I visit her in the hospital? Now that I know my boyfriend put her there? What am I supposed to do, huh?” she asks, now with teary eyes. “Okay, okay look babe I will answer all your questions okay?”
Ndoda says. I will tell you everything you know, everything I promise. But can we please get out of this place so that we can talk in private, please babe I beg you” he pleads to which Lerato reluctantly
obliges as they leave the restaurant.

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