Chapter 20: Abducted part 1

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Ndoda has tried to fix things with his girlfriend Lerato whom she has fallen so deeply for and it seems these days nothing scares him more than losing her. It's took a very longtime for Lerato to
believe that Ndoda had nothing to do with Sbu's accident but even if she wasn't convinced, it seems it doesn't really matter anymore since Sbu and hsis wife are in separation. Ndoda hasn't taken a contract ever since he met Lerato and has been fully focused on the relationship. It's not like he really needed the cash since he owns a few businesses that were initially a front for his payments on contracts he took. Thanks to Lerato, who helped him legitimize them, now he can enjoy a normal life albeit low key.
Today he regains conciousness and wakes up somewhere he doesn't know. He can't see where he is because he is blindfolded but he realises that he has a crazy headache and there's pain on the side of his head. Someone must have hit me with a very heavy object, he thinks to himself.
"Hello," he shouts. "Can anyone hear me?" even louder he shouts. There is no response. In fact, there's no sound at all in this place. He tries to move his hands but they are tied to the chair he is sitting on. By hearing the echo of his voice he can assume this place is a hall. Where the hell am I? he asks himself as he tries to recall what happened. He feels a little bit funny as if he's just come from a very deep sleep. They must have drugged me or something, he thinks to himself but slowly he has flashbacks of what might have happened.
He remembers talking to Lerato on the phone while he was walking at night, coming from picking up takeways from a restaurant. He remembers that they were laughing at some joke with her when a dark van pulled over by the side walk and three men got out and came straight at him. As he begins to feel the pain on the side of his head, he remembers punching the one guy in front of him while the other two came to the side to flank him.
He remembers feeling a sharp pain from being hit by a heavy object as he fell down to the ground.
There's nothing else after that. Who the f*ck are these people? What do they want? he thinks to himself. Now him beimng a spy, it's not like he doesn't expect to have enemies. All he needs to do is think what could this be about.
"Get me out of here, you hear me?" he shouts once again in anger but there's no response. Once again he remembers hearing Lerato shouting 'Baby, what's going on? Who is that? Baby are you okay?' as his phone drops to the floor on the side walk. Oh sh*t, Lerato!!! he thinks to himself. But as he tries to think of the way to untie himself from this chair he hears what sounds like a key to a steel door. So this is probably a warehouse of sort, right? he thinks to himself. But then he hears footsteps, cleary of not just one person as he tries to count them. There must be about about three or more people coming through this door, right? he thinks but without a moment's notice someone punches him hard in the mouth that falls to the ground with the chair.
F*ck, that really hurt, he thinks to himself. But two men come and help him up. He still can't see who they are and it doesn't help that these men who have come through the door are not uttering a word which would have helped him perhaps identify the voices.
But then, without a moment's notice, two men drag Ndoda by the chair towards some buskets full of water. He begins to panick since he can't see where he's being dragged to. "Let me go you bastards" he shouts but it really doesn't help as there is no response from the men. One man pulls the chair over such that Ndoda's blindfolded face looks to the ceiling. The other man takes a wet

towel and covers Ndoda's mouth and noise. He then pours water over the towel for about 10 seconds which makes Ndoda drowns a little bit. The man behind pulls him so that he can sit straight, which allows him to throw up some of that water. He is now panicking as he comprehensds the magnitude of the problem he is facing here.
"Who are you?" one man asks Ndoda who is still disoriantated from water boating. He is trying to recognize the voice but his senses are all over the place at the moment. "What do you want with me?" he shouts loud but the men take him down one more time and water boat him, again for 10 seconds.
"I asked, who are you?" the man asks again as the other pulls Ndoda up to sit straight, and once again he throws up that water. "What the f*ck do you want with me?" Ndoda shouts in response. "Who the hell are you? You got the wrong guy, damit" as he tries in vain to free his hands tied to the chair. "How do you know we got the wrong guy if you don't even know who we are?" the second man says as he punches Ndoda hard in the face but he doesn't fall over. "What I want to know from you is, who are you and who do you work for?" the first man asks as he whispers in Ndoda's ear who tries to identify the voice but can't really recognise it. "Answer the question" the man continues as he punches him in the face again.
"I'm Ndoda Mseleku, a businessman, what do you want with me?" he shouts in agony. "What do we want? We want to know who you've been talking to, traitor" the third man, who has been quiet all along says as he comes closer to Ndoda, who is still blind folded.
Wait a minute, I recognize that voice, Ndoda thinks to himself. "Tendai, is that you?" he asks in panic but there's no response afor about 5 seconds. He shouts again, "Answer me damnit. Is that you MEC, that's tortuering me now?" his mind is racing over this. But then a moment later his blindfold is removed and as he suspected, there Tendai stands with two men he doesn't recognise. Suddenly the light coming through from the windows almost blinds him, clearly he's been blindfolded for a little while. "Tendai, what the hell are you doing grabing me like that?" he shouts at the MEC who puts on a straight face, showing no emotion at all as he stands there looking at him.
Tendai grabs a chair and sits in front of Ndoda and a moment passes as he looks at him in the eyes witout saying a word to him. Ndoda's eyes on the other hand are filled with hate and disgust at the man he once took a cheque from.
"Well, well, well" Tendai says as he breaks the silence. "Isn't this the great Ndoda, the once reliable man who'd never betray me for anything or anyone" as his face changes to being upset. "What the hell are you talking about? What did I do to you?" Ndoda response as he breathes heavily but that is followed by another punch in the face by the angry Tendai as he shouts, "What did you? Are you kidding me?" He rubs his fist as he felt little pain there. "You refused a contract because of a girl and not just some girl might I add. A woman who is friends with a woman you almost killed once. And that woman is friends with the wife of the man I had contracted you for. And you don't see that as a problem?" he shouts as he stands up from the chair.
"I don't know what you talking about Tendai and..." Ndoda says with a low voice but he doesn't finish as Tendai punches him in the face again and he falls with the chair. The other two men help him up as Tendai pulls pictures from an envelope and shows them to him.
"Don't take me for a fool Ndoda, who do you think you're talking to? huh?" he shouts at Ndoda as he puts a picture close to his face, much to the hitman's shock. "What? You've been watching me, Tendai?" he asks angrily. "Of course I've been watching you Ndoda" Tendai cuts him off as he shouts."What did you want me to do, huh? you turned down a contract, something ou have never done. I know there must be a reason. I started following you. You know, it would have been better if you were distracted by some rendom chick that I didn't know" as he stands to go pick at a window.

"But no, of all the women you could have picked, you chose a woman who is friends with the woman that probably knows everything about my business dealings" as he comes back to sit down.
"What did you tell her, Ndoda?" he asks politely but with a visibly upset face. There's a moment of silence as Ndoda looks in the eyes without blinking before saying, "Nothing". That is followed by a huge smack on the face from Tendai who didn't seem like that respoonse.
"I said don't take me for a fool Ndoda" Tendai shouts once again. "If your girlfriend finds out, if she hasn't already that you are a hitman that almost killed her friend how long do you think kit will take before she tells her friends?" as he stands up in frustration again. "So what did you think was going to happen here Ndoda, huh?" he continues as he continues to look through the window. "You thought you two love birds were going to set off to the sun set and leave your past behind? No, that's in the movies my friend. What you and your girlfriend, and her friends have become is loose ends" as he comes back to sit down which makes Ndoda wide-eyed at hearing that.
"Don't you dare touch her, you hear me Tendai?" he says as he tries in vain to untie his hands. But Tendai just smiles before saying, "Someone must clean up your mess yet again Ndoda and that
someone is me" as he comes close to Ndoda who panics at hearing that. "You better have answers
for me when I come back" Tendai says as he and the two men leave the hall and close the door behind them.

At Lindy Hotel, Bheki has come to see Lindiwe at her gorgeous Hotel penthouse to discuss the pending divorce. Ever since Lindiwe told her husband about her intentions things were never really the same between the two. Lindiwe moved in to her Hotel and Bheki started to find freedom in bringing women in his house and host parties for his friend. Things have detoriated so bad that they now only communicate through their respective lawyers. While Bheki has assembled a team of top lawyers in the country, Lindiwe enlisted the services of Jabu's law firm. He's not really a small boy himself in these circles, is he?
"I hear all that you're saying Bheki but I still don't even know why you're here. So why are you excatly here?" Lindiwe asks her soon to be ex husband who sits in the couch opposite hers. She holds a glass in her hand while she had poured Bheki a double of whiskey.
"Look Lindi, I had come to tell you that this settlement won't go the way you think it would" Bheki says as he takes a sip of the expensive stuff. "I'm going to fight you all the way for everything, you won't get a cent from me" as he looks at his wife in the eyes. But Lindiwe just smiles as she takes
another sip at her dry red. "But who said I'm fighting Bheki?" she says as she looks at him back. "I don't know who you are fighting because I wasn't fighting you. I just want a fair settlement that's all" she says without showing much emotion, looking at the uncomfortable Bheki in the eyes. He downs
whatever was left in the glass out of frustration of knowing his wife, that once she makes up her
mind it's hard to convince her otherwise.
"Exactly what do you mean by fair?" he asks as he frowns. "If you think fair means you get something from business contracts forget it, you hear me? Oh and on the other hand don't you dare forget who made your business boom. If anything I'm the one who is entitled a stake in your Hotel" as he looks at the unimpressed Lindiwe who doesn't seem to like that kind of threat.
"Don't you dare come for my business Bheki, I'm warning you" the upset Lindiwe says but Bheki cuts her off, "Who made it all happen Lindi, huh? Who made it happen? It was my contacts that got you

off the ground. It was my contacts that saw you breeze past red tape. With one phone call I can take all of that away from you and send you back to square one" as he raises his voice, much to is wife's annoyance. "Oh yeah?" Lindiwe says as she raises her voice as well. "I'm warning you Khuzwayo, stay away from my business. You hear me?" as she fixes her eyes at Bheki who's also not flintching. "You think you're the only one who can destroy me, huh?" Lindiwe continues. "Well, I can easily destroy you Bheki before this week ends" this much to Bheki" she says much to Bheki's confusion.
"Do you even know why you and your friend, the MEC aren't in jail as we speak? It's because of me, Bheki. The trips overseas that you enjoy with all your b*tches can end tomorrow if I wanted. You are at my mercy, Khuzwayo" as her voice begin to tremble a little bit. Bheki tries hard to read his wife's eyes and it's hard for him to tell if she's bluffing or not. He's never seen her like this.
"You're bluffing me Lindiwe" he says as he looks at her in the eyes one more time but Lindiwe cuts him off, "This isn't poker Khuzwayo. I don't have time for stupid games. You think I'm bluffing? Then, you're a stupid fool. Who do you think buried that story by Tsego Rabadi and..." she says but Bheki cuts her off, "Yes you told me you slept with the journalist so that he won't publish the story. Am I supposed to thank you for that, Lindiwe?" as he raises his voice in annpyance once again. "Oh and you think by killing him you killed the story? That's very stupid of you Khuzwayo?" Lindiwe responds. "Well, let me let you in on something Bheki. Tsego always knew he was a target of dirty politicians
like you so he had insurance-safe deposit box” she has a smirk.
"In the event of his untimely death he arranged that the safe be transferred to me, so I have all the documents of your dealings Khuzwayo. All your corrupt activities, I have them. So if..." she doesn't finish as Bheki cuts her off, "Oh please, don't bluff me Lindi. You're not good at it" he says with a smile. It's hard to tell if the smile is of a relaxed person or a nervous wreck.
"Oh, I'm bluffing?" Lindiwe jumps in. "So you will continue to underestimate me Bheki, huh? she says annoyed. "Okay, let's see. Apart from the documents related to the Tsego story, how about your illegal mining, working with the zama-zamas to sell uncut diomonds across Mozambiquean
border?" as she looks at the shocked and suddenly pale looking Bheki in the eyes. "Oh, how about the CCTV footage that shows you and the whistleblower of the counterfeit goods syndicate, Thokozile Xulu on the night of her dissaperance before she was eventually found dead 3 days later with a bullet in the head? Do you want to talk about that?
Or you want to talk about your Investment scheme where millions of rands were channelled through to your trust accounts and those of your business partners? Do your clients even know that you and your partners, one of which is a major bank have chowed all the money and enriched your greedy pockets? Do you know what's funny about all that Bheki? Your signature is all over the paper work. These people you're threatening me with, do you think they won't throw you under the bus once they find out you are compromised? Do you think..." she doesn't finish as Bheki ubruptly cuts her off, "Okay enough" as he raises his voice in frustration.
But Lindiwe stands up and goes to the door and opens it. "Get out of my house" she says angrily much to Bheki's shock who still can't believe what he's heard from his wife. This is definately not what he expected. He thought he was just going to come here and intimidate her a little bit just to see where she's at but this was definately not on the cards. If anything he may have pushed her a little too far. So he stands up and walk towards to door with a long face and goes past Lindiwe. He takes a look at her and sees that she's looking at him back. He wants to say something but he doesn't know what or how. He walks out and Lindiwe shuts the door behind him.

Somewhere else, Katlego is back in town and she looks like she can pop anytime now with her tummy so huge. She'd invited both Sbu and Jabu in her apartment to discuss the paternity issue with them. She hadn't seen these two gentlemen in a very long time so things are a little awkward in the room.
"I thought you'd have sold your place by now since you don't live in KZN anymore" Jabu says as he looks at the lounge room's walls. "Uhmm, no I didn't want to sell it incase I'm in town. So I won't
have to book into hotels for holiday so..." Katlego responds nerveously as she looks away. "Well, that actually makes sense" Jabu says with a nervous smile mimself. Sbu on the other hand doesn't really know what to say at all about this. He hadn't spoken to Katlego since the day she told him about the pregnancy. Part of him is feeling ashamed even just looking at her and knowing it could be his child that his wife's best friend is carrying. Part of him is feeling guilty for not having made contact with her in an event that the baby is his. Yet still, a part of him feels indifferent over the fact that this woman makes him think about his wife that he misses dearly.

For a moment there, there's a very uncomfortable moment that passes as it seems none of the three know what to say. But Katlego breaks the silence as she says, "Uhmm thank you to both of you for coming. I just wanted us to discuss the paternity test issue to dertemine who the father of this baby is. You both have a right to know, I owe you that much" she says nervously, trying hard to make eye contact.
"But before we do that, I just wanted to, uhmm..." she's trying to find words as she makes eye contact. "I just wanted to apologies to you both for what I put you through" with a low voice she says which makes Sbu and Jabu take a pick at each other. "I know you guys hate me for it, but not more than I hate my face" she says as her voice begin to tremble a little bit. "Sbu I cost you your marriage and I'm really sorry about that, i reall am" as she looks at Sbu who tries to avoid eye contact as he looks down, not knowing what to say. Katlego notices that but it's not like she expected anything else.
"I'm realy ashamed of what I did to your wife. She really didn't deserve that. She's a good woman. I can never repair the damage I caused and I lost her as a friend. But that's the price you pay for being a bad person" as her eyes begin to be a little teary. Sbu still can't bring himself to looking at her as his mind is back full of a cocktail of emotions right now.
"Uhmm, and to you Jabu" she continues as she turns on to Sbu's friend. "You didn't deserve this. You are such a good person. I lured you into my twisted world which cost you your friendnship with Sbu.
I'm really sorry for hurting you this much. Over the past few months in a new province, new envronment and surrounded by new people; I had a lot of time to think about what I did. I can never change it, even if I wanted to. But I really want to make a new start with my life and become a better person. I can't change the past but I can definately influence my future. This baby right here" as she brushes her tummy, "Is my fresh start" she says with another nerveous smile to which the two friends don't really respond to as they both look down.
"Okay, on that part that's all what I wanted to say" she continues. "On the paternity I said, I'm here back in Town until the baby is born and then I move to Cape Town permanently" she says much to the guys' surprise as they look at each other.
When she sees that they have something to say she jumps right back in, "Look we will arrange with whoever is the father on the shared castody issue. Guys I really need to do this, for me. I've got nothing left for me here in KZN. I lost my best friends to this, the girls i really loved with all my heart.
I don't blame them for cutting me off, I did that to myself so I'm not mad at them. So got nothing keeping me here. I'm starting a new job in Cape Town after my mertanity leave is over and..." she

doesn't finish that part as Jabu jumps in, "BUt Katli shouldn't you have discussed all of this after we'd known who the father is so that a best discision for everyone is taken?"he says but Katlego cuts him off too, "Jabu this is about me and what's good for me, what's healthy for me" she says.
Jabu wants to protest but as he sees Sbu looking at him he decides against it. "So guys, can we discuss DNA tests and the arrangments around that becausse I can give birth anytime from now" she says as she looks ashamed at how awkard this whole thing is. Nonetheless f or the next hour or so they continue to discuss this matter.
Somewhere else, Buhle is Tendai's place. She hasn't been here since she left for her own place even though the two had been keeping touch. They call each other more than they used to do now, most probably because Buhle misses the attention of a man ever since she left Sbu. Tendai's relationship with Sharon is on the other hand better than it ever was and she and their daughter visit more often now.
"Well I got to be honest, I didn't expect the visit hey" Tendai says as he sips on his juice seitting next to Buhle. It's a comfortable distance in bewteen them, as a precaution of sorts. "Oh I'm sorry about that, I know I should have checked with you" Buhle says as she breaks contact, embarrasssed by
what Tendai just said. "No it's okay, I'm alone anyways" Tendai says with a smile. "So what's up?
What's on your mind doctor?" as he looks at Buhle in the eyes, who smiles at that. There's a way that when Tendai calls her 'Doctor' just melts her heart, she loves it. It feels intimate for her. Much like how Tendai feels when Buhle calls him 'MEC', he can't help it but melt over it.
"Well nothing really Mr MEC, I just came to check on you, you know" Buhle says with a low voice. "But I can leave if I'm interrupting you on..." she doesn't finish as Tendai cuts her off, "Stop, stop, stop okay?" he says. "You are really not interrupting me on anything, I'm happy to see you" as he smiles.
"Alright, okay good. So how is Sharon and your daughter?" Buhle says as she makes eye contact, somewhat relieved. "Uhmm, they are okay, thank you" says Tendai who didn't expect that question from her. "And how are things with you, the situation with Sbu? Are you guys making effforts to
resolve things?" he asks as he breaks eye contact. He knows how awakward this conversation is. "Uhmm, I personally am doing okay, considering. But as for Sbu, I don't know really" Buhle says as she looks really uncomfortable by this topic. "And no we haven't resolved things yet, it's not that easy. A lot has happened and at this present moment I'm just trying to focus on my daughter and..."
she doesn't finish as Tendai cuts her off, "Do you still love him?" he asks.
There's another question she knew would come at some stage but really wished didn't. She looks at Tendai with awkward eyes and takes a moment to think. "Of course I do love him" she says as she sighs deeply. "He's still my husband, Tendai" and her voice changes a little bit to being sad.
"What she did to meis so hard to overlook" she continues. "Yes, I know I have cheated on him with you as well but the baby issue, I just can't look past. And the fact that he had an affair with my best friend just makes things a lot harder and..." she doesn't finish as Tendai cuts her off once again, "But you also cheated on him with me, his biggest business rival. I am one man he couldn't stand Buhle, you know that. I'm sure it was not easy on him too and..." Tendai says but he also doesn't finish as Buhle cuts him off, "But Tendai, I didn't get pregnant over this" she says angrily, to which Tendai just shrugs her shoulders not knowing what to say after that.
"Well I suppose the picture may change if it turns out the baby isn't Sbu's but Jabu's but what are the odd, right?" she says as she gives a nervous smile. "Odds are 50/50 Buhle" Tendai says as he jumps in, which brings a moment of silence as both of them think about this situation.

"Well, so if it really turns out that the baby isn't Sbu's so you have a chance of working things out with him?" Tendai asks as she breaks the silence. But Buhle looks at him and then looks up for a second as if she's thinking about a response. Then she says, "Well, I mean I'm not all innocent in this Tendai. We have both been unfaithful to one another so I can't act all holy. So yeah I guess I will try and work things out with him. But if he turns out to be the father, then I really don't know hey. I don't even want to imagine it" as she becomes a little sad. "I hear you" Tendai says. "So where does that leave us then? Where would it leave us?" as he looks at Buhle in the eyes but she pulls away from eye contact.
"Look Tendai, you have Sharon and your daughter in your lives now and I respect that you know" Buhle says. "Besides that..." she doesn't finish as Tendai cuts her off, "How about the feelings we have for each other?" he asks much to Buhle's discomfort.
"Well, we'll have to resolve those Tendai" Buhle says. "There's not denying that I have feelings for you and you have feelings for me. You make me feel a certain way no one can but truth is I'm
married. If I'm to fix my marriage with Sbu, then we'll have to resolve whatever feelings we have between us. And you'd need to fully focus on Sharon and your daughter as well" as she looks at the uncomfortable Tendai who breathes a huge sigh as if to say Okay fine, you win. "I hear you" he says. "We really did have great times, didn't we?" as he comes a little closer to Buhle looking at her in the eyes and she looks at him back. Both of them are beginning to breathe heavily as their eyes are filled
with longing and desire for each other.
"Yes we did" Buhle says with a low voice looking at Tendai who slowly leans in, inviting her for a kiss.
She accepts as she begins to touch his face softly. They get passionate as they make love on the couch, not carring if anyone could come through that door.
Just about 45 minutes later they were lying on the couch naked, caught up in the moment of blizz and enjoying the moment they had been longing for. They both wish this last forever even though at the back of their minds they know it is not possible. "You know this shouldn't have happened and should never happen again right?" Buhle asks a heavy breathing Tendai as she lay on his chest. "But why do you always have to go on and ruin the moment babe?" Tendai responds as he appears
annoyed by the question. "Look I don't mean to ruin the moment okay?" Buhle jumps in. "But I'm serious about that Tendai. I can't keep coming between you and Sharon. You need to fully commit to her and..." she doesn't finish as Tendai cuts her off, "Uhmm, I will deal with Sharon in my own way
Buhle, thank you very much" he says as he sits straight.
But as Buhle also straightens up so that she can protest, a phone rings for Tendai. He looks at the caller ID and says, "I need to take this, please excuse me" as he moves away from Buhle to stand by the window. " Yeah, what?" he says in a slight whisper.
His face changes as he listens to whatever the caller has to say. "How the hell did he escape, huh?" he whispers again as he turns around to see if Buhle is listening and as he suspected, she seems to be eaves dropping. He then goes to goes to the bathroom for some privacy. "Now you listen here idiot, you better find him before he comes for all of us you hear me?" he says as he raises his voice this time and dropping the call. He then goes back to the lounge where he finds Buhle getting dressed. "Is everything alright?" she asks as soon as she sees the frustrated looking MEC. Tendai isn't sure how to answer this question, if anything it seems to irritate him.
"Uhmm, look babe something has come up. I need to rush somewhere okay?" he says looking at Buhle with a nervous smile. "Oh, uhmm okay". Is everything alright?" a surprised Buhle responds wondering what's going on. "Uhmm, yeah everything is okay, it's just business deals you know" Tendai says as he smiles nervously again. "Oh okay then, let me give you space, we'll talk later okay?

I will leave you to it" Buhle reluctantly says as she picks up her bag. Tendai watches as she walks out the door. As soon as the gets on her car and drive off the gate, he smashes a glass to the wall in frustration. "Damnit" he shouts in anger.

Lerato is at her place panicking to death over what she overheard when she was speaking on the phone with Ndoda. She's pretty sure something happened to him and she hasn't stopped crying ever since. Knowing who her boyfriend really is, she knows for certain that this is connected to that. But another thing she knows is that she can't go to the police as that would open a can of worms.
As she sits there, worried sick, a knock on the door, " Lerato it's me please open" someone calls. She gets up from the couch and quickly goes to open the door. "I came as quick as I could, what
happened darling?" it's Lindiwe who's asking as she comes in with a worried look on her face. This question makes Lerato to start crying all over again but Lindiwe pulls her over and hugs her, "Shhh, it's going to be okay. Tell me what happened" she says as they break the hug but Lerato goes to the
lounge as Lindiwe follows. "I think something bad happened to Ndoda" she says as she sits down,
sobing. "What do you mean something happened? Why do you say that darling?" Lindiwe asks as she sits next to her friend.
"uhmm, we were talking on the phoneas she went to pick up the put in for supper but then I overheard him struggling trying to fend off some guys who were mugging him or something but then after that the call was cut off" Lerato says as tears fall again. "I really don't know what happened but it sounded like they were beating him up or something Lindi" as she puts her hands in her head.
"Oh my God darling, did you call the police?" Lindiwe says in shock but this is the question Lerato was really hoping eto avoid. She really doesn't know what to say but whatever it is she has to think fast. "And tell them what, Lindiwe?" she says as she raises her voice. "I can't just go to the police and...I mean i don't even know what really happened over there or where Ndoda is right now" as she wipes her tears. "But what else can you do Lerato?" Lindiwe jumps in, "I mean, what if something really happened with your boyfriend, something really bad?'' she doesn't as Lerato cuts qher off, "Please don't say that okay?" she says to which Lindiwe throws her hands in the air if to say Okay, I was just saying.
"But someone got to know something about this my friend" Lindiwe continues. "Have you called the hopsitals near?" with a voice voice. "Yes I have. There's nothing there" Lerato says with a low voice and a face of worry. "Been hoping and waiting that her phone will ring but nothing" as her eyes begin to be teary again.
"Look my friend, we don't know what happened yet so let's not push panic buttons just yet, okay?" Lindiwe says calmly as she brushes her friend's back. "I'm sure Ndoda will show up fine because I mean, who'd want to harm him?" But that question makes Lerato's mind race as she is trying to piece this together. Who could have done this, really? she thinks to herself. Could it be one of his
clients or one of his without a doubt many enemies? Or could it just be a mugging? All these questions she's asking herself she has no answer for. But she's interrupted by her friend Lindiwe who says, "Hey it's going to be okay, you must believe that" as she takes her hand.

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