Chapter 6: Discoveries

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“Hi, do you mind if I joined you?” Lerato says as she sits down in the table with this gentleman who is wearing a black suit, having some coffee in this beautiful restaurant is clearly for high rollers.
Lerato doesn’t wait for the response from the guy though as she sits down and looks at him with a smile. She is wearing a beautiful and revealing summer dress, which probably is making the man speechless. She always seems to think that she is the envy of the world and that no man can resist her advances. But it looks like she could be right, as this gentleman can’t resist but check her
cleavage. She notices that but pretends as if she didn’t see.
“My name is Lerato” she says as she extends a hand to greet the guy, who accepts the invitation as he says, “I am Ndoda. Nice to meet you Lerato” with a smile looking at her in the eyes. She seems lost for words there for a second as she looks back at the man. Buy finally they break the shake as though both of them were, for a brief moment transferred to another world.
“Wow that’s a very nice name” Lerato says with a smile to which Ndoda returns. “Uhmm, I think I once saw you in a certain restaurant a while back with an MEC, Tendai Lebese, if I’m not mistaken. So i assume you are a government minister, official or something, right?” she asks which sends Ndoda out laughing, “Hahaha, I think if I was a minister you probably would know right?” he says. “But yeah I think you could call me a government official” he smiles. “So, and you are a model I
assume looking at how stunning you look” as he looks at a blushing Lerato's revealed thighs. But this makes her laugh, “Hahaha, oh you wish” she says. “No I’m not a model. But you can call me a events content creator” she says looking into Ndoda's eyes who is trying to figure that out. “Oh so you are an influencer, hahaha. Okay I get it” he says but that doesn’t look like the joke is well received by Lerato who doednty laugh at it but instead looks away.
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to sound rude. Please forgive me” Ndoda says. “Can I at least offer you something to drink for that?” he says as he touches Lerato’s hand and that seems to do the trick as she smiles back at him, “Yeah sure” she says to which Ndoda calls on the waiter who takes the order. From there they sit a d talk for a while.

At Lindy Hotel, Lindiwe is having a busy day, touching base with her stuff as it is time for auditing of her business. She usually hires an independent auditor to go through her business books to see if everything is up to scratch. But before that could happen she also does an internal random auditing of her hotel to see if they are on the right track. She picks a few people from every department who will form a task force that runs random checks of everything that happens in the hotel.
“Cynthia, can you come over here, please?” she calls one of her stuff to the reception area. “Uhmm this booking log is accurate, right? I mean from the 26th? Is this everyone who made a booking for
that day? Is there anyone who wasn’t entered on the data base for this day?” she asks curiously as she goes through the screen on the computer. “Yes ma’am everyone who made a booking for this day was entered on the data base, why? Is everything okay?” Cynthia asks curiously but Lindiwe thinks for a second as she goes through the book comparing it with what she is looking at from the computer screen. She feels something just doesn’t add up. “okay look, can you check from this

book and that one and see if a person by the name of Katlego Tlabi is signed in there?” she says as she gives Cynthia two books to check.
After a while of intense digging, Cynthia breaks the tense silence in the reception area, “Ma’am there’s no person by the name of Katlego who was signed in on this day, or any other day for that
matter” she says much to Lindiwe's confusion. Why would my friend sign in under a false name? she thinks to herself. Part of her wants to let this go as there could be a reasonable explanation for this, but another part of her is super curious.
“Okay Cynthia, thank you very much. You can go on with what you were doing okay?” she says with a smile to which Cynthia smiles back as she leaves her boss be. Lindiwe then leaves the reception area and goes to the security room where CCTV cameras are being monitored. “Hi George how are you?” she says to the security manager she finds in this big room that operates security cameras for the whole hotel. “Hi ma’am. I’m okay thanks, how are you?” George says with a smile. “I’m okay too thank you. George I need you to help me with something okay? Can you pull off tapes from the 26th of August please, on all floors. I am looking for someone. I want to see which room number she was in on this day since she didn’t sign in using her name. Is that possible?” she begs.
“Oh okay ma’am I think we can do that but it definitely will take a little while as we will be going floor by floor” George says as he punches on the computer. “Oh look I don’t want to disturb you on your work so let’s do this okay, just send those tapes to my laptop and I will have a look at them myself” Lindiwe says as she opens a laptop that she’s been carrying around all day doing this auditing.
“Are you sure ma’am because that is a lot of work?” George asks with a nervous smile. “Oh yeah don’t worry about it” Lindiwe says. “I’m done with the other stuff anyways so yeah I’m going to be okay so please just send them through” she says as she looks like something is troubling her. “Yes ma’am, I’m sending them right now” George says as he works on the computer again. “Thank you
George, let me be on my way then” Lindiwe says as she stands up and walk out of the security room.
She goes straight to her office that is not really far from the reception area and sits down as she opens her laptop. Oh George has sent me the tapes already; she thinks to herself as she reads. She really isn’t proud of looking like she’s spying on her friend but curiosity got the better of her.
So she sits there in her office looking at these security tapes, where she started from the reception area, checking every person who checked in on this specific day. After a little while pops up what’s she’s been looking for. From this tape it’s Katlego who is at the reception and she definitely signed on the register. But why did she not use her real name? Lindiwe thinks to herself.
Okay, now that this part is cleared up, her friend did check in on the 26th, now it’s time to go through the tapes from the corridors of each and every floor of this hotel. But the job is made easier by the fact that the tape shows the time Katlego arrived at the hotel. All Lindiwe has to do now is look from a specific time. So she once again starts from the first floor to look at every face that
checked in to their room from 14:00. After a little while, her eyes are starting to get tired as she’s been on this for a while. Where are you my friend? she asks herself as she looks. “Okay, 8th floor” she says as she concentrates. But in a moment, her friend pops up on the screen again. Oh there you are my friend, so you are at room 812, huh? Lindiwe thinks as she anxiously looks at the screen.
From the tape it is not clear who opens the door for Katlego so she has to look through the booking log to see who had booked room 812.

As she goes through the log, nothing could have prepared her for what she sees next, room 812 on the day was booked by IdealTech. “Oh my god, oh my freaking god” she things loud at the shock. But she then stands up and goes to close her office door, in case someone comes budging in. She

comes back and sits down. She can’t believe what he’s seeing. This is Sbu's company. They are always booked here from time to time for their regional meetings, she thinks to herself.

Suddenly she starts to overthink things now, no man, it can’t be. Sbu wouldn’t dare cheat on his wife with her best friend, would he? She thinks. And let alone Katlego, she wouldn’t stoop that low, can she? She thinks as she stands up to walk around the room. She comes back and sits down and continues to look into the tape trying to see what time Katlego left the room and if someone else
came out if the room other than Sbu, her friend’s husband.

Somewhere else Grace is having lunch with Tsepo at the restaurant by the beach. Since that day at Buhle’s party these two have become close and have been on a few dates. Grace doesn’t mind
spending time with Tsepo because she feels safe around him and the fact that he makes her laugh a
“So have you decided what you want to do next, since you are no longer working for Sbu? I mean last time I checked you were still trying to weigh up your options, how’s that going?” Tsepo asks
Ashe sips on his drink. Grace takes a second to think about it before saying, “Well, what is the rush anyway? Can’t the girl just take her time about doing things?” as she sips on her drink as well, but Tsepo just shrugs his shoulders as he tears apart the plate of ribs in front of him. “Well maybe I should take my friend, Lumka's advice and pursue modelling, what do you think?” Grace says much to Tsepo's shock as he almost chokes from the food in his mouth. “Oh wow, is that what you really want to do?” he asks as he wipes his mouth with a napkin.
“What you don’t think I can cut it as a model?” Grace asks as she looks at herself as if something is wrong. “Oh no, you definitely can cut it hey. I mean. You are beautiful and you have a great body. I was just thinking that uhmm…” Tsepo says but then runs out of words, which makes Grace laugh, “Hahaha, relax Tsepo, I get you okay?” she says, “I was kidding anyways. That life isn’t for me you know” as she sips on her drink.
“So what will you do then?” Tsepo asks with a low voice as if he’s a little embarrassed at himself for tripping in his words. “I have few ideas but I’m really not in a rush. To tell you the truth, I really loved working as Sbu's PA, as hectic as that job was. I travelled a lot where I got to meet a lot of people who added value in my life. So…” Grace says but Tsepo cuts her off, “Well there are many
jobs that can give you that, you know? Or was it something else that you loved about specially that job?” he says as he looks away to avoid eye contact. But Grace doesn’t seem to like what Tsepo is insinuating. “What is that supposed to mean?” she asks curiously, which makes Tsepo thinks for a
second. “No I don’t mean anything Grace okay?” he says as he sips on his drink. That suddenly bring an awkward moment in the table.

“Look Grace, I like you, a lot. I’ve always had, even from a distance. Do you think you and I can build towards a relationship, I mean seeing that we’ve been on a few dates already? I mean I know that I haven’t expressed myself this way to you before but today I am. And I know that…” Tsepo doesn’t
finish his thought as Grace cuts him off, “Uhmm Tsepo, I don’t think I’m ready for a relationship right now you know, there’s a lot happening in my life right now” she says as she looks away.
This brings another moment of awkward silence, again as both of them sip on their drinks. It looks like both of them have something to say to each other but they don’t know how to say it. “Look, I didn’t mean to pressure you okay? I really apologize if it came across as that” Tsepo says looking

embarrassed but Grace immediately jumps in, “Oh no, you are not pressuring me at all it’s just that uhmm…” she’s lost for words but Tsepo rescues her, “Look, you don’t have to explain okay? I get you” he says to which Grace smiles uncomfortably. “Well, I don’t even know why you are interested
in a girl like me. I mean you are rich so you can have any woman you want on the planet” she says but this doesn’t look like it sits well with Tsepo who suddenly puts his fork down.
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean it in a bad way, okay? It was meant to be a light joke” Grace says,
embarrassed but Tsepo keeps a straight face. “Look, I know everyone probably think the same way you do about me. But all the money in the world can’t buy everything you need” he says as he
restores eye contact. “I’m not looking just for anyone Grace, it’s you that I want, that my heart wants” he says to a blushing Grace.
“Look, Tsepo I like you okay and I love spending time with you. It’s just that at the moment I’m dealing with a lot of things and I think I may not be good for you at this present time until I deal with some unresolved feelings…' Grace says but she doesn’t finish as Tsepo cuts her off, “You mean Sbu
right?” he says to which Grace almost chokes on her drink. She really didn’t expect this from Tsepo. “Excuse me?” she asks curiously. “Look I know the unresolved feelings are about Sbu okay?” he says. “Oh and please know that I’m not judging you at all. And I know that…” but he also doesn’t finish as he is cut off, “Look, if you thought that me and Sbu are…” Grace raises her voice a little but is also
cut off by Tsepo “Oh no I know that you guys weren’t having an affair, I know Grace. But I know that
you have feelings for him and I think everyone knows that”
These words don’t sit well with Grace, who looks away lost for words. It’s hard to read whether she’s upset or angry at Tsepo as she continues to sip her drink. But he is looking at ways to ease this situation, “Look Grace, it’s okay I understand alright?” as he says. “like I said I’m not judging you on anything but I I just hope you can get over him and fall for me because I really like you” he says looking at her in the eyes.
Those words seem to calm down a little as she says, “Look, that’s the reason I quit my job. Or at
least it’s part of the reasons. I am in the process of resolving those feelings I have for Sbu, and if it’s not too much to ask for, if you could wait for me I will…” she doesn’t finish her thought as Tsepo jumps right in, “Of course I will wait for you Grace. Take the time you need okay? I am not going anywhere” he says with a smile of excitement to which Grace returns as they continue to enjoy their lunch.
Later on at Sbu’s house things have never been quite the same since the day of Buhle’s birthday party. They do have great moments there and there but it’s largely a tense environment. It could also be that both of them feel guilty about cheating on each other. They haven’t had chilled moments together as a family in a while because both of them are always busy, or pretending to be busy.
Sbu is sitting in the lounge busy on his laptop doing some work. Today he had decided to work from home as he’s still looking for a PA after Grace quit. Things have been a little tough for him since his trusted PA left, he’s struggling to get himself organised. At the moment he has to get things done himself even though he seems to have accepted the situation. Buhle is upstairs taking a shower
because she will head to work later on. As Sbu is busy on his laptop, a phone rings. He touches his pocket and find his phone, but it’s not his that is ringing. He looks around and sees that it’s his wife’s phone on the table that is ringing. He takes and what when he’s about to answer he notices that the call is from Tendai.
What the hell is this? Sbu thinks to himself. He is wondering why MEC is calling his wife and what could this be about. He thinks of answering but then he decides against it, so he let it ring until it

stops. He continues with whatever he was doing on his laptop but then the MEC calls again, this time a little longer. And again Sbu doesn’t answer it but allows it to ring till it stops.

Once again he continues to work on his laptop because he thinks, my wife will answer when he comes downstairs. But then a text message comes through from his wife’s phone. Even though he knows he shouldn’t, against his better judgement he takes the phone and reads the message, hey babe, why aren’t you answering the phone? I miss you. I will be at La Pas restaurant at 18:00 so if
you can please come see me. Love you! Reading this, Sbu almost falls off the couch with shock. He is so furious and at the present moment he doesn’t seem to know how to react to that. He closes his laptop because now he can’t really concentrate on what he was doing. What makes him madder is
that Tendai is a long time business rival of his. They have always somehow gone for the same tender bidding and have both won and lost some to each other.
Now he’s wondering if Tendai went for his wife because of the business rivalry they have and made this personal or what. As he thinks that his wife comes downstairs all dressed up. She really looks beautiful in jeans, heels and formal shirt. “Are you okay?” Buhle asks as she looks for her car keys, which she finds next to the TV. “I’m okay” Sbu says avoiding eye contact.
“Oh okay then. I am going now; I will see you later” Buhle says as she takes her phone from the
table. She doesn’t even check if someone called or texted. She just puts the phone in her bag and off she goes. Sbu can’t believe this, who have I been living with in this house all along? he asks himself but then quickly remembers that he’s not an angel himself. But his pride is not allowing him to rest on this one, he is fuming with anger. So he takes his and goes out.

On a plane to Italy, Lumka is on a business class enjoying the comfort life. Being a model, she travels across the world a lot. She’s hardly in one place for a long time. As she enjoys her wine thinking about the things she will do in Milan she’s interrupted by a gentleman, “Hey so where are we
headed?” he asks. Lumka looks at the guy and thinks to herself Wow he’s not that bad at all.
“Uhmm, heading to Milan for fashion week” she says with a polite smile. “And you? Where are you headed?” she asks the guy as she slowly looks at him from the bottom to the top. “uhmm, I’m going to Milan too but for business. But I think I will have some time to watch you move up and down that stage” the guy says with a smile that charms Lumka as she smiles. “hahaha, who said I will be on the stage?” she asks blushing. “Oh well I have no doubt in my mind that you are a model. Besides why would such a beautiful woman like you be on the business class unaccompanied, on a trip to one City in the world that is known for fashion if she’s not a model?” the guy says as he let out another smile again but Lumka just smiles without answering that.
“I am Bheki Khuzwayo” the guy says as he extends a hand to which Lumka accepts, “I am Lumka. It’s nice to know you Bheki” she says with beautiful smile that can disarm any guarded heart. “Well it
looks like I have found my plus one for this meeting, which required that I bring someone” Bheki says as he sips on his wine without looking at Lumka. “hahaha, oh so you went all the way to Milan without a plus one? Did you know that you were going to find her on a plane? What was your plan, actually?” she asks jokingly. She’s really intrigued by this charming guy. “Oh well I was actually
working on a plan to that dilemma and then I saw you” Bheki says looking at this beautiful model from the heel to the top. “I wasn’t prepared to be a plus one in Milan. I didn’t even pack for it” Lumka says blushing. “Oh well I think we can sort that out when we land” Bheki says with a smile.

At the La Pas restaurant Sbu comes in there guns blazing. He has no intentions of asking questions about why the MEC was calling his wife. He finds him sitting alone in the table, unaccompanied. “What the hell are you doing calling my wife Tendai?” he shouts at the MEC who seems caught off guard but Sbu doesn’t allow him to answer as he asks again, “What are you doing with my wife huh?” he asks shouting even louder. As the Tendai stands up to try and defuse the situation before it could escalate any further, Sbu punches him hard in the face that he drops to the floor. As people in the restaurant are now gathering around the scene taking pictures of the MEC who stayed down on the floor, Sbu storms out of the restaurant.

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