13 - teddy

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it had been a frantic morning in the diggory household on the first day back, with amos and cedric off to work first thing in the morning, and jules frantically rushing to get everything ready before heading off to the station. it was known that she wasn't very organised, and it showed with her rushing around the house trying to pack, as well as finishing all her chores.

by the time jules was finally ready, she had about three minutes before the train left to get onto the platform and load up her trunk. usually cedric was there to keep her on track, yet this year was her first without him and his time keeping skills and it hit her hard. her hair was a mess, having gone extremely frizzy after her floo, her mascara smudged from the small crying session right before leaving. yet when theo saw her running down the platform, he swore he had never seen anyone so beautiful.

"hi" a wide grin spread across jules' face when she saw theo on the train— it was weird seeing someone she had practically been messaging everyday, yet had rarely spoken to in person.


"you're tall, very tall"

"and you're short"

"i am not, im average height thank you very much"

"if you say so. are going this way then?"

"yeah our compartment is at the very end"

"near ours then. want to walk together?"

"of course, how was your summer?"

"it was alright, not glad to be back though."

"no me neither, i'm dreading newts."

"same, how were your owl results?" the conversation, albeit a little awkward with it being their first proper one in person, still flowed well, leaving both parties extremely happy.

"good, except for potions, i got an E in that"

"that's good isn't it?"

"i need to be better though for newts, i somehow have to get an O for my midwifery course."

"what's that?"

"a midwife?" theo hummed, "someone who helps deliver babies."

"is that what you want to be?"

"yeah i do, so i've got to scrape an O, not sure how though "

"i said i'll help you with that, didnt i?"

"you don't have to, i don't want you sacrificing your own grades for me."

"well i want to, besides it'll help me if we're going over the same content. its a win win for us both." juliet could feel the blush rising on her cheeks as they spoke, resulting in her hiding her face a little— something that theo had noticed and let it get to his ego.

"thank you theo, i appreciate it, a lot."

theo swore he had butterflies when she said his name— he got giddy over text, but hearing it in person, he was practically on cloud nine as he bid her goodbye and entered his compartment.

"what's got you all chipper? it's the first day back" draco asked, looking up from his book.

"she appreciates me, a lot. isnt that amazing?"


"he was walking with jules," blaise chimed in suddenly upon arrival, "i was walking behind them."

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