16 - tattoos

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theo and jules had been sat in the library for about twenty minutes, books layed out on the table, yet no studying had began, the two simply conversing at trivial and seemingly meaningless topics. they began complaining about the first week back, and how much homework they'd already received, before jules had began a rant on taylor swift. when she realised she was rambling on a topic that probably had no interest for theo, she quickly shut up.

"i like your tattoos, i didn't know you had any actually." jules spoke up after a moment of silence, only then realising she'd accidentally admitted to staring at theo's arms.

"i have to cover them up at school, apparently they go against the dress code or whatever." theo grumbled in response.

"that's why mine aren't in an obvious place." juliet spoke in a teasing tone, a slight smug smile gracing her face when she saw theo's shocked expression.

"you have tattoos? as in tattoos, plural?" she nodded in response, smile only growing, "where?"

"i doubt it would be appropriate for me to show you here." a smirk grew on theo's face at the insinuation, and jules expected a rather lude comment to accompany it.

she was proven right when he spoke up, "maybe we should take this studying back to my dorm then?"

"what studying? you've been bitching about snape instead of teaching me anything."

"no need to complain, bella, shall we start now or do you want to go somewhere a little more private?"

"nice try, and last i checked my name is juliet, not bella." jules gave him an unimpressed look, much to theo's satisfaction at her cluelessness, "now what is a erm cax... caxambu style-

"the caxambu style borborygmus potion?" theo interrupted whilst simultaneously correcting her awful pronunciation.

"yeah whatever that says, literally never heard of it before."

"we studied it last year," jules just looked at him blankly, "it provokes stomach growling."

"why on earth would i ever need to do that? this is why potions is so stupid" jules groaned whilst dragging her hands down her face in frustration, "we should all drop it and just do herbology instead."

"typical hufflepuff, favourite subject is herbology" theo chuckled, as he sat back in his chair, manspreading slightly, much to jules' delight.

"it isn't actually, that would be-"

"care of magical creatures." theo once again interrupted her with a proud look on his face.

"how did you know that?"

"you're forgetting two of your best friends are also two of my best friends, they talk about you a lot." jules simply looked at him sheepishly, her slight embarrassment evident, "not in a bad way don't worry, i like hearing about you."

"oh yeah?" it seemed the roles had reversed and now it was time for jules to tease theo slightly, both of them sharing a small smile at the revelation. it was no secret that the two openly flirted, but it was a lot different actually doing so in person. jules was worried at first that their potential chemistry would disappear when they started meeting up, but it clearly translated well— something they were both glad for.


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