24 - orgies

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tw: mentions of underage drug use


"wish we didn't have to hide this." theo spoke up, breaking their momentary silence. ('whatever this is', jules thought). the two had congregated away from the main crowd of their friends in the hufflepuff common room, instead opting to share one of the love seats for a little privacy, an action noticed by practically everyone.

"i know, me too. plus it'd be nice for all those girls to stop staring at you, id like to let them know you're mine."

"the same could be said for you— smith hasn't taken his eyes off you this entire time, neither has fletchley or macmillan." his was clearly pissed off. if jules had noticed one thing with theo, it was that he did not take to a little competition well, jealousy clearly being a flaw of his.

"they're only looking because zach is jealous im sat next to such a babe."

"what's the story there then?"

"another time, i dont really want to get into it here. and besides we think ernie's gay, so nothing to worry about there."

"taking a lot of will power not to kiss you right now" theo admitted with a low tone, his lips touching her ears, and breath fanning down her neck as he whispered. jules really hoped she wasn't a mess right now, but she understandably was. she just wished he'd man up and actually do something about it. she really was starting to overthink it all— was he just stringing her along? no theo isn't the kind of person to do that. is she that unkissable? debatable, she'd only had a few. did she make him uncomfortable? theo hadn't said or done anything to indicate so, but you could never tell with a guy. were they moving too fast? maybe, but not for theo, because with any other girl he'd have been balls deep after their first conversation, usually found hooking up in a cubicle on the train or a random broom closet.

jules had to stop her brain whirring a million miles a second, instead opting to look around the common room, adopting the out of sight, out of mind mindset. if she didn't look at theo, then he wasn't there with his breath still fanning down her neck.

theo really meant it when he was trying so hard to
hold back from grabbing her face and kissing her breath away, no matter who else was in the room. the desperate, pining looks zach smith had been sending jules all evening had really been pissing him off, and it was jules' grounding touch on his thigh that stopped theo from beating the shit out of his pathetic face.

it seemed juliet noticed his distant mood, and quickly tried distracting him with a group game.

"truth or dare anyone? or is that too cliche?"

"too cliche, we're not in some shitty netflix original"

"you're telling me i'm not sat next to hardin scott right now?" hannah said sarcastically, looking at enzo.

"no, i'm way more handsome"

blaise coughed to try and hide his "liar", making enzo frown at him while the others laughed.

susan spoke up, "we could go upstairs and you know?"

"have an orgy?" ron spluttered when ginny spoke, staring at his sister wide eyed.

"how do you know what that is?"

"i'm sixteen, not an invalid"

"i was more going down the line of having a-" but susan was cut off when they noticed a trio arriving at their sofas.

"hey ernie, justin," susan paused before looking at zach, "the rat. how can we help you?"

"why are there snakes in here?" zach practically spat at the group, while his 'entourage' looked increasingly uncomfortable to be accompanying him.

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