29 - bathroom

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jules and theo had found themselves lounging around her dorm, considering hannah and enzo were on a date, and susan was down in the greenhouses with neville— something all three girls were elated about.

with the much needed privacy, the pair were sat on jules' bed watching gilmore girls (chosen by jules, of course), simply cuddled up in a peaceful silence as the show played in the background.

a sleepover had been arranged for that night, much to theo's upset, in the gryffindor tower with hermione, ginny and luna. the couple were spending her last few free hours together before she had to go. theo had of course tried to get her to rearrange or cancel the sleepover, but jules wasn't having any of it— there would be other occasions for the two to have some privacy.

"i have to start getting ready," jules broke the silence as the credits were playing, trying to peel herself from theo's tight embrace.

"you've got ages, you're leaving in like two hours" he countered, wrapping his arms around her impossibly tighter.

"i need to wash my hair, i'll only be fifteen minutes in the shower," upon seeing the look on theo's face, she quickly added, "and no you cannot join me. i'll be as quick as i can, then we can finish this season."

jules struggled getting up, she enjoyed spending her time wrapped up in theo's arms as they relaxed, but she also did not want to be one of those girls that discards all her friends as soon as she gets a boyfriend. they'd both just have to make time to balance their social life and relationship, it couldn't be that hard.

jules left her phone on the bed, not seeing it necessary to bring it into the bathroom, and she trusted theo not to do any snooping. it wasn't that she had anything to hide, more so she'd be highly embarrassed if he came across the messages in the girls groupchat about him— his ego really didn't need to be booster anymore than it already is.

theo hadn't payed attention to it either, that was until he saw a notification. he didn't mean to pry, but he thought he probably should, in case it was someone cancelling tonight's plans, so theo checked the phone.

what he didn't expect to see was a message from hannah, saying that she'd be in the dorm in two minutes. he decided he wouldn't mention the full contents of the message to save jules a little dignity.

hannah banana
be decent im at the dorm in two
no more naked dancing incidents pls

theo was panicking, all his stuff was tossed around the room, including the jumper and shoes he'd taken off earlier, signifying that a boy had been in the room, and he really didn't want jules' friends to jump to conclusions about anything. he quickly scrambled around the room, picking all his stuff up and rearranging the bed so it didn't look like two people were in it. theo really liked jules, and he wanted a good first impression with her friends, and them thinking he was just using her for a quick fuck was not it.

all the clothes were hidden under bed, which was now made to the best of his ability in the short span of time he had. hogwarts dormitories had very limited space for hiding, theo supposed that was the point— he could hide in the wardrobe, but hannah would most likely go in there, theo was too tall to hide under the bed with any comfort, so bathroom was his best bet.

jules was not expecting her door to open mid-shower, not even finishing rinsing the shampoo out of her hair.

"get out," she called over the drum of the water against the porcelain bathtub, "i'm still in the shower."

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