Parallel Lives: PT 1

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"That was so mean. There's plenty of space over there." Jessa says as the group sees Elda and her group turn away a girl and then laugh about it.

"Well you know Elda. She has her standards." Max says.

"Set them a bit high this year hasn't she?" Alexis asks.

"Oh yeah! We would never drive people away from our table like that." Jae says before Max scares a student as they are about to sit at the table.

"Well... Okay we would. But we wouldn't be so rude about it." Jessa says.

"I guess some people think they can get away with anything because their father is Council Leader." Elda says.

"And I guess some people think their popular because they're just so darling and not because their father is the headmaster. Tell you what Elda? You leave my dad out of it and I'll leave yours." Jessa says angrily as she stands up and glares at Elda.

"Do you hear something? Because I don't hear anything." Elda says as she crosses her arms.

"You know better than to piss her off. Doesn't do much anyway." Alexis says as she looks at Jessa.

"I can't help it. She just gets under my skin." Jessa says.

"You need breathing techniques. Count to ten." Jae says as Jessa looks at him.

"No. You all know what I need." Jessa says as she holds up her piece of cake.

"Cake." Jessa says happily.


"Who's up for skipping study hall?" Jessa asks as the group is in the hallway talking.

"Do you want to get in trouble?" Max asks.

"I'm just sick of being cooped up in here. I feel like the walls are closing in. I need a run." Jessa says.

"I'll come." Brax says.

"I'm in." Terra says.

"If we're caught out off campus again we're getting serious demerits. You know dad blames me right? Look after your brother Max. He's your responsibility Max." Max says as he goes over to Brax.

"He doesn't say that. When he gets mad he calls you Maximus. Right Maximus?" Brax asks as Max playfully grabs him and hisses at him as the bell rings.

"Okay. Let's go you guys." Jae says as the group walks off for their next class.


"You're sure it was headmaster Kristov?" Terra asks as the group is walking toward the school.

"It does sound a little odd." Alexis says.

"Got a really good look." Brax says.

"Why didn't he bring the kid back here?" Max asks.

"I don't think he was a student. He wasn't in an Academy uniform and he looked really scared." Jessa says.

"To be fair some students actually are afraid of the Headmaster." Jae says as Alexis nods in agreement.

"My point is we didn't recognize this kid and I want to know where that door goes." Jessa says.

"Or maybe we leave it alone and study for once?" Max asks.

"We could watch one of the movies McQuarrie assigned for Humanities class. I'll make popcorn." Brax says as he breaths some fire.

"Mhm. That does sound tempting." Alexis says.

"Or you can come for dinner at my house. Mom is making biscuits!" Terra says as she smiles.

"Winner! Sorry guys! Enjoy your popcorn." Jessa says as she walks off with Terra.


"Good morning students!" Santra says as everyone sits down in their seats as she enters the room.

"Good morning Santra!" Everyone says.

"Settle in. Let's get started. I want you to connect with our history as supernatural beings. Where we come from as a community. Our history is our future. Long ago we moved freely between the realms. They say the early Magic Users were born of the First Fairies to explore the Human Realm and tap into its power. Our ancestor lived in balance with nature in the Fae Realm. It was a world filled in magic. Fairies and trolls, shifters and vampires... Each clan had their own kingdom. Then came the Dragon King the most powerful of his kind. The clans rose up against his rule but he was unstoppable and the Dragon war began. The Fae Realm was laid to waste as no life remained. The Dragon King was destroyed and the supernaturals who survived came here to this world as refugees. Here we live hidden behind cloaking spells. The magic isn't what our ancestor knew in Fae but is enough to keep us safe. Outside our boundaries modern humans have no idea we exist." Santra says.


"Seven and game!" Brax shouts as he is playing a game with Max.

"You're not allowed to fly in hoverball! It's not a flying game! Tell him he has to follow the rules." Max says as he looks at Alexis and Jae who look at each other.

"No way. I'm not getting in this one." Alexis says.

"I think Brax plans to bend more rules. You wanna tell him Brax?" Jae asks as he smiles

"I know we promised all just be besties forever and I don't want to screw that up but I really like Jessa." Brax says as he looks at Max.

"Oh man! Okay you are in for it. Look I love Jessa but she is way too high-stress for me. I wish you well brother. I mean it." Max says as he smiles at Brax.

"You guys okay with this?" Brax asks.

"Of course. Follow your heart Brax." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Of course she could obviously do way better. So... good luck with that." Jae says before Brax tackles him as the two laugh causing Alexis to smile watching Jae.


"Jessa...? You're excused. Your father's here." Santra says as everyone is in class before Jessa leaves.

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