In Over Their Heads: PT 1

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"Gimme sugar!" Terra says as the group goes into Jessa's room.

"Eat up Buttercups! You earned it." Jessa says as Jae and Terra begin eating a bunch of snacks sitting on the dresser.

"Ah hungry much?" Mischa asks.

"Using that much magic takes a lot of energy. Jae and Terra need fuel and they need it fast! Here's to snatching victory from the fangs of defeat!" Max says as the group begins snacking on things.

"Yeah sorry about that... I thought the wards were triggered by touch. I didn't realize a loud voice could do it." Mischa says.

"It's alright Mischa. It's our fault for not telling you all this stuff ahead of time." Alexis says.

"I keep forgetting you don't automatically know this stuff." Jessa says.

"I don't even know what I don't know." Mischa says sadly.

"I'll tell you what I know. I know we're gonna be legends!" Terra says happily.

"Major bragging rights!" Brax says happily.

"No bragging Brax. Do you know how many demerits we'd get for breaking into the Headmaster's study?" Max asks.

"Yeah I kinda agree with Max on that one. I don't wanna know what the Headmaster would do if he found out about this. So let's just keep this to ourselves." Alexis says.

"Okay well I'm outta here." Terra says as she yawns and begins to leave before Jessa stops her.

"Uh why don't you let Brax give you a lift home?" Jessa asks.

"Dragon Airlines the only way to fly!" Brax says as he leaves with Terra, Mischa and Max.

"I don't know what you have planned for those hub tokens but whatever it is be careful." Jae says as he and Alexis look at Jessa.

"Yeah. We don't need to be getting into any senseless danger. Especially with Mischa being in our group now and her not Knowing what we do. She could get into danger much easier than the rest of us because of that." Alexis says.

"Don't worry. I'll be careful. And I got Mischa. Don't worry about that. Promise." Jessa says as Alexis and Jae look at each other before leaving.


"Problem?" Jae asks as he and Alexis find Mischa giving a sad look in the cafeteria line.

"What's up Mischa?" Alexis asks.

"Jessa cutting in line... That kind of entitled behavior has always bugged me. Somehow it's even worse seeing my sister do it." Mischa says as she follows Alexis and Jae in the line for food.

"She doesn't mean to be rude." Alexis says.

"Right." Jessa says.

"No really. The supernatural world just works that way. Power respects power." Jae says as he and Alexis begin to go over to the others to sit down.


"Supernatural enclaves each choose their council members according to local customs. Who can tell me how Stratford chooses their leaders? Zadi?" Santra asks as she looks at Zadi.

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