Fateful: PT 1

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As the group arrives they quickly find Terra, Jessa, Brax and Louis fighting with Mischa before Alexis, Fern and Jae protect a weak Louis before a woman who looks like Santra appears as Brax and Jessa land by the group and shift back to human form.

"Santra has a twin! I have to find Mischa!" Jessa says as she and Brax shift back to dragon form and fly off.


"Why didn't he tell anyone how bad off he was?" The healer asks as she is checking Louis.

"Have you ever played poker?" Fern asks.

"His secrets are safe with me. You need a healing transfusion. Do I have your permission?" The healer asks.

"Granted." Louis says.

"We need privacy please." The healer says as the group begins to leave.

"I didn't like what I saw out there." Fern says angrily.

"I got the job done." Terra says.

"But you didn't have control. Until you put in the work to earn this power I need you to stay away from magic." Fern says as she looks at Terra as Alexis steps away from Jae follows her.

"Alexis can we please talk?" Jae asks as Alexis looks at him.

"No Jae. I told you that I was done. I tried to warn you about this but you wouldn't listen. I don't want to be in a relationship with you where I'm constantly having to worry about you recklessly putting you life in danger. I understand you care for Fae and why you want to do it but I don't want to see the aftermath of it if you won't take care of your health to be around those you love. So no I don't want to talk about it. My mind is made up." Alexis says as she looks down and sighs.

"I'm sorry. I really am." Jae says as he gives a sad look.

"I know you are." Alexis says as Brax comes in helping Max.

"Oh good you found them. Where's Mischa?" Jae asks as Brax gives a sad look.


"Are they freaking kidding me? The Headmaster and the History Teacher are trying to bring on the End of the World and my parents think I should leave it to them?" Jessa asks angrily.

"Seriously! This is the same World Council that sent The Four after you. Why would you trust them now?" Terra asks.

"They could have been scouring the World for Kristov but they were more interested in sticking us in a Cloister where Kristov could have yoinked us out any time he wanted!" Jessa says angrily.

"Even if the Enforcers can find Kristov who's to say they'll care about saving Mischa? Their first duty will be stopping the rise of the King at any cost." Jae says.

"And she's Dragon-Marked. Which means they don't have to care what happens to her." Max says.

"Which also means she's fair game however they see fit." Alexis says.

"I'm not sitting this out!" Jessa says angrily.

"If you find them Kristov'll have all four twins together in one place. Which is what he wants." Brax says.

"So I just leave her out there?" Jessa asks.

"Of course not. I'm just worried for you too. Maybe this time we do let the Council handle it?" Brax asks.

"Except what have they done so far? You and Max brought in Kristov, Jae's the one who found Faerie, and right now I've got more Magic going on than either Louis or my mother!" Terra says.

"I actually have an idea about that." Jae says.


"So now they say they need more time to put together an attack squad who can get through the door but they still won't let me near it! She's awake and she's trapped. She's in our worst nightmare and they're not doing anything!" Jessa says angrily.

"So we break into the Hub and go after her ourselves?" Max says.

"The Enforcers are literally camped out in there with more arriving every day." Jessa says.

"Which means we won't get past them. Not by force." Alexis says.

"Can Terra conjure that door?" Brax asks.

"No. Even if I could get another turbo boost I'd need a drawing of the door. Like the one Mischa made for New York." Terra says.

"Not a chance." Jessa says.

"There other ways to travel. You two always go home to Bucharest by Hub. But airplanes go there too. You know?" Jae asks as he looks at Brax and Max.

"We need to figure out where that stone door leads. Where the tomb is in the real World." Max says.

"Which could take forever and Mischa doesn't have that kind of time." Alexis says.

"I have a different idea." Jessa says as she smiles.


"Jessa that's crazy!" Alexis says.

"Are you out of your mind?" Brax asks.

"I know you don't want me to go. But I can hear her all the time. In the back of my mind screaming." Jessa says as she holds a coin.

"If you switch places with her that'll be you." Brax says.

"I know! But at least I won't be alone. I'll have my Wolf and I'll have my Dragon." Jessa says confidently.

"Kristov's not counting on that." Max says.

"I've been working so hard to keep her under control. But now I'm gonna let her do what they said. French Fry Kristov into ash and then rip those other Twins in half. Let the Dragon King wait another thousand years." Jessa says.

"Mischa thought the only way to keep Kristov from getting all four Twins was to put herself on ice..." Max says.

"Leave it to Jessa to think of taking out the other Twins instead!" Jae says.

"Hell yeah. I hate that you have to do this but... I understand why you have too." Brax says as he smiles at Jessa.

"Me to her and her to me so make it be." Jessa says as she holds up the coin.

"Are you...?" Brax asks as the group looks at Jessa.

"Still me Brax. Nothing happened." Jessa says.

"It's the distance. I can help." Terra says as she blasts the coin with magic.

"Me to her and her to me so make it be." Jessa says before her eyes change color.

"Did it work?" Alexis asks.

"Mischa?" Max asks.

"No! What did you do?" Mischa asks in alarm.

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