Sins of the Father: PT 1

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"Oh man. That isn't good." Alexis says as she and Jae walk outside to see some kids hassling Jessa and Mischa because they're not being locked up.

"They'll have to go through me first." Jae shouts as he and Alexis run over Jessa, Mischa, Max and Brax.

"Same with me. Nobody touches them unless you're looking to fight with all of us." Alexis says as she shifts to wolf form growling before Mr. LeBron comes over with two wolves.

"My daughters are no threat to you. They fought Kristov. He's the one who destroyed our Cloister and took the Dragon-marked. Kristov is the threat!" Mr. LeBron shouts as a blonde haired woman and two lions walk over.

"By law Wolf all Dragon-marked go to a Cloister at birth. If your daughters had been safely placed in one none of this destruction would have happened. You used your power to hide your daughters' Marks. Your selfishness is disgusting." The woman says angrily.

"A disagreement about the law? It sounds to me like a Council matter. Perhaps you could argue it there. Rather than on a school playground?" Santra asks as she walks over.

"You make a fair point Ms. Khubari. Thank you." Mr. LeBron says.

"Santra please." Santra says.

"Santra as Council Leader I'd like to appoint you new Head of School. Since you're... more neutral than most of us." Mr. LeBron says.

"It would be my honor. And as my first act know that Jessa and Mischa are welcome to remain at the Academy. Under strict supervision of course." Santra says.


"We need real answers if we're going to keep that Prophecy from coming true." Mischa says as the group is getting lunch.

"Any ideas?" Jessa asks as she looks at Brax.

"The Riddle Tree! The Tree is so old she was a sapling in the Faerie Realm before the Dragon war. She answers questions when she's in the mood." Brax says.

"Ooh I want to meet a Tree." Mischa says as she smiles as the group walks outside to sit down and eat.

"It's gonna be okay Jessa. Things will get better." Alexis says.

"Alexis is right. I know you can't see it right now but you're going to be okay." Mischa says as hugs Jessa.

"I hate the way everything's changed! It sucks! I want my life to go back to normal." Jessa says.

"I'll pretend normal to you means after I arrived and got my powers but before our Dragon Marks
burned through? Jess you need to see what hasn't changed. Your friends." Mischa says as she gestures to the others.

"Pack! Pack! Pack!" Alexis, Brax, Max, Jae and Terra say happily.

"Cake! Cake! Cake!" Jessa says happily as she laughs as the others hand her some cake.


"I can't believe this." Alexis says as the group listens to Jessa and Mischa as they tell them what happened with some students and teacher last night.

"I don't know, who to be angrier at. Those creeps who threatened you or Mr. McQuarrie for being so closed-minded. He's a teacher!" Brax says angrily.

"Well we already know old beliefs run deep." Mischa says.

"Those assholes were hoping to make Mischa and Jessa fight back. Which would've meant instant expulsion and straight to the Compound." Jae says angrily.

"Well it didn't happen. Come on Brax. You're good at riddles. What does this mean?" Jessa asks as she hands Brax a leaf.

"Well a rose by another name must mean a Compass rose." Brax says.

"Oh! Then look to the points across could be instructions. Look to the East and West." Max says.

"I think you're right about the Compass but it might be referring to an ancient spell ritual. Old rituals often use things like the points of the Compass." Terra says.

"I agree with Terra. My aunt Cass talked a lot about rituals and spells and her theory does sound spot on." Alexis says.

"I like Max's idea. If we go East and West we might find clues about Kristov's plan." Mischa says.

"Or find clues that lead to more clues that hint at his plan?" Jessa says.

"Well we should get started then." Mischa says as she smiles.


"Here. The easternmost edge of Stratford." Jae says as he finds the border as the group is walking.

"Just normal woods." Max says as Alexis shifts to wolf form and sniffs around.

"I don't smell anything peculiar. Don't hear anything that sounds out of the ordinary either." Alexis says as she puts her ear to the ground and listens.


"What is given for a gift? It has no substance but missing it can cost a friendship." Jae says as he catches a leaf from the Riddle Tree.

"Money!" Mischa says.

"I'm pretty sure the answer is thanks." Brax says.

"She's thanking me for opening the door to Faerie. You're welcome." Jae says happily as he hugs the Riddle Tree as Alexis looks at him with slight concern.

"What did you mean by look to the points across?" Jessa asks as Brax catches a leaf that falls.

"What will answer all your questions when approached from other directions? Okay." Brax says.

"The Tree! Let's try the other side." Jessa says as she and Brax run to the other side of the tree.

"What does look to the East and West mean?" Brax asks as he catches another leaf.

"Same thing. Come on!" Jessa shouts frustratedly.

"Maybe she means the other directions from East and West! What does Kristov want with North and South?" Mischa asks as more leafs fall.

"These two have never met but the world won't turn without them." Jessa says.

"That answer's the North and South question. It must be the North and South Poles!" Alexis says.

"Terra was right! It must be a Compass ritual!" Jae says.

"There's writing on the other side too. Found at the edge of the world. You can't unlock a door without it. Key! Holy crap! Kristov said we were the key. So he knew about this." Jessa says in alarm.

"This one says what grows but has never lived? What lasts eons but is easily broken? But this one says what is shattered must be mended. What is mended must be shattered." Mischa says as she looks at some leafs.

"The answer to the first one is definitely crystals. But I don't know about the other one." Brax says.

"I think these all refer to the Dragon King Prophecy. I've never heard of this compass ritual but in a thousand years some details are bound to get forgotten." Max says.

"And this is how Kristov plans to raise the Dragon King." Mischa says in alarm.

"And he needs us to do it!" Jessa says.

"We need to tell mom and dad about this!" Mischa says.

"Now the Council will have to believe Kristov's the real threat!" Jessa says.

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