Trapped: PT 1

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"Hey Alexis. How is Jae doing?" Mischa asks as she, Terra and Max walk into the room as Alexis is sitting beside Jae's bed watching over him.

"He's still out of it. But his color is coming back at least. That's a good sign I hope." Alexis says before Max gently shakes Jae's shoulder waking him up.

"Hi Jae." Max says as Jae looks at the group.

"Hi." Mischa says.

"Hi." Terra says.

"How you feeling? Borghildn said you're doing better?" Max asks.

"I'm fine." Jae says as he gives a slightly annoyed look.

"That's great! So you'll be back in class with us soon?" Terra asks.

"I guess. If it matters. Take all the time you need. I miss you." Mischa says.

"We all do." Alexis says.

"Or some of you anyway." Jae says.

"We're all a little out of it." Max says.

"Jessa fell asleep in History class." Mischa says.

"Sounds harrowing. Well it's almost lunchtime right? Can't miss that. See you later." Jae says as he rolls over to to face the wall.

"You guys go on ahead. I'll stay with him. Our teachers said it was alright long as I stay on top of the homework." Alexis says as she sits in the chair beside Jae's bed.

"We'll bring you back some food." Max says as he smiles at Alexis.

"Thanks Max." Alexis says as she smiles as the others leave.

"You don't have to stay with me Alexis. Go get some food and go to class." Jae says as he rolls over and looks at Alexis.

"Sorry but as you've said to me quite a few times you're not getting rid of me that easily. Jae you're my best friend. Quite frankly you gave me a heart attack with what happened because I thought I lost you along with Brax. All I want to do right now is see you get better. I want to be here with you right now. It's not bothering me to do that... Unless you just don't want me to be in here with you." Alexis says as she looks at Jae curiously.

"No. If I was gonna be stuck with someone watching me right now I'm happy it's you. Just promise me you won't worry yourself sick over me or put yourself behind with school work." Jae says.

"I promise. Now go back to sleep. You definitely need it after all that. You're color is finally back to normal but I'm willing to get your power is still drained a good bit. Getting some sleep will help. I'll be right here if you need me." Alexis says as she smiles reassuringly.

"Thanks Alexis." Jae says as Alexis smiles at him as he goes back to sleep.


"Mischa said you had a plan?" Brax asks as the group is outside at night.

"Doesn't she always?" Terra asks.

"I also have our Dad's Talon." Jessa says as she holds out the item.

"And I'm out. Night everyone." Max says as he begins to walk away.

"Max! Max I get it. But the punishment we got was unfair and unsafe. We need to be able to protect ourselves. We can't do that at forty percent power." Jessa says.

"So you're going to use a stolen Talon to tap into the Tithe lines and you think we'll get away with it?" Max asks.

"We're not stealing anything that doesn't belong to us. But it'll take all of us to get it done. Especially without Jae." Jessa says.

"Okay." Max says reluctantly.


"Does Terra have enough power to light up the lines like last time?" Mischa asks curiously.

"Of course I do. For about two minutes." Terra says.

"That's where Max, Alexis and Brax come in. They'll give you a power boost." Jessa says.

"Careful don't burn yourself on the silver." Max says.

"Give me your hands." Terra says as Alexis, Brax and Max give her their hands as the lines begin glowing as Jessa begins using the talon to reverse its power onto the group giving them their power and energy back much to their joy.


"Jae!" Alexis says in alarm as she and Max are with the troll teacher as they find Jae on the floor.

"What... what... What happened?" Jae asks.

"When you wouldn't answer your door when Alexis came to check on you she went and found Max and they come and asked for my help." The troll teacher says.

"Will he be okay?" Alexis asks worriedly.

"You can go to class. I'll look after Jae." The troll teacher says as Alexis looks at Max before reluctantly following him into the hallway.

"Don't worry Alexis. Jae will get better." Max says as he looks at Alexis.

"I hope so." Alexis says worriedly.

"He just needs time. Come on. Let's go get some lunch and then you and me can go for a run. It'll make you feel better." Max says.

"Yeah... But after I'll probably go to my room. I've got a good bit of homework to do and catch up on." Alexis says as she nods.

"Alright." Max says.

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