Fractured: PT 1

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"It doesn't seem right. Reese is dead but the Four is just what? Resting? In a time out?" Jessa asks.

"You would have preferred we killed him?" Jae asks.

"Yes!" Jessa says.

"Jessa!" Alexis says.

"You don't mean that!" Mischa says.

"The Fae don't kill unless we have to. But we do punish." Jae says.

"You mean he's awake under there? Buried alive?" Mischa asks.

"He killed Reese." Jae says.

"So we're safe from the Four. But Kristov is still out there." Jessa says.


"I'm staying in New York for Reese's Grieving." Jae says as the group is outside after learning from Max and Brax that they captured Kristov.

"But then you'll come back right?" Mischa asks.

"I don't know. Maybe." Jae says as Alexis looks at him before looking away.

"But we're your pack!" Brax says.

"We want you home. Some of us more than others." Jessa says as Alexis looks at her and looks down.

"Look we all know I've been different since the Faerie Realm." Jae says.

"But you're getting better!" Jessa says.

"I'm better but I'm still not me. Spending time with the Faeries of New York is helping me." Jae says.

"Jessa... Jae knows what's best for him." Mischa says.

"Yufon gave us Hub passes and human money. There are Hub doors at Times Square or Yankee Stadium. Take your pick." Brax says as he holds up some passes.

"Yankee Stadium is closer but you can't leave New York without visiting Times Square! Keep all your wings and fangs tucked in please. Cab fare for us. You keep the rest. Just don't get mugged." Mischa says as she hands some of the human money to Jae.

"As if!" Jae says as he smiles as Alexis looks at him and sighs.

"Taxi!" Jessa shouts as she whistles before a yellow car stops beside her.

"Nicely done sis!" Mischa says.

"Where to?" The driver asks.

"Times Square." Mischa says.


"Hey Alexis." Brax says as he and Max come walking over to Alexis as she is sitting outside.

"Oh hey Max, Brax." Alexis says.

"Something's on your mind isn't it?" Max asks.

"Am I that obvious?" Alexis asks as she looks at Brax and Max.

"Well when you skipped class earlier and lunch we kinda figured something was up." Brax says.

"Come on. You know you can talk to us." Max says reassuringly.

"It's about Jae." Alexis says as she sighs.

"You miss him don't you?" Brax asks.

"That's not what's bothering me." Alexis says sadly.

"Then what is?" Max asks.

"Jae and I broke up while we were in New York." Alexis says.

"You broke up?" Max asks.

"Why?" Brax asks as he and Max sit down beside Alexis.

"Jae and I had an argument over him still acting the way he does over the Far realm. I understand that was his home but it almost fucking killed him. I just feel like he doesn't even value his own life anymore or care that others want him to be safe. When I asked if he was willing to throw everything away for a goal he would never be able to achieve because it would kill him he basically said he didn't care. It really hurt and I just couldn't watch him do that anymore. So I told him that it was best that we don't be together anymore because I can't sit and watch him do that to himself anymore." Alexis says sadly.

"So that's why you didn't act very interested when he said he was staying in New York." Brax sash as Alexis nods.

"I feel like a shitty person for doing that. But what was I supposed to do? Stand by and support him as he wanted to do something that wasn't gonna give no results except for him dying?" Alexis asks as she gives a sad look.

"Alexis you have a right to your feelings. We're all worried for Jae but that's why he stayed behind. Because he thinks it is gonna help." Max says.

"But don't doubt that Jae doesn't care about you. You're his whole world. Jae would never want to hurt you. But if he didn't argue when you told him you wanted to break up then he probably felt that was the best decision. That way you didn't have to feel forced to stand and watch him go through all that. He doesn't like it anymore than the rest of us that it has that affect on him." Brax says.

"We're sure he'll come back when he feels like he is well enough to be here. Until then he just wanted you to be safe and happy. Even if that's not with him. So don't feel like you did something wrong. It would of gotten to anyone." Max says.

"Thanks guys. I needed to hear that." Alexis says as Max and Brax hug her.


"I plead... guilty! I am guilty! I broke the Dragon-marked out of the Stratford Cloister and from all of the other cloisters! But not to hurt Supernaturals. I was trying to save you. All of you! I'm the one with the vision and the one who rescued the Dragon-marked. I am the only one who can raise the Dragon King. But I don't follow the Ancient Prophecy for my personal power. I do it for every Supernatural around the world. We're tired of living in hiding. It's time to announce our existence to the humans! It's time to take their world! We can have a Supernatural Utopia! But only if we free the Dragon-marked and Raise the Dragon King." Kristov says as his confession is broadcast to everyone as he is then found guilty.

An Enchanting Love Supernatural Academy Jae X OC AlexisNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ