Chapter 19

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I could barely open my eyes. But when I did I looked around. I recognized my surroundings, the silk green curtains, the smell of Cologne and apples. The soft bedding I was lying opon. I was in draco's dorm lying on his bed. He was sitting on a chair near the bottom of the bed. Theo was on his bed and mattheo, Enzo were on theirs.

I tried moving when I felt a pain shooting up my arms. My legs unable to move and feel like jelly. My head pounding.

Draco had obviously woke up at some point. He got up and walked over to me. He grabbed my hand softly. It felt so nice his skin against mine. Like home. "emelia, yo- you're awake" he said gently in almost a whisper. "Well no I'm fast asleep" I responded  "nice to see that you're still sarcastic" he chuckled. "Can I just ask you something and please, please answer it and honestly" he asked. I just nodded my head gently. "Wh-why would yo-you do something li-like that? " he questioned.

Honestly it was because the bullying, the constant guilt never feeling wanted anywhere or by anyone. The emptiness I felt inside. "I -I don't kn-know" I answered swallowing the lump of guilt in my throat.

He brushed his soft fingers across my face, delicately as if I could break with to much pressure.

"Never do that to me again baby, okay? " he asked. "Promise" I said . I didn't realise I was crying until he wiped a silent single tear of my face. "I was so so worried about you an-and I thought yo-you wouldn't ma-make it" he sniffed. I didn't even respond and give him a big hug, it was sore but very comforting and relaxing. I felt at peace with him warm breathe down my throat. When he started placing soft kisses down my neck. When theo Unterupted us. "Emelia you're awake!! Omg you're awake!! " Theo screamed like a little girl in a sweet shop. He ran over and pushed draco out the way and gave me a massive bone crushing hug.

A/N im sorry for not updating lately and I felt really bad so here's a wee short chapter. Sorry again.

Don't hate me xx

Lys xx

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