Chapter 3

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writer comment: im trying to make chapters longer I promise love yall

I woke up as the announcement of the plane landing was made I put my stuff into my carry on and looked out the window New York. Concrete jungle where dreams are made of indeed. Even seeing it from here fascinated me to live in it it mentally thanked Mr. Martinez once again for this I would've worked my ass off just to get here and now the opportunity is in my hands you bet Im not letting it go. Im here to stay. I said to myself as I exhaled. After a few minutes we landed and I was off the plane got to the baggage claim area and found my suitcase fully intact did a little happy dance and picked it up.

 I got out to the waiting area and looked for a card with my name Im sure I looked like a deer in headlights but Im too tired to care at this point. Checked my phone it was 2 am tuesday NY time I lifted my head to see a woman waving at me with a card with my name on it I walked toward her and reached my hand to shake hers she walked me to the car I put my suitcase in the back and jumped to the front as she got on from the drives side.

''Im Catherine I texted you this morning''

She very briefly introduced herself. She had short black hair and a skeleton like figure she was around 160 cm tall with darker skin and she wore glasses that suit her face nicely. She was wearing leggings and a t-shirt which made me think I probably woke her up for  this

''I manage the house and the staff and mostly run errands around since Mr. Madrin is away for most of the year I act as his foot on here. The staff lives in another smaller building next to the main mansion but since you are obligated to be available to serve the family at all times you will be living in the main house with the family. You can call me from the number I texted you and ask about anything  for work and get used to a fucked up sleep schedule. Pro tip invest in a high coverage concealer the family wouldn't want you looking like a zombie around the New York elite.''

I looked up at her impressed with how she managed to say that in one breath but there was one part I wasn't quite clear with.

''Why would anyone ask for food at ungodly hours for me to lose sleep over it?''

She chuckled like I asked her why did she have 5 fingers 

''You clearly never met Oscar. He has a habit of coming home at 3 in the morning and asking for the most ungodly types of food. It's like he lives for it. Keep it between us but I think thats why the other chef died early.''

I giggled and looked at her

''Guess we are going to a drugstore first thing in the morning''

As we spoke we arrived to the entrance gate of the house there were acres and acres of land surrounding the big building. As we parked and I took my suitcase out of the car another car roared into the drive way. Piercing through the dark an orange sports car pulled up and stopped with a loud screech. I covered my ears but Catherine seemed unfazed by it as she rolled her eyes looking at the vehicle. Driver side door opened and a boy with a half unbuttoned shirt and black pants got out and closed the door. He looked at me and then Catherine and then me again and with a grin on his face asked

''Cath is this your new chick? You know bringing partners to the house is not allowed for the staff''

I felt turning red as he made that comment thanking the dark that is covering my expression. Catherine looked at him dead in the eye and said:

''You know Im closer to your moms age than I am to yours so when addressing me keep that in mind. And if I wanted to bring my partners into your home I would do it so discreetly that even if I have fun them in your bed you wouldn't even be suspicious of it''

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