Chapter 7

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I drove off to Dannys house after leaving Lily to go off to the airport. I arrived to the mansion buried in acres of land and went to the front door after parking my car. I was greeted by bouncers as I tried to go in. I told them a number coded password to get in. This party is supposed to be paparazzi and unwelcome people free and I trusted Danny with it. I went through the double doors to be greeted by a bunch of lights and loud music. I made my way to the bar chatting some people along the way. As I sat on one of the stools a blondie with a neon bikini top approached me visibly perking her chest up for my attention. I hated it she looked like she slept the number of people twice her age.

I asked for a straight shot of tequila to get the night started. I desperately needed to get my mind off of things off of her. How and why does she have that affect on me? Maybe I am just into girls who can cook? It can't happen no it can't. I downed the shot and ordered a long island to really crash me. She served me the drink basically pushing her not-so-covering bikini into my mouth. I pulled back and gave her an unamused look. I kept drinking until I wasn't thinking or seeing properly anymore then. As I ordered another whatever Im drinking In a sloppy voice she jumped on the counter putting the drink down and trying to seduce me.

''What the actual fuck is your problem? I don't want to sleep with you. I don't want your sucked-way-too-many-times boobs in my mouth or your hands on me. If I wanted to you would already be squealing somewhere way quieter so cut the crap and do your job okay?''

That might have came of as a little more aggressive then I imagined but It was almost enough to get her off of me. As a renewed glass came along I downed it tasting more water than alcohol.

''What the fuck is this''

''Its a shot of vodka?''

''The fuck it is. You call yourself a bartender? Serving me water because I didn't greet you into my chambers? My chef can do this way better with her eyes closed and she is way hotter than you and thats with clothes on blondie.''

I left the bar without drinking it and leaving her cursing I texted Cath my location and got outside. The slight breeze sobered me up a bit and thats when I saw a man with a camera that is too big for a party flash it to me. Im on the news again. How. Fun. Cath arrived and stopped right in front of me and I jumped on the car an alcohol infused headache kicking in. 

''You just don't understand do you?''


''If you are going to get hammered do it at you fucking house. Im tired of calling agencies bribing them so that your alcoholic ass won't ruin your fathers reputation''

''Then don't''

''Unlike you I have to keep my job to live''

''I have no idea how the paparazzi got in it was supposed to be private thats why I drank this much''

''Next time you are drinking at home give me a list I will get them picked up for you. I already have a lot of things to do''

''Cut the attitude I got drunk and paparazzi caught me. I don't need you scolding me on top of this headache.''

''Tell the chef to make me something for hangover''

''The chef is gone she won't be back till monday you literally watcher her leave''


I let my head fall back to the headrest of the car and closed my eyes since the flashlights of the cars aren't doing any good to me. We arrived at the house and I went in. It was already around 3am so my mother is asleep. I opened the fridge to find a few meals prepped in it. I thanked her in my head and took out a container and opened the lid to find some roasted vegetables. I set those aside and picked up the pot and opened it and the smell of chicken stock hit me I was chicken soup with pieces of pasta in it. I put some in a bowl and heated it up in the microwave. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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