Chapter 5

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Oscar(same day as last chap. but from his pov)

Feel like Im writing absolute shit. 

I woke up to a shooting headache like I've been for the last I have no idea long. I took my phone to check the time to see 100+ messages from everyone including my dad. That can't be good news I opened my social media to see pictures of me and Francesca all over the place full-on making out. I tried to remember it but I was way too intoxicated with alcohol to even remember going up to someones room let alone make out. Then images started falling into my head Francesca tried to give me a lap dance and me standing up to go home to not further it. 

Then she crashed her lips into mine something I've been itching for from the moment I stepped foot on the party but couldn't do for this exact reason. As she grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in harder like she wanted to consume me I can't say I resisted then she seperated from me and took us up to a bedroom that I had no idea who it belonged to a second later her back was against the wall me on top of her leaning to the wall and my hand teasing her bra clasp. The moment was interrupted with a camera shutter and I raised my head to see a guy with his phone up I didn't know who he was. He swore and ran off closing the door behind him I was way too turned off for anything after this gave a look at Francesca

''Loyal friend you got there really''

''Oscar no wait-''

I shushed her with my hand and got out of there I couldn't anymore with this bullshit. As I jumped into my car and made my way home to a brand new jewel working for me.  And now we're here. I called up my saviour. Cath.

''Hi about the party-''

''Already know about it the articles will be gone in about a few minutes and your dad is not very happy with you''

''You are my guardian angel''

She hung up without answering she probably is the only one I could actually call family in this shit house. I rolled out of bed still very mad and just wanted to let it all out.


And I threw my phone. Genius. As I came downstairs I was greeted with the chefs shocked expression

''What are you looking at go prepare breakfast''

''Anything you'd prefer sir?''

''No just make me a turkey club sandwich.''

Shivers came down my spine as she called me ''sir'' I looked at her turning her back to me to grab a plate.

''Don't call me sir thats my dads title''


I said that in a very cold tone that even I got the chills. It always reminded me of my dad and the meetings he forced me to go. Everybody licking my ass up so when I'm on top they can work off of me I was young but not stupid I shook my head to remove the thoughts. I started to look at her prepare the food and think. She was 21. Two years younger than me yet she qualified to work at such a place I call my house. 

I felt like a useless piece of shit looking at her. She didn't look half bad. She was no Francesca Venecelli but she had light brown waves covering her face that are trapped in a bun right now and a pretty pair of hazel eyes as I saw a bit too close when she crashed into me the other day. She turned as red as the food she makes and that was kind of funny to me that night I found myself thinking of the ways to make it happen again. I saw her not seeing me but still I didn't move and just let her bump into me I still don't know why. I turned my back to her with my phone ringing as I picked up she served the food so I put the phone on speaker to eat.

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