Chapter 4

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I woke up to the alarm and put my hair up in a bun I put on my apron and my pants and went down stairs as I passed the master bedroom I heard ruffling so I knew Mrs Madrin was already awake I went downstairs and took out a paper and a pen to write down the needs of the house and the menu for tomorrow I already knew today will be spent with meal prepping. 

As I did so footsteps approached down the stairs as she entered the kitchen I looked up to see the older version of the women I read magazines about. She looked at me and read the name on my apron

''Anything I can prepare for you?'' I asked 

''Make me an acai bowl with berries make it quick I have places to be.''

She said as she turned away to the living area I started prepping everything and in a matter of minutes I served her a forest berry acai bowl with honey on the side as I stood in front of her 

''May I ask a few questions about tomorrows menu?''

She nodded and got off her phone, pointed at the couch for me to sit across from her

''How many people will be attending and are there any specific dietary choices?''

''8 people will be there in total and 2 people have got severe shellfish allergy so keep that off the menu. And a very important guest will arrive from china so try to keep the menu asian inclusive''

I nodded as I took notes a menu already started forming in my head. She got up without saying a word and got her purse from the console took out a card from her wallet

''Go to shopping for meals only buy the best quality products the price doesn't matter. I will be back around 8 don't worry on preparing dinner Im eating out'' 

I nodded again and stood up as she walked out the house closing the door behind her I watched her car leave the driveway as I called Catherine

''Hey I need to run to the store real quick are you busy?''

''Be there in 5''

She hung up on me and I went upstairs put on a sweatshirt took the credit card and my phone got out of the house and into the car

''Call me when you are done I will pick you up from where I left you I have a few errands to run while you shop.''


She left me in front of the store and got out of the parking lot. I got in and first thing I went to the makeup department and got myself a high coverage concealer like Catherine advised and paid for it at self checkout so it doesn't mix up with the food. I made my way through the produce section grabbing few fruits and vegetables some baking essentials and a few house needs got into the alcohol section to grab some wine for a sauce Im making  as I was making my way through the wine selection a group of boys around my age were talking browsing through the vodka selection.

Boy #1

Dude did you hear what happened at the Venecelli party last night?

Boy #2

No dude what happened

Boy #1

Are you living under a rock its all over social media Oscar Madrin was caught making out with Francesca Venecelli in her parents bedroom. Somebody took a picture and posted it apparently Francesca held the party without her parents knowing now she is grounded for the whole summer.

Boy #2

Holy shit man it is expected from that Oscar kid he literally makes out with anyone but Venecelli? Damn. And in the bedroom. Wait weren't their families like enemies?

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