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That's the only word that comes to my mind, whenever someone mentions social gatherings like today's engagement party and so I had all the intentions to skip it but I just couldn't. Not when my dadu forced me and definitely not when Ma requested me.

Because there's not one single thing I will refuse to do after she asks for it and it's not just because I love her but also because I have an immense request for her and I know I own her. I owe her the happiness she has sacrificed for years for me and my siblings, even when we are not her biological children. And if coming to these boring events makes her happy, I will do it in the blink of an eye.

But when I agreed to come here, I didn't expect to meet Sheena, my once-upon-a-time fling. I also didn't expect her to corner me and try to force herself on me and I definitely didn't expect to meet this little angel when I was trying to push Sheena away.

A little angel who is on the ground looking at me with those whiskey brown eyes of her providing me the ease and contentment, I have never felt in my life. Just one look at them and I am ready to get drunk on them for a whole lifetime. Fuck! She is it. She is her.

I inhale a deep breath to let the realisation set in and to assure myself that I am not hallucinating and this is not a dream. I dig the nails of my hand, which is not forwarded towards her, into the palm to feel the pain, and to confirm that this is not some sick play of mind. To confirm that she is here, with those unique eyes and beautiful face.

Someone clears their throat and I realise that I am staring at her like a pervert. I instantly move my eyes away and clear my throat while rubbing my neck. Shit! Will she think I am some kind of creep or what? Without much wondering I turn my eyes back on her.

Her dark brown locks, which almost resemble black, flow around her shoulder as she gets up from the ground on her own. I ignore the fact that she just refused my help because right now that's not important what is important is that her eyes are not meeting mine. She is looking on her left side, refusing me to get lost in them and all I want to do is kill that fucking person who is stealing away her attention.

But before I can react in my reckless mind, her glance slides back to me and I instantly feel so happy as if someone has offered me the world. I open my mouth to say something, what I don't know, but anything to make her stay. But before I could a hand came on my arm and someone's irritating voice reached my ears. I decide to ignore the person but she catches the action and walks away after apologising.

I am about to tell her to stop but someone's tugs on my arm and my patience ends the very moment. "What?" I snap at Sheena who instantly flinches back and her hand drops from my hand. Good.

I walk up to her and speak with my most calm and deadly voice, " Don't you ever dare touch me again."

She must have sensed the deadly threat behind my calm words so she instantly nods like some scared kitten. Perfect, exactly what I want.

Her Unspoken Love [#2 of The Singhanias Series]Where stories live. Discover now