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— 𝓜𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓑𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓯𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓭

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— 𝓜𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓑𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓯𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓭

      You were currently sitting in your apartment on your couch, watching some random movie that had turned on. You were surprised to check your emails and find out that one of your classes were cancelled this morning. Shoving a spoonful of cereal into your mouth you had checked your phone. You and Akaashi would text almost daily and since the family get together you guys had gotten alot closer.

       Your sister had texted you the details earlier that day about which shop everyone was going to be trying dresses on at. You were not mentally prepared for the comments from your mom and sister. According to Bokuto, they were just jealous because you were prettier, but according to you, they were just mean people. You had hoped that bringing Akaashi would make them a little nicer.

       A knock on the door had taken you out of your thoughts, setting down your cereal to answer it. You didn't expect to see Akaashi, the man you were just thinking about. He looked tired, albeit so did you, still in your shorts and a t-shirt. Looking at you he realized how nice your legs looked but quickly looked back up at you.

"Hi, Y/n. Do you mind if I study here? The library is closed from the rain." You shrugged and let him in, heading back to the couch. Turning off the TV you put on an old record to play while you decided that maybe you should paint.

"Oh you're going to paint?" You nodded and got your supplies out.

       Akaashi sat at the smaller coffee table occasionally looking up at you painting. You seemed to be painting some sort of nature scene, or at least he assumed, currently it was just a bunch of lines. After finding out the library was closed he would've gone back to his apartment but he decided he'd check up on you. It was raining heavily outside and pretty gloomy. He eventually got too distracted looking at you, paint all over you and the drop cloth on the ground, you were very messy.

"Are you okay Keiji?" You had caught him staring.

"Yes it's just, there's paint everywhere." You giggled.

"Yeah, I tend to get pretty messy." You sighed, you would definitely need to take a shower later.

"Can I look at the books you have?" Keiji had forgotten he was supposed to be studying. You nodded and he quickly made his was to your bookshelf.

"You have alot of old books." You scrunched your eyebrows and he laughed.

"Yeah well.. I collect I guess." You continued painting, it was starting to look more like shapes now.

       A sudden sound of thunder made you jump slightly, messing up your stoke. You sighed, trying to fix it but everything kept getting muddy. You decided to stop and let it dry, then go back and fix it. Walking over to Keiji you looked at the book in his hand, it was some random book you hadn't read yet. He seemed to just started reading it right there making you giggle. You guys had two hours before whatever lectures you needed to go to.

At some point you and Keiji had started dancing. It was fun, lots of laughter and he even taught you a couple of moves which you greatly appreciated considering you guys were going to a wedding soon. The rain had only picked up since earlier but it was a distant thought as you two enjoyed eachothers company. He had spun you around, and then pulled you into a dip. Your faces were very close, and you had only realized it when you were brought back up.

It all felt very domestic to you, staying inside while it rained, dancing to old timey records. Your arms were around Keiji's neck and his hands were on your waist. You had rested your head on his chest. There was only a month left until the wedding and then your arrangement would end. But, why did you guys act like a couple all the time? Shouldn't it have only been at the two functions? You sighed, closing your eyes, quite content with the situation. You were going to enjoy it.

An alarm you had set for yourself went off and you groaned, going to turn it off. Looking at the time a small pout dawned your lips. You had half an hour before your next lecture and no email saying it was cancelled. At least it was your communications class so hopefully you could get a ride with Keiji.

"You're too pretty to pout." You looked up at Keiji, shoulders dropping.

"We have to get ready for class." Keiji shrugged.

"I can give you a ride, it is pretty wet outside." You smiled at the boy, going up the stairs to grab some clothes to change into.

"Just don't look up here!"

"Got it!" Keiji had turned his back towards the loft and started packing up his stuff. He really enjoyed his time with you, like he always did.

Grabbing an umbrella you and Keiji made your way to his car, him as always opening the car door for you while keeping the umbrella over you until you were fully in the car. Keiji got in on the drivers side, waiting for you to buckle up. You started fixing your hair in the mirror and groaned, the rain always made it frizzy. Noticing your frustration, Keiji had put a hand on your thigh, rubbing small circles. You didn't notice at first but when you did you realized how nice the touch was. Slowly over the course of the month the boundaries you guys had set had all disappeared, besides the kissing.

Pulling up to the school, Keiji had parked immediately getting out in order to help you. He had realized when he went to open your door that there was a puddle in front of it. You frowned looking at it, not wanting to have wet socks. Keiji noticed and had helped you get to the side of the puddle by basically picking you up, bridal style. He set you down on the walkway before closing the door and locking his car. You smiled as you reached a hand out for his, him gladly taking it. You guys had gotten into the building and Keiji had dealt with the umbrella while you tried once more to fix your hair. Bokuto had noticed you guys, even witnessing you getting out of the car. He happily made his way to his best friends.

"Hey hey!! How's it going, you guys never told me how the family gathering went." You smiled at Bokuto and Keiji did as well.

"My family really likes her. Like really likes her, it was insane actually." Bokuto smiled.

"I knew she would be perfect! Isn't she Akaashi?" Bokuto was trying to elicit some sort of response out of the other but he just nodded and put his hand on your back.

"We should get to class before we're late. Sorry Bokuto." You nodded and smiled at Bokuto, waving as Keiji led you to your class.

The whole school day had been long, and boring. The rain really ruined the mood. You had been waiting at the entrance of the building you and Keiji had entered earlier, he didn't want you walking in the rain even if you had an umbrella. You were just playing on your phone until you heard footsteps, you assumed it was Keiji but you guessed not when they said your name.


𝓜𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓑𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓯𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓭

𝓜𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓑𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓯𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓭  Where stories live. Discover now