Part I

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If you're not into werewolves, I suggest skipping this italicized part. Other than that, enjoy!

“Who are you?" asked a young yellow Pop Troll with white hair and wearing a purple dress covered in dirt.

“My name is Darkus," answered a dark green Hard Rocker with piercing red eyes, hair black as night, and only dressed in tattered brown shorts. “And I hate to admit, but the dogs who attacked you were my own pack."

“Your pack? What are you talking about?" the girl wondered as Darkus crept up to her with a frightening yet alluring hunger in his eyes.

“You are the White Wolf, Fiona," he explained, his voice dropping an octave. “It was told that you would bring down a tyrant. Our Alpha believes you are meant to overthrow him, so he will stop at nothing to see you dead. Which is why I cannot let you leave. The only way to protect you is to keep you locked up here with me."

“I'm cold..." Fiona whimpered as Darkus grabbed her by the waist.

“I'm sure we can warm this cave up..."

“CUT!" Willow shouted as the two actors pushed each other away. “What the frosting, guys?! This is supposed to be an epic fantasy about fighting oppression! Not steamy, supernatural... smut!"

“Sorry, WD," the actor playing Darkus said, now speaking in an Irish accent. “We're just reading the script your assistant gave us."

“Assistant? What assistant?"

“Uh, you're welcome!" a pink teenage Troll with sea foam green hair hollered.

Willow huffed once she heard her sister's voice. “Karen."

“Willow, werewolves are HOT!" Karen claimed as she chewed on a piece of gum. “The way they growl at you and stare at you and grip you with their claws... No self-respecting werewolf lover is going to watch one of their movies when all it's about is some chosen one and doesn't have any of that supernatural steam."

“What is wrong with you?" Willow muttered in disbelief.

“Yeah," the actor agreed. “I'm having trouble figuring out this character. Is he a rogue or an outcast or wanted for a crime he didn't commit? I mean, what the hell am I doing here?!"

Fiona's actress nodded. “And this dialogue has none of the wit and sparkle of Lady Marigold."

“Girl," Karen said to Willow, “are you really going to let these artsy fartsy types ruin the project?"

“Can't be worse than what my ‘assistant' did," Willow said sarcastically. “Now, get off my set."

“Fine, jerk," she mumbled as she walked away.

“The rest of you go home until I figure this out," Willow said to the cast and crew. “I'd rather have the producers cancel this project than film crap. Feel free to take a complimentary soda drink hat."

“Ooh! I love hats!" the boom mike guy said eagerly as everyone grabbed a hat. Once everyone left, Willow tipped her hat up to wipe the sweat off her brow.


Suddenly, she heard a distant roaring and once she recognized it, she spread her wings and flew out of Volcano Rock City, towards the cries until she found a familiar armadillo frantically running around in circles in the middle of the forest.

“Rhonda, what's wrong?" Willow asked. Rhonda just opened up her side door and Willow flew inside her to find John Dory lying in bed. Willow noticed the clock on the radio read 9:32 and realized that Rhonda was either concerned for her driver or upset that she hadn't had her breakfast yet.

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