Part III

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John Dory was more than relieved to be let off the hook of helping Poppy prepare for the Ball once Flower got well enough for Branch to take over. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy spending time with his brother's girlfriend, but it was becoming harder and harder to hide his symptoms from the Trolls of Pop Village.

Speaking of which, while he was still uncertain about his baby's survival, he decided, for the moment, to take better care of himself. Of course, Rhonda made sure to help, refusing to let him leave her until he took his supplements. He avoided coffee, replacing it with the herbal tea, and, for the first time in eight years, felt a seed of hope beginning to sprout inside his heart.

How long will this one last? he wondered.


“Picture it, Willow!" Synth said excitedly as he twirled around Willow's living room, holding Flower up by her underarms. “Me and Viva at the center of the dancefloor, I take her hand, she takes my waist..."

“I think you're a little confused, buddy," Willow pointed out.

“... and just like that, our hearts become one as we dance the night away," Synth continued. “Doesn't that sound romantic, Lil Dubstep?"

“Vewy womantic," Flower agreed.

“Synth, is this your first romantic dance?" Willow asked curiously. “Because I've never seen a Troll this excited about the Ball as you. Or, at least, in this way."

“I'm new to love, what can I say?" Synth answered as he placed Flower down on the floor. “However, back when I was working for Bruce and Brandy, I did try to get a date to this party they were hosting, but no one noticed me. Maybe it was the neon lights. I blended right in. Literally."

“Well," said Willow, “the Rose Moon Ball doesn't have a technicolor theme, so you'll stand out like a fluorescent thumb."

“She means dat in a goodie way," Flower reminded him as Branch stepped inside.

“What are you guys talking about?" he asked.

“Hi, Daddy!" Flower greeted sweetly.

“Rose Moon Ball," Synth replied. “I'm gonna dance with Vivita 'til my fins get tired, yo. Nothing else matters."

Branch chuckled as he picked up Flower. “Yeah, I know the feeling."

“Anyone who's ever been in love before knows that feeling," Willow pointed out.

“Well, we're still happy for you Synth," Branch said. “Especially Poppy. She can't stop talking about the idea of us double dating."

Willow blinked. “What about me and Ash? I may not be yours or Poppy's sister, but we're still tight, aren't we?"

Branch paused for a second before saying, “It's late, I better get Flower home."

“Bye-bye!" Flower cooed, waving to Willow and Synth.

“See you, kiddo!" Synth said. “It's too bad Bruce and Brandy can't come to the ball."

“Because he's staying home to manage the restaurant and all those kids while she's at her yoga retreat?" Willow asked.

“Yes," Synth replied. “Do you think the rest of the guys will come?"

“That depends on them, and whether or not they can get dates," Willow answered. Though I guess John Dory wouldn't be going alone anyway, if he were able to. Speaking of which, I wonder how he's doing?


Inside Rhonda, John Dory was eating an oatmeal raisin cookie and reading a book titled, “The Sunnyside of Parenting" when he heard a knock on the door. Not wanting to be discovered, he quickly stuffed the book in a drawer and answered the door to find his brothers standing just outside.

“Clay! Floyd! What's up, brothers?" John Dory greeted, attempting to act casual. Don't look up, don't look up, don't look up...

“We just came to check on you," Clay explained. “Floyd here said you weren't feeling well, so we thought you needed some help."

“I'm doing much better now," he replied. It wasn't entirely false. While his nausea and headaches weren't completely gone, he was improving ever since he started taking care of himself and the egg developing in his hair.

“Are you sure?" Floyd asked. “You still seem a little pale."

“Well, what about you? You're the one who nearly had all the life sucked out of him."

“That was weeks ago, and I'm getting therapy," Floyd pointed out. “Besides, this isn't about me. What's going on with you?"

“Yeah, dude," Clay agreed. “What gives?"

“Well, uh..." John Dory stammered. “I... I... I gotta be honest with you guys. The truth is I'm... I'm..."

“You're what?"

“I'm... struggling... to get used to being around other Trolls," he finished. “You know, after twenty years of living alone. Not really sure where I fit in."

“Oh," Floyd muttered. “Yeah, I understand."

“You do?" John Dory asked his younger brother.

“It wasn't easy having a solo career," he admitted. “I was in Volcano Rock City for a few years, but things eventually got kinda ugly. Let's just say at the time, a lot of them weren't exactly accepting towards... someone like me."

“That's horrible," Clay said.

Floyd nodded. “Eventually, I had enough and decided it was time to go home, but..."

“You just found a dead tree," John Dory finished.

“You, too?" Floyd asked. John Dory nodded. “I thought I was dying when Branch found me in that perfume bottle. And sometimes...even before Velvet and Veneer kidnapped me... I actually wanted to die. I didn't think Branch would still be alive after everything I saw. And even if he was, I was sure he would hate me for leaving him behind."

“You didn't know, Floyd," Clay assured him, hugging his pink-and-white-haired brother. “You couldn't have known."

As he joined in on the hug, John Dory couldn't help but feel a strange sense of warmth. Something about seeing Floyd vent about his struggles made him feel as though maybe... maybe he could share his own grief about his lost children and the one still growing in his hair.

“Hey, brothers?" John Dory muttered.

“Yeah, John?" Floyd asked.

“I, uh..." he paused, briefly looking up. As much as he wanted to tell them the truth, he still felt something pulling him back. “I really missed you guys."

I already have the ending planned out, but I wanna hear your thoughts anyway. IF I let this child live, what do you think it'll be? A boy or a girl?

Until next time. 🌈

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