10. Yuvraj

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The weight of guilt settles heavily in my chest, suffocating the remnants of anger that had driven me to such a rash act. What have I done? How could I let my fury cloud my judgment to the point of violating her trust and dignity?.
This is so messed up. I immediately ran away from the classroom. I'm shaking right now. I don't know how to describe my feelings.
She fucking drive me crazy. She is the one because of whom i did this.
She is extravagant. If she hasn't opened her mouth, i would have never done something stupid like this.

O my God. This is killing me. What have I done?

Kissing her was the last things in my mind but she fucking tempted me to that. She called me coward and i lost my mind there. I wanted to shut her mouth but not by kissing her but still i did it.

The taste of her lips still linger on mine, a bittersweet reminder of the impulsive act born from the storm of emotions. And yet, as I replay the moment in my mind, I can't shake the feeling that she too kissed me back.

Did she enjoyed kissing me? Am i good kisser?
Ah! For fuck sake yuvi you have kissed before.

I immediately leave the campus not knowing where to go. I decided to go to office and busy myself with work.
I can't carry this burder on myself forever. I don't want to think about it again and again.

I  reached at the office with my messed up mind.

"Sir you!!!, what are doing here?" rahul questioned as soon as i entered the office.

Gosh. I don't want to answer anyone right now.

"It's my office. I can come anytime" i said rudely.
Fucking hell, I've never talked to anyone like this and it's because of her.

"Umm sorry sir, i didn't mean to offend you. Good afternoon sir please let me know what can i do".

Now i feel guilty seeing his reaction.
God what am i doing???

"Umm, i need to see reports of our previous project, can you bring those file to my table" i said and cleared my throat.

"Of course sir"

I went directly to my office and take a deep breath. I've kissed so many girls before but never felt like this. I pressed my both hands on eyes thinking what have i done.

"here are the files. Anything else sir" rahul asked.

"Umm no and thank you" i said it nicely this time.

He left me alone in my office. I busy myself by seeing these files. I wanted to see these files long ago but didn't get the time. I guess now is the time to see these.

I was busy with the files when someone knocked.

"Come in" i said.

"What the fuck are you doing here" someone said.

I lift my eyes to see the owner of the voice and find my best friend standing in front of me.

Ah!!!! Kill me now.

"I'm so sorry sir. This gentleman came inside before taking the permission" rahul said entering the office.

Of couse he didn't take permission. He is fucking shivansh and he is not gentleman.

"It's okay rahul. He is family. You may leave" i said.

When Rahul was leaving i saw my best friend whispering to him and rahul fucking laughed at it.


"What are you doing here. I have some work to do. Now get lost before i call the security" i said raising my voice.

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