44. Yuvraj

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My whole body is arching. My heart has been shattered in pieces. I want to punch that ankit. How could she touch him. My body is vibrating with anger.

"Why you left like that?" I heard her voice. Shit, I'm not in mood to talk to her. I don't want to talk to her right.

"Answer me" she asked again.

"Nothing" i said.

"Why are behaving like this?" She said and i turned to face her. Is she serious right now? She knows why I'm angry still she is behaving like she doesn't know.

"You kissed ankit" i said

"Correction yamraj i only kissed his hands because i had to complete my dare"

"Fuck the dare. You could have kissed anyone but why did you kissed that asshole" i nearly shouted.

"Because he is my friend and what the hell is your problem?"

"My problem? Are you serious right now. You literally touched another man in front of your husband" i said.

"Oh! So your ego is hurt. Now you remembered that you are my husband. Yesterday you seemed to forgot about it when you were dancing with your ex" she said.

"We are just friends" i said..

"I and ankit are just friends and i told this so many time" she said.

"I don't care if he is your friend, i didn't liked the stunt you did today" i said.

"It was not stunt. Why are so angry just because i kissed my friend on his hand. You can't be serious right now."

"Yes I'm serious and i don't a damn about your asshole friend. I don't like him. You invited him today and didn't told me about it" i growled.

"And you invited sophie and you didn't told anyone about it. Then why the hell should i tell you anything" she shouted back.

"Oh! So you did it just to make me jealous. Well congratulations, your plan is working" i said.

"Are you serious? I didn't do this to make you jealous. Ankit is my childhood friend, everyone were planning game so i thought i should invite him too"

"And kissed him too" i said angrily.

"I just kissed him on his hands. What's the big deal about it" she asked

"You could have kissed me instead of that asshole" i said.

"Stop calling him that and why should i have kissed you"

"Because I'm your husband for god sake. Stop acting like we don't know each other" i shouted.

"I wish we didn't knew each other" she said. My body stand still. I stopped blinking. my world stopped for few seconds. Did she really meant that? Did she really wants to erase me from her memory.

"Why you said that?" I murmured because my heart is really broken. I feel like someone has beaten me. My heart is aching.

"Why do care what i said?" She asked and now we are standing face to face.

"Because...." I started but nothing came out of my mouth. Fuck.

"Because what? Don't you have courage to say it?" She said.

"Because i love you maira sharma. I really love you angel" i finally said it. Time seems to stand still. A tear escaped my eyes as i said. I held her hand. Her hand feels cold. I took deep breath and then opened my mouth.

"I love you. I'm in love with you since the day you entered in my life. You are the first and last woman in my life with whom i fell in love. Never in my life I've knelt before anyone until you and i will do it again and again if it makes you happy. I feel butterflies, electric waves all over my body, even the hairs of my hands feels butterflies because you exist. I feel helpless when i see you sad. Whenever you are sad, i want to burn everything just to make you happy. I love you so much that sometimes it hurts me. The way you smile, the way you make everything possible, i just love each and every little part of you" i said and tears welled from my eyes. She stood in front of me. Her heart is racing fast.

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