18. Yuvraj

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"what the hell you are doing in my room" i asked shivansh, who is doing god knows what in my room.

I finally got the free time from all the other rituals. I came to my room to relax but i didn't know a giant monster will be waiting for me here.

Fuck I'm too exhausted for this.

"I'm participating in your wedding night" shivansh said lying on my bed like he owns the place.

"What the actual fuck shivansh. Tell me real reason or I'm throwing you outside" i said irritated.

"You got married today so don't act like ass. Be happy and for your information i came to give some tips"

"What tips?"

"Umm, tips regarding safe sex"

What the hell. I know everything about sex. Um i mean i know about it and I don't need his tip.

"Are you out of mind? You came here just for this bullshit, you idiot" i said shaking my head.

"Look, I'm too young to become uncle. I don't want you to become father because you couldn't control your horny dick and i know that you are too horny for maira"

"What the fuck? Is your mind full of bullshit"

"Not but it's full of fantasies" he said grinning.

"Look I'm too exhausted for this right now, get lost from here before i loose my shit" i said warning him.

" You exhausted??? That mean you won't be satisfying maira today? O God. I feel sorry for her"

"She would kill me if i tried to touch to her" these words escaped from mouth without thinking twice. One thing I'm hundred sure of is that she is able of killing and she'll kill me for sure if try to so some bullshit with her.

"Yeah that's also true. Feeling sad for you too" he said making sad face.

" Are you leaving or not?" i said again.

"Are you seriously kicking me?"

"No but i will if you doesn't leave now"

"You are no fun" he said and left me alone in my room.

I still cannot believe I'm married now. Also to the person whom i hate the most and i got scolded by a driver on my wedding day.

Fuck. Have i made wrong decision by marrying her. I'm her husband her and promised her father to take care of her. I didn't know why agreed to take care of her when I'm not capable of caring for myself.

Thinking about today's event i didn't even realized when i fell asleep.
I was sleeping blissfully dreaming about my fantasies, but suddenly i found myself on the cold floor.

Someone kick me off the bed. What the actual fuck.

I immediately opened to eyes with a groan and find a giant monster standing in front me and that monster is none other than my fucking nemesis, who is my wife now.

Why the fuck she did that?

"What the hell you did?" i asked groaning too loudly.

"Hello to you too husband" she said with a smile on her.

Of course she is smiling because she fucking kicked me. My wife kicked me on my wedding night. I deserve an award for that.

"Why the hell are you here" i asked.

"This is my room now that's why I'm here and you were sleeping on my own bed. I need to my bed to sleep"

"You could have woke me up just by calling my name"

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