chapter 1

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'I'm doing it! I'm Finally doing it!'

After 20 long years of living in that wretched prison of a home, I'm finally free!

Panting as I ran I could feel the cold air of the night chilling my skin. I could see my own breath with each huff of air I breathed.

It was refreshing, to say the least. Momentarily stopping in my tracks I looked back towards the estate... the mansion, The place I once called home. To see if by chance the guards or anyone might have realized I was gone. The majority of the lights were out with Only a few lit for the night patrol as they stood guard.

That was good, had they realized I was missing the whole mansion would've been awoken and every last candle lit so I would have no dark corner to hide it.

Placing The hat I had 'borrowed' over my head I made my way into town. I needed to get to the docks and find a ship that would take me far away from this place, far from my family's reach, where I could start a new life.

Making my way through the street I was surprised to see the town wasn't as dark and decrepit as I had expected it to be at night, Especially at the taverns.

I nearly got run over by a drunkard stumbling out of the bar as i walked down the street. "I'm rich!" the drunkard shouted out to the world while holding up a small pouch of what I assumed was coin, above his head.

"Take that mother!" He slurred before stumbling into a post. I winced as he nearly faceplanted, then continued on my way toward the docks. As I arrived I saw only three ships docked in the port.

A naval ship and two merchant Ships. One of which looked much nicer and upkept than the other. Steering away from the military vessel –because those men would sooner turn me back over to my family than take me across the sea–, I made my way towards the two merchant ships.

Being up close to them I could definitely tell the nicer one was much newer and cleaner. Considering I would be on one of these ships for weeks, if not months, I approached the nicer-looking one. Standing beside the ship on the docks Stood the rigger for said galleon.

Smiling, I walked over to him. "Greetings fine gentleman!" The rigger paused in what he was doing and looked at me with an arched brow, almost like I was crazy.

"Whatda want?" He spat, not nearly as polite as I had expected, in fact, he already seemed Irritated.

"Uhm well, my name is uh- Val! And I was wishing to inquire you about your next destination?"

The man glared at me as he crossed His arms over his chest. "Port karshin, what business of it is yours?"

'Port karshin?! That's perfect! My family Would never be able to find me in a big city like that!'

"Um- I'd like to Seek passage to Port Karshin upon your vessel! Not for free of course!" I pulled out my pouch filled with coins and promptly showed him everything I had.

He eyes The handful of silver and gold coins before laughing out loud, startling me. After a moment he turned away to continue What he was doing previously. "Get lost kid."

I stood there dumbfounded unsure what to say, did I do something wrong? I've heard numerous stories from my cousins of them buying their way onto merchant ships when they needed To travel.

"Sir please I really need this-" I tried to plead with the man only for him to shove me away and make me fall back on the dock. I cut my arm across an old nail and yelped. cupping the injury with my other hand i looked at my arm in shock as droplets of blood splattered on the wooden planks of the dock.

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