chapter 13

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It was hard to tell how much time had passed but I knew it had been at least a few hours. Although my tears dried a while ago, I've been overwhelmed by fear and grief, unable to move from my Spot in the corner of the room.

I couldn't stop thinking about all the mistakes I made and all the things I could've done to avoid this. If only I had covered my tracks better. Maybe even planned a bit more before Actually making my move, or told Ace the reason I ran away. even doing something as simple as bringing more money with me or waiting one more day could've changed everything!

Burying my face in my arms I shuddered, trying to hold back from shedding any more tears. 'What right do I have to cry? What right do I have to mourn or even worry about my fate when I've destroyed so many lives?'

'Ace, Johnny, Ivan, the entire crew, they are all gone, all dead because of me! They had lives, families waiting for them, families who loved and cherished them, that they had to feed and protect, but now those families would never know what happened. They will never see them again. and to top it all off? The entire island is doomed! They won't be able to get any of the food or supplies they need to survive because Ace's ship is lying lost at the bottom of the ocean with its crew and it's all my fault!'

Fresh tears burned my eyes and I sobbed, hugging myself tighter while digging my nails into my arms. 'I should have begged, pleaded, bargained, anything that would have stopped Lance from attacking them!'

My heart twisted painfully in my chest. The pair was worse than any shattered bone or deep cut that could be inflicted upon my body. 'No... none of those things would have mattered, none of them could have changed the outcome... I never should have tried to run away. I should have never entered that tavern. Whatever pain and torment I must go through now, whatever torture I am forced to endure... I deserve it.'

The silence of the room continued to torment me, letting my mind sink deeper and deeper into the darkest pit of despair.

I could only faintly hear the men outside working and talking amongst one another as time passed. Had Lance not locked me inside his quarters, I might have already thrown myself into the water and let the ocean swallow me.

Taking a shaky breath after crying again I closed my eyes. All I could do was wait for my torture to begin, wait for my pitiful end.

as I sat there I heard a faint commotion above me and opened my eyes. Most of it was muffled but I could hear mention of a storm and strange light behind us. Lifting my head I tried to hear more, looking for anything to distract my mind from its anguish.

A distant rumble sounded from outside and all the candles in the room suddenly went out despite there not being a breeze or anything inside.

Pushing myself to my feet I moved to look out the back window to see a storm brewing a ways away. The two naval Vessels that had been following had stayed behind to ensure none of Ace's crew made it out.

As the storm grew closer I thought I could see one of the ships attempting to escape it.

I jumped And turned around as the cabin door was slammed open and Lance came in followed by his first mate. "Blasts this damn weather! Can't we get one good day without the wind suddenly dropping from our sails?!... why the fuck are the candles out?!" Lance snapped, turning his gaze to me.

All I could do was cower further against the wall, I had nothing to fight with and any harm I inflicted upon him would only be returned tenfold.

"Captain..." Lance's first mate spoke up, drawing his attention away from me, I doubted it was to help me in any way, he just needed Lance to focus on the issue at hand.

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