chapter 3

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'Where did everything turn so right...wrong? God's I'm not even sure anymore– '

I should be ashamed of what was happening right now, should anyone see this I would be made into the laughingstock of the entire island, nothing more than a stain on the family name! Hell, they might even disown me!

Crying out again I dug my nails into the captain's backside as he pounded me into the wall. any woman would be ashamed of such debauchery yet all I could think of right now was simply how wonderful it felt.

I couldn't care less, I just wanted to feel good, for once in my miserable and lonely life. After all, it's not like my position could get any worse within my own household. I've always been treated as an outcast. What difference would this make?

Now that I think about it... why should I care? I was little more than a prisoner with no free will before. I was always told what to eat, what to wear, who to speak to, what to say.

I mean, that's why I ran away right? To be free. To live my own life however I pleased. I don't care what anyone thinks of me, I don't care if this isn't befitting of a lady! I don't want to be a lady anymore, I want to be a woman who does what she wants and says whatever she wants, screw everyone else!

"Come now darling, you are making me do all the work." the captain breathed into my ear with a chuckle before nipping at the side of my neck. I moaned at the feeling as one of his hands squeezed my bum and the other held my thigh.

With my arms around him and my back pressed against the wall, I started moving my hips in an attempt to stir him on but it was hard to keep up with how fast he was going. I never realized before how much energy was put into this.

It wasn't talked about very often in my household by the ladies and the men always made it obscene and disgusting to think about when they described it. No one ever really mentioned how primal and passionate making love felt...did this count as making love? Could it? After all, we were only doing this as a deal made between two strangers.

Turning my head slightly I gazed at the captain's face. He pulled back to glance down between us as he pounded into me and when his eyes came up to meet mine, he smirked. I could see the dark look in his eyes as he stared back at me, but even underneath that hooded gaze and mischievous smirk, I felt like there was something else... something more to this man.

"Something the matter darling? You seem awfully distracted." He leaned in and I suddenly stopped breathing, thinking he might kiss me, but instead, he pressed his forehead to mine and stared into my eyes deeply.

He exchanged His thrusting for grinding as we looked at one another and I was finding it hard to focus as he stirred up my insides and my head became light-headed.

"You need to breathe."

Breathe? How? How do I do that? How have I forgotten how to breathe?! I dug my nails into his back no doubt leaving marks on his skin underneath his clothing as he continued to grind into me. "Come on now, you'll faint if you don't..." he chuckled.

I can't believe this is happening! I can't breathe! I've practically forgotten how to and he's laughing at me! I'm gonna die and he's laughing! Removing my arms from around him I pushed against his chest. Both panicked and upset with his blatant disregard.

The captain paused, looking me over carefully. "Don't tell me you've actually forgotten how to breathe?" Taking his hand off my butt he pulled down my torn Blouse Even more letting My breasts spill out. Eyeing them he adjusted me a little higher up the wall by practically bouncing me then latched onto my breast with his mouth, sucking my nipple with so much vigor.

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